Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Healpix_3.82 2024-09-22
Healpix_3.81 2022-01-26
Healpix_3.80 2021-06-23
Healpix_3.70 2020-07-24
Healpix_3.60 2019-12-19
healpix_bare_1.0 2019-03-18
Healpix_3.50 2018-12-10
Healpix_3.40 2018-07-01
Healpix_3.31 2016-08-26
Healpix_3.30 2016-05-19
Healpix_3.20 2014-12-05
Healpix_3.11 2014-01-29
Healpix_3.10 2013-03-24
Healpix_3.00 2012-12-03
Healpix_2.20a 2011-02-09
Healpix_2.20 2011-02-04
Healpix_2.15a 2010-06-18
Healpix_2.15 2010-06-16
Healpix_2.14a 2010-03-22
Healpix_2.14 2010-03-05
Healpix_2.13a 2009-11-27
Healpix_2.12a 2009-08-06
Healpix_2.12 2009-07-31
Healpix_2.11c 2009-02-20
Healpix_2.11 2008-11-14
healpix 2008-07-24
Healpix_2.01_2005Nov05 2005-11-08
Healpix2_patch01_2005Nov04.tar 2005-11-07
Healpix_2.00_2005Aug31 2005-09-02
README 2022-07-29 2.3 kB
Totals: 30 Items   2.3 kB 168
   The latest version of the HEALPix package (3.82)
     offers the following new features:

                 Bug corrections and Improvements in Version 3.82


     * Corrected documentation of pix2vec routines


     * Cfitsio 4.1.0 (March 2022) and higher now properly supported

Fortran 90 facilities and subroutines

     * Bug corrections in input_map and read_fits_partial,
     * added a workaround for a bug detected in Apple-ARM-chips
       implementation of gfortran 11.
     * Note that cfitsio 4.1.0 or higher is required for Fortran codes
       running on Apple's ARM chips


     * bug corrections in read_fits_map and read_tqu
     * update of the required IDL-astron library routines, and Coyote
       library routines (2022-07-27).


     * Switch to healpy 1.16.1
          + Updated CFITSIO included in healpy to 4.1.0, necessary for
            compatibility with Apple ARM chips
          + Update HEALPix C++ sources to revision 1206 (just maintenance
          + Do not normalize binary arrays
          + Fix unncessary log warning message in plots
          + Fixed double application of margins in visualization functions
            when using subplot syntax and implemented margins parameter for
            mollview, orthview, and azeqview when subplot syntax is not used
          + Fixed reuse_axes=True for cartview and gnomview
          + New features in projview: subplots, remove monopole-dipole,
            labels, tickmarks, graticule, Planck and WMAP colormaps
          + Fixed the CFITSIO version mismatch warning
          + Added colorbar ticks and normalization


  MD5  f71ffbccd3009f5e602fb48b4fa134d5
  SHA1 57b9963340af7c983040892c84d8f6d1a72dd22a

  MD5  a8f735c3e1573176a23d82016989415f
  SHA1 cf7a07cc8fbbf485d60af828e693b361659bf7e7

sources: https://healpix.sourceforge.io/src/3.82/
SVN url: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/healpix/code/branches/
SVN revision: 1221


                    Information on HEALPix


Source: README, updated 2022-07-29