Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
eu4 2020-02-03
eu3 2020-02-03
EuJAPI.zip 2020-02-07 2.8 MB
readme.TXT 2020-02-03 1.1 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.8 MB 0
# Euphoria and JAPI

This project enables the Euphoria programming language to access the Java Swing library through the JAPI interface.

Two versions are provided:

* one to run on the RDS version of Euphoria
* one to run on the Open Euphoria version of Euphoria

Each folder is self-contained, having three sub-folders:

* bin: for the executables
* include: for the required Euphoria extension libraries
* demo: for the very simple example

In both cases the **demo** folder contains both the simple app and the means to run it.

Running a (strictly the first) application invoking the JAPI interface opens up a logging and remote access app. Once active, which can take a while the first time, you can utilise it for debugging as the procedure **j_setdebug** enables different levels of diagnosis (default = 0).

The site [[https://userpages.uni-koblenz.de/~evol/japi/japi.html]] gives the documentation for the Eu3 japi library and is largely accurate for the Eu4 version, although an alternative for that version is supplied in the repository.
Source: readme.TXT, updated 2020-02-03