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opengalaxy-v0.15-Installer-Win64.exe 2019-06-13 47.8 MB
opengalaxy-v0.15-Installer-Win32.exe 2019-06-13 46.1 MB
README 2019-06-13 9.0 kB
opengalaxy-0.15.tar.xz 2019-06-13 30.8 MB
opengalaxy-0.15_ubuntu-19.04.tar.gz 2019-06-13 16.0 MB
opengalaxy-0.15_ubuntu-18.04.2-LTS.tar.gz 2019-06-13 16.3 MB
opengalaxy-0.15_raspbian.tar.gz 2019-06-13 14.3 MB
opengalaxy-0.15_debian-stretch.tar.gz 2019-06-13 16.2 MB
opengalaxy-0.15_debian-jessie.tar.gz 2019-06-13 16.1 MB
Totals: 9 Items   203.7 MB 1
opengalaxy - a SIA receiver for Galaxy security control panels.
Copyright (C) 2015 - 2019 Alexander Bruines <alexander.bruines@gmail.com>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option)
any later version.

In addition, as a special exception, the author of this program
gives permission to link the code of its release with the OpenSSL
project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that
use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute the
linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License
in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL".
If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your
version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so.
If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
from your version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


- About openGalaxy
- Acknoledgements
- Note about the diffrent lines of Galaxy panels
- Installing openGalaxy
- Preparing, configuring and using openGalaxy
- Using the MySQL database created by openGalaxy
- Building openGalaxy from source:

(Consult the changelog file for changes between versions of openGalaxy.)


This is the final release of openGalaxy in its current form. It was written
as a testbed for me to figure out how to take controle of my Galaxy security
panel. Now that I have done that I realize that there are many design flaws
in the way openGalaxy handles things. The C/C++ code of openGalaxy has also
basicly been 'hacked' together just to get it working...

I have started to write a new project from scratch (but am not sure if I want
to opensource that code).

This release just updates the build scripts so that everything compiles with
the current versions of Debian GNU/Linux and MSYS2 (for Windows).

(The Windows compilation scripts will very likely break again in the
future because MSYS will eventually use a newer library versions then the
build scripts are able to handle.)

About openGalaxy:

openGalaxy is a software tool that listens on a serial port for incoming
SIA formatted alarm messages from a Galaxy security control panel. These
messages are sent to a websocket interface and may optionally be stored
in a MySQL database and/or (on Linux) forwarded by email.

This software is written for use by trained security professionals, but 
it could also be used by a layperson who wants to receive the exact same
messages that are normally send to a private emergency response company.

In addition to just listening for messages, openGalaxy can also be used
to (depending on the panels firmware version) arm and disarm areas,
omit zones, (re)set outputs and even change the programming of zones.

This requires the 'remote' code to access the panel. A complete list of
commands can be found in the file 'API.TXT'

More information about Galaxy control panels can be found on the
manufacturers website for the european market:


openGalaxy is based in part on the work of the libwebsockets project

openGalaxy makes use of MySQL Connector/C 6.1 (libmysqlclient) which is
released under the GNU General Public License version 2 and Copyright (c)
2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for
use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)

openGalaxy is based in part on the work of the wolfSSL project which is
released under the GNU General Public License version 2

This product makes use of zlib. openGalaxy gratefully acknoledges the
contributions of Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler in creating the zlib
general purpose compresssion library.

openGalaxy uses GTK+ 3.0. GTK+ is covered by the GNU Lesser General
Public License (http://www.gtk.org/)

openGalaxy uses jQuery and jQuery-UI whitch are provided under the
MIT license (http://jquery.org/license/).

openGalaxy uses the GNOME Adwaita icon theme witch is released under the
the terms of either the GNU LGPL v3 or Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 United States License.

Note about the different lines of Galaxy panels:

Galaxy security panels have always been backwards compatible
(with the exception of G2 panels). The oldest class of panels are now
called XL (or classic) panels and the new ones G2, G3, Dimension 
and Galaxy Flex.

The Galaxy XL panels may not support all of the functionality
provided by openGalaxy. Their level of support depends on the firmware
version of each of these panels.

I have only been able to test with the panels at my disposal so I do'nt
know about every quirk and caveat, you will have to test that out
for yourself.

On my Galaxy 18 v1.07 for instance the outputs may only be set by type and 
not by address. Also the area and output status can not be fetched or
seems to work but doesn't.

The newest panel that I can test with is a G3-520 v5.57. All functions in
openGalaxy work on this panel and should also work on the newer
(Dimension) panels.

G2 panels are not supported!
The README for openGalaxy version 0.11 stated that G2 panels are supported,
this turns out to be false. The 'INTRUDER G2-44 RS232 LEAD' (model A228)
cable for these panels can only be used to service the panel,
it does not provide SIA access.

Galaxy Flex:
I have never seen one myself (yet), but from what I'm hearing openGalaxy
should also (partially) work with 'Galaxy Flex' panels. Commands can be
send to the panel, but there is no possibility of receiving messages from
the panel (Please correct me if I am wrong!!).



Added 'areaNumber' member to JSON_AREA_ARMED_STATE reply message.

Installing openGalaxy:

For Windows: Use the installer executable.

For Debian, Raspbian and Ubuntu:

  Open a console and navigate to the directory where the .deb files
  are located and execute:

    sudo dpkg -i *.deb

  That command will likely print error messages about missing packages.
  To resolve the missing packages run the command:

    sudo apt-get -f install

  The openGalaxy applications can now be started from the menu, you can
  find them in the 'Network' or 'Internet' section.

  Alternatively they may be executed from the commandline as:

For other Linux:

  There is no installer, you must install from the sourcecode.

Preparing, configuring and using openGalaxy:

Several manual pages are provided to aid in preparing the SSL
certificates, configuring both openGalaxy and the attached Galaxy
security control panel and how to use the openGalaxy applications.

On Linux these 'man' pages are accessible with the commands:

man galaxy.conf
man opengalaxy
man opengalaxy-ca
man opengalaxy-client


On Windows a number of PDF document are installed in the programs


Using the MySQL database created by openGalaxy:

To demonstrate displaying messages written to the MySQL database that
openGalaxy creates, a small example webinterface for installation on a
webserver (like apache2) is included in the example directory:

It is written using php5, JQuery and JQuery UI and displays decoded SIA
messages in a web browser as soon as they are written to a MySQL database.

How to set up a web server is beyond the scope of this documentation, but
the files in the example directory may be copied to the 'docroot' of your
web server. The web server will need to support php5 and you'll need to
adjust the settings in 'example/dbconnect.php'

 The example has not been tested in a long time, so it may or may not work...

Building openGalaxy from source:

If you are interested in building openGalaxy yourself then read the file:

- "README-BUILDING"     For building openGalaxy on x86 Linux computers
- "README-MSYS2.TXT"    For building openGalaxy on x86 Windows computers
- "README-RaspberryPi"  For building openGalaxy on the Raspberry Pi

These readme files are included with the source distribution.

Source: README, updated 2019-06-13