Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Outdated 2017-04-02
Readme.txt 2017-11-03 2.7 kB
Ginnungagap 1.2.sql.zip 2017-04-02 16.5 MB
Ginnung 1.1 to 1.2 update.sql.zip 2017-03-31 1.1 kB
Totals: 4 Items   16.5 MB 0
Ginnungagap Dawn of Light DB 1.0

NOTE: This DB has been superseded by a new project with a dedicated team.  Take a look at https://github.com/Eve-of-Darkness/db-public

This database is for Dawn of Light, found at http://dolserver.net.  It is a complete data + structure dump, so it will create the dol DB and tables if necessary.

It is based on PlanarChaosRVRTwo's Yggdrasil database, which combined Public_DB, DolPub 3.0, TOA_Hib, and a few other bits and pieces.  Planar's work, along with countless other devs, have made this possible.  I am merely standing on the shoulders of giants.

While this is by no means complete, it is hopefully going to be a solid framework for future developers to build upon.

Tweaked necro pets
Set scale drop rate on dragons to 100%, which fixes drops ignoring the count field
Fixed an issue with druid pet spells which was using summoning spells from one DB source and npctemplates from another, leading to summoning  a full size dragon.  Also added missing procs to druid pets.
Fixed issues with Champion buffs

Atlantis mobs in 1.0 were from two different sources leading to duplication.  Redid it to only use mobs from TOA_Hib.
Repaired Elenora's merchant list
Increased drop count for Xanxicar, Nosdoden, and Myrddraxis, and added more loot to Xanxicar and Nosdoden
Remedied evade/parry being too low on Dread Commander
Added epic zone dragon scale drops on a per mob basis, 25% chance from standard mob, 75% from named
Set non-epic dragons to use the standard brain, as dragon brain made some of them very buggy
Fixed a bunch of DF gear, maulers can now wear their equipment and they even have bonuses now!

Removed a bunch of duplicate itemtemplates which were interfering with drops.
Fixed a bunch of DF procs which had spell proc ids which weren't in the db.
Fixed several styles which either should have multiple effects which weren't all happening, or incorrectly had multiple effects when they shouldn't.
Removed several redundant and unopenable doors in Cotswold.
Set all big dragons to use the dragon brain, and changed the big three to use their unique class types.
Gave mercenaries the ability to use chainmail.
Added Dragon scale drops to the three SI dungeons which should have them.  Still working on epic zone scale drops.
Added merchant inventories to the three dragon scale merchants.
Added Atlantean Glass drops to all Atlantean mobs.
Fixed Cloth Cap and Fine Steel Long Sword, each realm gets the correct version now.
Combined Atlantis mobs TOA_Hib had in both the Hib and Alb Atlantis zones, added both to all three Atlantis zones, and removed obvious duplicates.
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2017-11-03