Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
HotLog3.zip 2019-02-05 530.2 kB
readme.txt 2019-02-05 1.6 kB
Totals: 2 Items   531.9 kB 0
Rolf Wetjen (rolf.wetjen@mail.de)
      v 3.3 (2019-02) Rolf Wetjen (rolf.wetjen@mail.de)
        - CheckLogFiles moved to THotLogWriter.Execute
        - THotLogWriter.Execute: F is TFileStreamUTF8
        - References to unit RWUtils removed
        - Additional index FSafeIndex for safe filenames in THLFileDef
        - ddname can be used to set a prefix for safe filenames.
          Filename in this case: ddname-yyyymmddd-hhnnss-FSafeIndex
        - SafeGdgMax now working
        - UseFileSizeLimit, FUseSizeLimit removed.
          Set LogFileMaxSize > 0 instead.
        - References to CodeSiteLogging removed.

      v 3.2.1 (2017-07) Rolf Wetjen (rolf.wetjen@mail.de)
        Bug fixing

      v 3.2   (2017-01) Rolf Wetjen (rolf.wetjen@mail.de)
      	- FormatDateTime(..,Now) replaced with DateTimeToStr
        - THotLogWriter CreateFile & OpenFile with flag FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH

      v 3.1   (2016-05) Rolf Wetjen (rolf.wetjen@mail.de)
        - No need to call THotLog.StartLogging. THotLog.Add... will do this.
        - New property THotLog.Started
        Bug fixing

      v 3.0   (2016-04) Rolf Wetjen (rolf.wetjen@mail.de)
        - Support for Delphi XE7
        - Logfile is UTF8 encoded
        - Heap monitoring changed (GetMemoryManagerState)
        - Ram monitoring changed  (GlobalMemoryStatusEx)
        - Unicode support for "array of const" functions
        - {disk...} tags show information for  all disks
        - Delphi & Lazarus
        - {app_prm} is now a standalone tag
        Bug fixing, of course

Thanks to Olivier Touzot for earlier versions.
Source: readme.txt, updated 2019-02-05