Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
GA-EoC.jar 2016-04-04 66.3 kB
GA-EoC-exe.tar.gz 2016-04-04 6.0 MB
README.TXT 2015-01-19 2.5 kB
File_S2.pdf 2014-11-20 98.0 kB
Totals: 4 Items   6.2 MB 0
GA-EoC for PloS One

GA-EoC: Genetic Algorithm-based Search Method for Heterogeneous Ensembles
Version-1.1: Uses Prebuilt CV Datasets and CV Models for finding Best Ensembles using the Training Dataset.

Required Libraries:
weka: we use Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) version 3.7.10. The jar file for required version has been included in the "lib" directory. Alternatively, you can download it from publisher's webaite at http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/index.html
libsvm for weka: For using the LibSVM classifier with weka, we have used  Wrapper class for the libsvm library by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin (http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/). The original wrapper, named WLSVM, was developed by Yasser EL-Manzalawy (Yasser EL-Manzalawy (2005). WLSVM. URL http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~yasser/wlsvm/). We have included the required wrappers for using the LibSVM inside the "lib" directory.
java: we used JDK 1.6 for the development of the souce code. If you run the program in a multi-core computer, it will leave 2 processor cores free and use rest cores for this program.

How to Run:
1). Unzip the GA-EoC.zip file into a folder.
2). To execute or run the program from the command line, go to the "lib" folder and type the following command depending on your intended usage:

GA-EoC: Genetic Algorithm-based Search for Heterogeneous Ensembles
Version-1.1: Uses Prebuilt CV Datasets and CV Models for finding Best Ensembles for the Training Dataset.\n

Usage 1: Generate CV Models for use in GA-EoC.\njava -jar GA-EoC.jar <-options optValue>
-t = input trainFileName ../path/name.
-g = flag to Generate CV Data & Model.
-d = output CV Data path.
-m = output Prebuilt CV Models path.
-f = CV folds (default 10).

Usage 2: Generate Full Models for use in GA-EoC.
java -jar GA-EoC.jar <-options optValue>
-t = input trainFileName ../path/name.
-M = output Path for Full Models.\n

Usage 3: Use Prebuilt Models to find Best Ensemble Combination.
java -jar GA-EoC.jar <-options optValue>
-t = input trainFileName ../path/name.
-d = input CV Data path.
-m = input Prebuilt Model path.
-r = Repeat the Process  (default 50).
-l = output Run Logs Path.
-f = CV folds (default 10).

Usage 4: Evaluate the performance of an Ensemble Combination.
java -jar GA-EoC.jar <-options optValue>
-t = input trainFileName ../path/name.
-T = input TestFileName ../path/name.
-M = input Path for Full Models.
-e = input Ensemble Combination.
Source: README.TXT, updated 2015-01-19