Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README 2011-10-22 5.8 kB
hashload-latest.min.js 2011-10-05 6.7 kB
hashload-latest.js 2011-10-05 14.7 kB
hashload-1.2.2.min.js 2011-10-05 6.7 kB
hashload-1.2.2.js 2011-10-05 14.7 kB
hashload-1.2.1.min.js 2011-09-28 5.2 kB
hashload-1.2.1.js 2011-09-28 14.6 kB
hashload-1.2.0.min.js 2011-09-24 6.7 kB
hashload-1.2.0.js 2011-09-24 14.8 kB
hashload-1.1.0.min.js 2011-09-11 5.3 kB
hashload-1.1.0.js 2011-09-11 11.8 kB
Totals: 11 Items   107.1 kB 0
Hashload JavaScript library
(c) 2011 Ivan Kot, released under the MIT

The library allows to easily handle the hashchange event in multiple browsers,
including IE7+, FF3.6+, Safari, Chrome 6+, Opera 10.6+. In a nutshell, the lib 
provides an API that may be used by a developer to assign callbacks to certain 
hash addresses by specifying a RegExp based rule for each of those. 
Additionally, the library is capable of performing AJAX calls for the 
corresponding (ajax-based) rules and passing received data to the associated 
callbacks. The library has no dependencies.

1. Download the source (either development or minified version)
2. Include the file into a page using the script tag:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/hashload-1.2.0.min.js"></script>

3. After the inclusion Hashloads automatically registers itself within the 
window object and is accessible via the following calls:


All of those are equivalent.
4. Once registered it is time to configure Hashload and setup rules for hash
changes (see section below)
5. Finally, you need to call the init (or run) method to start Hashload

There are several options that may be configured:
1. Default handler - this is a function that will be called for all hash 
changes that are made while the page is opened, unless the skipDefaultHandler
option is set to true (see below). To setup a custom default handler use:
    window.hashload.setDefaultHandler(function(event) {})

The callback receives the event object as the only argument. To reset the 
handler to its default value (a function that does nothing) use the following 


2. Skip default handler - it is possible to either skip the default handler once
or disable it completely. In the first case, use:


In the other one:


3. Pre-dispatch callback - sometimes you may either need to alter parameters or
process the input before an AJAX or simple-callback call is performed. For that
purpose Hashload has the Pre-dispatch callback, in order to setup which you may
need to call:

    window.hashload.setPreDispatchCallback(function(event) {})

This function receives the event object and has a unique opportunity to alter 
the params object that will then be passed to the AJAX call, to update the 
object simply put the new version to

    event.params = {newParam: "newValue"}

IMPORTANT: make sure you return the event object in the Pre-dispatch callback or
it will not work correctly other wise, so always include the following line

    return event

into the callback.
To reset the callback to its initial value call:


1. Adding a rule. In order to make Hashload work you may need to specify a set 
of rules, each based on a specific (RegExp) pattern that will be used to 
identify a hash change. There are two types of rules: 
    AJAX-based rules;
    simple-callback-based rules.

AJAX-based rules mean that before a callback is executed an AJAX call needs to 
be performed, for that purpose Hashload has its own AjaxManager component or 
integrates with jQuery if it's available, i.e. if you don't need to handle that 
by yourself when creating you application. To add an AJAX-based call use:

    window.hashload.addRule(/regexp pattern/i, callback, url, method, params)

method and params are optional, the defaults are:
    method: "get"
    params: {}

The callback function will receive the data as its only argument, so one may 
look like the following:

    function(data) {console.log(data)}

Simple-callback-based rules are used when there is no need to make an AJAX call
after a hash change or if a developer would like to execute it manually. To add
a simple-callback rule you may need to call the same addRule method with the 
following parameters:

    window.hashload.addRule(/regexp pattern/i, callback)

Please note that url in that case is NOT specified, that's how the library 
determines the type of a rule. The callback here will receive the event object 
as its only argument, so it may look like that:

    function(event) {alert(event.hash)}

2. Removing a rule. Sometimes you may need to remove a previously created rule 
in the runtime, to do that you may use the following method:

    window.hashload.removeRule(/regexp pattern/i)

After that the library will remove all of the rules that match the pattern 

3. Replacing a rule, simple as it:

    window.hashload.replaceRule(pattern, callback, url, method, params)

This will replace all rules that match the pattern with a new one that has
the same pattern but different parameters.

The event object that is used within the library and passed to the callbacks has
several additional fields that contain some useful information, the list is:

    hash - field that has the new hash stored in it;
    params - the parameters object that may be altered in the Pre-dispatch 


Below is a sample script that may be used to outline some of the basic features
provided by the library:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/hashload-1.1.0.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.hl.addRule(/photo\/cloud(\d)*$/i, function(data) {console.log(data)}, '/apc.php', 'get')
        window.hl.addRule(/test/i, function(event) {console.log(event.hash)})

For additional information please see the sample folder.
Source: README, updated 2011-10-22