Home / Version 0.4.5
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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Readme.txt 2012-05-19 6.7 kB
ffmp3-0.4.5r3.zip 2012-05-19 229.4 kB
ffmp3-src-0.4.5r3.zip 2012-05-19 379.1 kB
ffmp3-0.4.5r2.zip 2012-05-04 229.5 kB
ffmp3-src-0.4.5r2.zip 2012-05-04 379.1 kB
ffmp3-0.4.5.zip 2012-05-01 229.4 kB
ffmp3-src-0.4.5.zip 2012-05-01 379.0 kB
Totals: 7 Items   1.8 MB 0
* 0.4.5-r3 -> Fixed processor and memory consumption bug from 0.4.5
* 0.4.5-r2 -> Fixed Icecast Metadata-Fetching Bug from 0.4.4
* Added Bulgarian translation
* Added Faredirfare skin!
* Bug fixes
* Make images folder relative to XML file (unless it images path is absolute)
* Add function: change title by JS
* Created LanguageFactory class to facilitate new languages inclusions.

* Added Dead Connection Detection (if no data arrives after 20 seconds, then a
  network error is assumed)
* Fixed Flash internal Mp3 audio synchronization loose on several cases (intro
  audio files, move streamings, change from live to record and vice versa will
  start working!!!)
* Fixed typo in tracking parameter name on HTML form generator. 
* Display metadata inside the player
* Don't launch metadata events if metadata hasn't changed.
* StreamTheWorld metadata XML format support.
* Set Streaming and Fallback URLs dynamically via JavaScript
  (added setUrl(url:String) and setFallbackUrl(url:String) methods to the javascript API).

* Patched OGG Library to support some cases of splitted ogg streamings with bitrate change
  (thanks to Andrew Meakovski)
  -org/xiph/foggy/Demuxer.hx (Diff: 127,128c127,128)  
* Added Intro file support (must include introurl=http://....../introfile.mp3
  - REMEMBER: MUST BE AN MP3 FILE -not ogg, wma, wav, or streaming-)
* Greek translation (Thanks to: Vassilis Kotaras)
* Added automatic language selection (optional)
* Fixed non-standard language descriptors (sp => es, ger => de, nw => nb & nn)
* Change volume control component to decrease volume faster when reaching zero
  (provides a better use feeling).

* Ability to change text align on text information field (check the test skin XML 
  file for reference)
* Now using MantisBT for bug reports and feature requests (to request/report 
  please visit http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/ffmp3/)
* Croatian Translation (thanks to Rafael Ribar)
* Finnish Translation (thanks to Topi Mäenpää)
* Added metadata loader for mp3 streamings (using xspf interface for icecast 
  and html interface for shoutcast) - Note: FFMp3 needs a working crossdoamin.xml
  file configured on your server to use this.
* Added Google +1 and Facebook Like buttons on the website. Also created FFMp3 Twitter
  account (http://twitter.com/#!/FFMp3) - Ok, this is probably not big deal, but may help
  the project grow faster :)
* Added Bidirectional Javascript API (now is possible to play, stop, change volume,
  and to make the player display some text using Javascript).
* Added Source callback information to tell javascript which streaming URL is beeing used.
  (useful if you want to debug or know when you're using the fallback streaming).
* Added Fallback callback information to tell javascript if the streaming in use is the 
  fallback signal.
* Fixed dropdown menu missing when skin parameter has an error in the skin-configurable
* Added classid parameter to the auto generated html code, to allow Bidirectional
  Javascript API work on internet explorer.
* Replaced FlashDevelop 2 project file for FlashDevelop 3 and 4

* Dutch Translation (thanks to Gerard Hollemans)
* Hungarian Translation (thanks to Tajti Róbert)
* Polish Translation (thanks to Piotr Kozłowski)
* Fixed compilation issues under Linux and Mac: (thanks to Michael Krause)
  * Renamed OggSound.hx to OGGSound.hx (case correction) 
  * Renamed volumeControl.hx to VolumeControl.hx (case correction)
* Compatible/compilable with haXe 2.08.
* Added Fallback Signal Support (in case of error in one signal, starts using the second)
  - Check FAQ section for more details.

Changes to the Player:
* Compatible/compilable with haXe 2.06.
* Added VHolder mode for volume control skin component.
* Updated Ogg Library so:
  - Solved metadata issues with OGG.
  - More audio qualities supported in OGG Streaming!
* Added metadata events and metadata control objects - Check FAQ section for more details.
* OGG Metadata delivery via javascript  - Check FAQ section for more details.
* Refactored player Class.
* Changed javascript API calls to using flash.external AP
* Configurable Buffering Time - (only for Mp3 streamings. must add buffering=X in flashvars)
* Now FFMp3 keeps playing buffered content while reconnecting in case of network error.
* Added Russian Language

Changes to the Web:
* Fixed FAQ explanation on crossdomain and mime.types issue for windows and linux users.
* Fixed broken link to Shout-Stream Wordpress Plugin.
* Removed "Coming Features" section.
* Added "ChangeLog" section.

Changes to the Web HTML Code Generator:
* Added default option AllowScriptAccess=Always into web html code generator to avoid issues 
  when including the player from another host.
* Provide an easy way to enable/disable tracking in the web html code generator.
* Validate "Volume" value at web html code generator.
* Added Buffering Time option at the web html code generator.
* Added JSEvents Enable/Disable Option at the web html code generator.

* Fix on CodeGenerator @ download page (now replaces spaces with %20)
* Norwegian Translation (thanks to Erik Paulsen Skålerud)
* Turkish Translation (thanks to Tarkan Kaya)
* Poruguese Translation (thanks to Miguel Vidal)
* Fixed bug when pressing play multiple times in a very short time (like double clicking 
  the play button, reported by Tarkan Kaya)
* Added support for Javascript Events (inform player events to javascript)

* Context menu whith link to ffmp3 website.
* More languages (FR, GER, IT)
* Added Version String to Tracking code (Tracking remains optional).

* Configurable Skin via XML and Images
* More Skins!

* Drag over the volume bar
* Mouse wheel for volume bar (In FF doesn't works if wmode is enabled)
* Status Led
* Complete Refactor of player, UI and Main clases
* Skins Interface
* Players Interface (to add OGG and others in the future)
* Abstract-Reusable graphics component for the volume bar
* Typified status (one step to internationalization)
* FlashDevelp Project including outputs for Different Skins on the same project.
* Internacionalization
* Google Analytics Tracker (just when user clicks play, but can disable with tracking=false)
* OGG Player
* Get a Logo (an Argentinean Cardinal Bird)
* Volume parameter
* Codec parameter
* Welcome parameter
* Interface for new playable formats Class
* Added Security Error control (for missing or restrictive crossdomain.xml when using OGG)
* New Website
* HTML Code Generator @ Website

* Can't remember...
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2012-05-19