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finita-win32-20161012-1.exe 2016-10-12 11.4 MB
README.txt 2013-08-05 3.7 kB
finita-preview-1.exe 2013-08-05 10.4 MB
finita-preview-0.exe 2013-07-25 10.4 MB
Totals: 4 Items   32.3 MB 0
Finita :: http://finita.sourceforge.net/

What's in this distribution?

This is the self-contained Windows distribution of Finita, a package for solving
complex PDE/algebraic systems of equations numerically using grid methods.

What is Finita?

Finita is package for solving complex PDE/algebraic systems of equations
numerically using grid methods.

Contrary to its closest counterparts, FreeFEM++ and FlexPDE, Finita is
essentially a C source code generator in that instead of solving the problems
directly it generates a C program which is to perform the actual computations.

Finita can currently solve one, two and three -dimensional real and complex
problems on regular grids.

Finita generates either sequental or parallel codes at user's discretion and
makes use of a few widespread high performance (non)linear solvers such as
SuperLU, MUMPS, PETSc etc. User-supplied code is mostly

The auto-generated C source code is highly portable and can be compiled with an
ANSI C compiler on a wide array of systems ranging from Windows workstations to
non-x86 high peformance *NIX clusters with no source code modification.

How to use it?

At user level Finita provides the command-line driver finitac which processes
the user-supplied problem description and generates the C source code. The
Windows installer can augment system-wide path with the directory containing the
finitac executable which can be then called from within command-line shell,
makefiles etc.

The finitac invokation is as follows:
> finitac problem.rb

where problem.rb is the problem description file.

On successful execution the finitac yields a set of C source files and a C
header file which are when accompatied by the hand-crafted C driver constitute a
program for solving the respective problem.

Anything else for Windows users?

Since Finita is a source code generator, it has no inherent capability to
produce the executables hence external C compiler and libraries are needed. There
is a compation project WHPC which provides a complete self-contained environment
for compiling and running the high performance numeric codes on 32 and 64 bit
Windows. Being an independent project it is however designed with Finita in
mind: WHPC and Finita together constitute a complete build and run environment
on Windows for both sequential and parallel execution.

WHPC home page is: http://whpc.sourceforge.net/

Any samples?

A few working examples can be found in the \sample subdirectory of the

Provided that both Finita and WHPC are successfully installed on the system the
instruction for building a sample Cavity problem employing sequential debugging
version of MUMPS linear solver is as follows:

1) Generate C source code cavity.auto.h and cavity.auto1.c

> finitac cavity.rb

2) Build executable cavity.exe

> %CC% -g -o cavity %MUMPS_DSG_CPPFLAGS% cavity.c cavity.auto1.c %%MUMPS_DSG_LDFLAGS% %MUMPS_DSG_LDLIBS%

3) Perform a test run

> cavity.exe

This will result in a few .dat files containing computed physical fields.

For more information on WHPC refer to the respective documentation.

3rd parties?

This installation ships an unmodified Ruby runtime from the RubyInstaller
project. The installer itself is built by the Inno Setup distribution generator.

RubyInstaller home page: http://rubyinstaller.org/ Inno Setup home page:


That's all for now, folks. Happy number crunching!

Oleg A. Khlybov <fougas@mail.ru>
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-08-05