Home / 2024 / xfce
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
StormOS-Pescado-XFCE-2024.10.09-x86_64.iso 2024-10-10 3.7 GB
StormOS-Vida-XFCE-2024.09.24-x86_64.iso.torrent 2024-09-26 63.1 kB
stormos.sh 2024-09-15 2.2 kB
StormOS_SR_v4.6_hybrid_public 2024-08-17 353.9 kB
Stormos_Repo_installer.tar.gz 2022-05-01 613 Bytes
Totals: 5 Items   3.7 GB 96
StormOS Readme ---

StormOS is an Arch Linux based distro designed for brand new users of Linux
moving over from Windows or MacOS. 

Updates 9/15/24 1:17 am

Alright guys, we, the StormOS devs, have made a executive decision. Going forward, the new names for StormOS are gonna be based on Spanish words, not numbered.

Updates 7/6/24 6:30 pm
Alright all we added the Arch Kernel Manager (AKM) allowing you all to easily manage your linux kernels. We will later add the chaotic aur
repos to easily install community-based kernels. We also added an ffmpeg based screen recorder and streaming program.

Updates 5/13/22 5:55 pm
Alright guys I have now made it possible to have the StormOS Utility Program startup as a green tray icon
So in order to Install this go to tab 2 and select  Install minimize to tray and this will install a program and some scripts and automatically reboot the system and also, Don't forget to update your utility program for those who haven't and are on an earlier version of the Utility Program, 
And now for the recent goodies I have added a search option to duckduckgo and a launch a website link in Tab 2. So circling back to the Install to minmize to tray I replaced the Exit button with a "Add Utility Tool to Tray" Incase it closes on you hitting the red x on the top right of the Utility Program. Thats it for now friends. 

Updates 5/11/22 2:40 pm
Well I added a program that uses mpv to stream most online content like youtube and dailymotion and odysee and few other websites directly to you without commercials unless it's 
embedded within the stream and also I provided and installer for that and a launcher for that also known as media player installer and launcher is media stream player launcher.
ALso I provided a shortcut if you wanted to create launchers from the Utility program also this you can place on the desktop or the panel if you wanted.

Updates 5/6/22 7:43 am, I have added Tab 5 to the Utility program with some more information on Arch and on the pacman = (Package Manager) for Arch,  Im doing this in an attempt to help newer users understand  how to use the pacman command a little bit more efficeintly and to gain a better understanding of how and what commands do exactly what. I have provided links to the main arch wiki which rumor has it. It is one of the best wiki's ever created for an operating system I am told. Also I have added a link to the aur which is known as the Arch User Repository. And also I have provided a website with pacman examples.

Updates 5/4/2022 6:57 pm, So we are making a quick announcement step 10 is desgned to help improve battery life and power management this has cpu freguency and tlp and its systemctl commands to enable and start it also. But  I discovered on my dell inspiron that the tlp might disable the web camera and or activate it and cut it off after about 30 seconds this happened to my dell inspiron it might not happen to your laptop, just thought I'd throw in this bit of info. Also we are modifiying the script for step 4 to not only update the arch keyring but we are adding the command sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm to do a full update and install so you dont have to go back to step 2. 

Updates 5/2/2022 1:38 pm, Alright I have made several small changes in the Stormos Utility Program I have removed the lower button to launch a termainl and replaced it with the pamac 
Software Center titled Add/Remove this will help the new user locate and find softwares that they are interested in finding. Also in the 2nd tab under scripts I have added the Wgetm Download manager program this is a front end gui for wget the terminal downloader. Now remember hopefully the updates will push rather soon in the later part of the afternoon.

Ok for the new users that are coming over to StormOS for the first time here is a breakdown of some of the more common commands

What do the commands do?

sudo pacman -Sy synchronizes the software repositories of applications. 

sudo pacman -Syu performs the synchronization but also updates all of your software to the latest version.

sudo pacman -S <package name> will install the software on your system.

sudo pacman -R <package name> will uninstall (remove) the software from your system.

sudo pacman -Ss <package name> will search your system to see if the software is currently installed. 

I suggest copying this and keeping it on file on your pc for future refference.


5/1/2022 8:01 am, So we have added 2 more features to the Stormos Utility Program in tab 1 in 4a we added a maintenance feature for the arch keyring to refresh its info and do an update, also in tab 4 we added a pop out that gives a list and explanations to some of the more common pacman commands in arch. Also we have added some qt fixes and for gtk to see better qt programs and theme it correctly also we re themed and changed and added some icon sets that we liked and changed the look of StormOS and gave it an edition name in honor of my late bast friend my dog Cooper so its called for this month StormOS the Cooper Edition so when you get a chance update the tool and watch for the latest Iso soon to be posted here and again if you have questions join us on our discord server or just come in and say hi.
Seeker and Ben and the rest of the StormOS team.

5/1/2022 1:50 am, OK as you can see now we have uploaded the Stormos_Repo_installer.tar.gz simply extract it to any folder and and then open a terminal and type the following command: sudo chmod +x installer once thats done then type ./installer and then the process begins after a few seconds if eveything is done you'll see the Stormos Utility program appear if not then look for it in the start menu and search for storm. Now I included an uninstaller of sorts this will reverse the process the command is: the name of it is called rinjector 
basically reverseinjector but shotened this will do a  mv command to replc the existing modified which is created durring the install, pacman.conf.bak and back to its original name into pacman.conf located in /etc/ again before it was modified,  then it uninstalls the Stormos Utility Program and removes all traces of it. It also removes and empties out the /usr/local/bin/. Please try not to try to install it again twice this might leave copies of the repo more than once. If you have questions please reach us through our discord channel and we will try to help you.

4/30/2022 9:22 am, Well I spent till 1 am in the morning revising the new Stormos_Repo installer so that it doesnt harm your pacman.conf and what I came up with is simply to create a backup of the original file and then inject the stormos repo into it and install the Utility program, now to get rid of it i reversed the process and moved the backup back to its original location and then uninstall the Utility program. Will have Ben push these 2 new scripts up to sourceforge for you guys soon. I have tested this on Xfce Manjaro and Garuda Xfce and Archman Xfce so far so good, With Xfce Endevour I took off the noconfirm option and let it install its defaults but I got it working there also.
Now the downloader of choice I used was one I modified and I use for most normal downloads is Wgetm Its included in Stormos I know because I enhanced it. And all it really is is a front end gui for wget. Try it out you might like it.

4/28/2022 10:23 pm Ok guys. We at StormOS have decided to release the Stormos Utility program to be used in most vanilla base xfce arch distro's,
Basically what the stormosinjector does is it adds the stormos repos to the arch install of your choice now we have tested this on limited Os's but it works best on base vanilla xfce arch builds. simply download the file make it execuatable and for example: sudo chmod +x stormosinjector then run like this from its current location type ./stormosinjector and launch.

Now warning I would test this in a vm if you want to first. Once satisfied go ahead and and install it on the OS you choose but becareful, 
Also we are not responsible for what this script does but i do encourage you study the command in a text reader if you want first.  
This script is recommended for Novice/Advanced Users Only! Warning has been given. Other wise enjoy.

4/27/2022 6:06 pm. Hello guys we are announcing on  the April 27th, 2022 iso and torrent file. Download and enjoy! thanks, Ben.

4/24/2022 7:32 pm. Alright guys we have a big announcement we have now a torrent file for the StormOS Iso you can use this to download the Iso now also.
Enjoy, Seeker

4/24/2022 1:30 pm. Ok guys I think thats it for now I was considering adding to the recomended games and utilities tab Spotify but thats in the Arch User Repository, But I think we will hold off till May for more updates unless we need to fix something pre-May. So for now enjoy the work that we have put into the Maintenance Utility Program.
4/23/2022 11:44 am. So i fixed an issue when you update the Utility program it left a terminal window in the background open after updating, after some research.
 I found how to kill the original Utility Program and relaunch it without a terminal background.

4/23/2022 2:13 am. I couldn't sleep So I redesigned the Utility Tool/Program. Based on a comment from a Youtuber reviewing StormOS he had  mentioned 
that the installs should be together instead of a second tab. So with that in mind I streamlined it and also added a Block Detail Information button this is lsblk and
also all of the welcome tab has been integrated into Tab 5 now currently Tab 4, with 4 tabs alot of them that had empty spaces have been somewhat eliminated 
while not completly gone some tabs have some empty space still. My goal is to eventually give the new/normal less of a burden of having to look up commands,
and to bring those commands easier to use with just a touch of a button in this case giving the new user a happier experience using Arch and more importantly 
P.S. This update will be pushed out sometime in the morning to afternoon just press the now renamed Update Utility Program. and you will see a major change.
Oh this version is 

4/22/2022 I have added additional functionality to the Utility Tool I added a memory reader/diagnostic reader its install
is Under Tab 3 and in Tab 2 and option 9 is the launcher and also I have made it where the information can be piped out to text also.
That is under Tab 2 step 6. 

4/21/2022 I added a function to black out the screen because for some reason the power managemt isn't working well,
So I created a button for it to trigger the screen/s to go dark to wake them up just move your mouse or touch the keyboard.
It's In Tab 2 option 8.

4/20/2022 Current version Storm OS Maintenance and Utilities program
We have a post install application. 
which autoupdates itself, if you wish to do so, you launch StormOS System Tool, select tab 2 and option 2 first. (Old way)
(New Way) Just click on Update Maintenance Program.

Some of the features that we have added to the Utility Program that we have added was the ability to update the repos and also select 20 Fastest Mirrors.
Also we have an arch keyring updater that will fully update any errors that you may run into installing a program.
We have also added an install for Lshw which will give you the specs on your pc for general information which there is also an option to save it to,
~/Documents folder called info.txt for later bug reporting.

Also I have added installing for Nvidia users Nvidia-Dkms, under utilities and programs I added Warpinator brought over from Mint.
Which also seeks out another pc with the same program within a local network in your home to allow for file sharing.

Under Cups/Printers We have the ability to enable cups and also open up the web interface and also we added and have tested the install of Epson drivers HP included automatically.
Hope you enjoy trying out and using StormOS. Seeker
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2024-09-26