Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
v1.1 2012-08-14
schemas 2012-08-14
wsdl 2012-08-14
xml_samples 2012-08-14
preconf_broker_bpdls 2012-05-11
README 2012-08-14 1.7 kB
GMBS_v2_20120814.pdf 2012-08-14 61.7 kB
javadoc_GMBSv2_20120814.zip 2012-08-14 203.3 kB
GMBS_v1_20120511.pdf 2012-05-15 55.2 kB
javadoc_gmbs_20120511.zip 2012-05-11 198.7 kB
Totals: 10 Items   520.6 kB 0
GMBS - Generic Meta-Broker Service version 2.0.

The Generic Meta-Broker Service (GMBS) is a software component used within the SHIWA project. It can be used to select a DCI for a service of a workflow. The broker selection for a user request is based on historical performance metrics of the brokers/submitters and on the latest aggregated background load of the appropriate DCI. The same interface and methodology is used to support multiple, diverse DCIs.


Supported platforms: Java VM version 1.5 or higher

The project was developed in NetBeansTM IDE 5.5.1.

Preferred container Apache Tomcat 5.5.17.


See: GMBS_v2_20120814.pdf


What's New

Since Version 2.0 multi-job submissions are supported. A parameter study job having a large number of input files to be consumed by independent job instances is called a multi-job. This job type can be denoted in the mbsdl:OtherConstraint field of the job’s JSDL document, by using the multijob tag (see example below and in the sample JSDL). To support multi-jobs, the interface of the service have been changed. The job submission replies with a list of mapped job instances, and these grouped instances have to be reported back after execution separately by calling the signalJobResult method. For more detailed information please see the supplied JavaDoc, and the WSDL of the MBService.

How to build

You need Apache Ant version 1.6.5 or higher to build.

See: http://ant.apache.org/


See LICENSE and NOTICE files.

Source: README, updated 2012-08-14