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EPG Collector Version 4.2


	1 Introduction

	    1.1 Overview
	    1.2 Application data directory
	    1.3 Acknowledgements

	2 Getting started

	    2.1 Installing the software

            2.2 Standalone collections
		2.2.1 Creating standalone collection parameters
		2.2.2 Running standalone collections		

	    2.3 The DVBLink plugin

  	        2.3.1 Installing the plugin		
		2.3.2 Creating plugin collection parameters
		2.3.3 Using the plugin
		2.3.4 Comparison of output methods
		2.3.5 Log files			    

	3 Using EPG Centre

	    3.1 Creating and changing collection parameters
	    3.2	Maintaining programme categories

		3.2.1 Standard categories
		3.2.2 Custom categories
		3.2.3 Location of files

	    3.3	Maintaining tuning parameters		

	    3.4 Running a collection
	    3.5 Searching for EPG data

	    3.6 Dumping a transport stream

	    3.7 Analyzing a transport stream

	    3.8 Other functions

	4 The EPG collection process

	    4.1 Exit codes
	    4.2 The collection log
	    4.3 Metadata lookup
	5 Using the data

	  5.1 Using the XMLTV file
	  5.2 Importing to Windows Media Center
	      5.2.1 Overview
	      5.2.2 Configuring Windows Media Center

	  5.3 Importing to DVBViewer or the Recording Service

	6 The DVBLogic channel update process

	  6.1 Introduction
	  6.2 Restrictions
	  6.3 Operation
	  6.4 Resolving problems

	7 Creating additional files

	  7.1 Introduction
	  7.2 The area/region/channel cross reference file
	  7.3 The BladeRunner file
	  7.4 The SageTV frequency file  

	Appendix 1 Collection parameters
	Appendix 2 Issues with tuners
	Appendix 3 Windows Media Center programme categories
	Appendix 4 DVBLogic programme categories
	Appendix 5 DVBViewer programme categories
	Appendix 6 Installation directory structure


1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

EPG Collector is a Windows package for collecting DVB or ATSC EPG data. It can retrieve and process the following EPG formats

	MediaHighway1 and 2
	Bell TV (44 hour and 9 day extended formats)
	Dish Network (44 hour and 9 day extended formats)
	SiehFern Info

It can receive data from the following types of tuner. A Microsoft BDA compatible driver must be installed for all tuners
except Sat>IP.

	DVB terrestrial
	DVB satellite
	DVB cable
	Clear QAM
	Sat>IP (DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2 and DVB-C)

It also has facilities for DiSEqC switching including custom commands. 

The EPG data received can create an XMLTV file, be imported directly to Windows Media Center 7 or DVBViewer and its related 
Recording Service or be passed to DVBLink TVSource.

It can be used on all versions of Windows from Windows XP SP3 onwards.

There are 3 distinct parts to the package.

	- EPG Centre which is the user interface to the package and is responsible for maintaining collection parameters and the 
	  data files that are used to support collection. In addition, it can run the standalone collection process and has 
	  facilities for viewing collection logs, the XMLTV output file and dumping and analyzing a transport stream.

	- EPG Collector which is the data collection program itself. This is a command line program that can be run from EPG Centre, 
	  run manually or run from a scheduled task. It is also used by the DVBLogic plugin to collect the data before passing it 
	  to TVSource.

 	- DVBLogic plugin for seamless collection of data from within TVSource. It uses EPG Collector to collect the data.

The package requires version 4 or later of the .Net Framework to be installed.

1.2 Application data directory

Throughout this document reference is made to the application data directory. This varies depending on the version of Windows 
and whether or not the user running the software has Administrator privileges. The various locations are as follows:

	Windows XP	C:\Documents and Setting\All Users\Application Data\Geekzone\EPG Collector
	Vista/W7	C:\ProgramData\Geekzone\EPG Collector

	Windows XP	C:\Documents and Setting\%user%\Local Settings\Application Data\Geekzone\EPG Collector
	Vista/W7	C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Geekzone\EPG Collector

Note that parts of these paths are normally hidden. EPG Centre will list the location of the directories it uses in the 
log on loading. These are visible using the General log view.

1.3 Acknowledgements

This project was not possible without the help and encouragement of many people. It was initially inspired and supported by 
forum members at Geekzone where the enthusiasm shown got the project started.

There are some individuals who need special mention though having provided outstanding support to the developers.

musicman352000, New Zealand
ideasman69, Australia
Tony B, Australia
Ben Ryder, UK
Ozgur Altun, Turkey
Paul White, UK
Mark Frankland, UK
DRCars, United States


2. Getting started

2.1 Installing the software

The package is available as a Windows Installer file (msi) or as a zipped collection of files. Both formats have the 
same contents. The package does not install any drivers or DirectShow filters, nor does it store or alter any 
registry settings.

It is not necessary to uninstall any old version before installing a new version.

If you install from the Windows Installer file a shortcut is installed on the Desktop to run EPG Centre.

The file structure in the zip file must be maintained when it is unzipped.

The directory structure after installation is described in Appendix 6.	

2.2 Standalone collections

The following steps are carried out to collect EPG data using standalone collections:

	1. Load EPG Centre.
	2. Select File - Create Collection Parameters.

	3. Select a preset task or if none of the tasks in the list are appropriate select Custom Parameters.

	4. Fill in the various tabs. For simple collections it may not be necessary to adjust any of the default settings. At
	   a minimum the Tuning tab will need to be completed identifying the delivery system and frequency or channel
	   that is to be used.

	5. Select File - Save As and save the parameters.

	6. To check if the parameters are correct select Run - Collect EPG Data. When asked if the parameters currently loaded
	   are to be used answer 'Yes'.

	7. The collection process will run and it's progress can be seen in EPG Centre.

	8. A message will appear when the collection process is complete, normally within a minute or two.

	9. If the collection did not work Select Window - Collection Parameters to adjust the parameters, save them and try again. 

	9. If the collection was successful a command file can be created to run the collection on a regular basis. How to do this
	   can be found in section 2.2.2 below.

A more detailed description of the above process follows.

2.2.1 Creating standalone collection parameters

Standalone collection parameters are created and maintained using EPG Centre. A single parameter file can be  used to collect data for 
multiple frequencies on the same or different delivery systems (ie satellite, terrestrial, cable etc).

If different delivery systems are chosen in a single parameter file the tuner appropriate for each frequency will be used.

By default the parameters are saved to the application data directory but can be saved to any location for which the user has write

EPG Centre uses a series of tabs for the collection parameters to be specified. The functions of the various tabs are as follows.

	1. Tuning tab

	   This tab must be completed. It specifies the tuners to be used, the delivery systems and the frequencies or channels
	   to be scanned.

	2. Output tab

	   This tab is optional. It contains parameters that directly affect the output data and where it is created.

	3. Channels tab

	   This tab is optional. It is used to exclude channels from the collection process or rename and/or renumber them.
	   Do not use this tab if there are a large number of channels on the frequencies to be processed. Use the Filters
	   tab instead.

	4. Filters tab

	   This tab is optional. It enables channels to be included or excluded in bulk.

	5. Timeshift tab

	   This tab is optional. It enables data to be created for timeshifted channels (ie the +1 hour type of channel)
	   where no data is broadcast for the timeshifted channel.

	6. Repeats tab
	   This tab is optional. It may be needed if the Output tab option is chosen to check for programme repeats in
	   Windows Media Centre. It enables programmes to be excluded from the repeat check.

	7. Advanced tab

	   This tab is optional. It contains various options that are only used in relatively unusual collection scenarios. One
	   field that may need to be set is the Country field as this is mandatory for OpenTV data collections.

	8. Diagnostics tab

	   This tab is optional. The fields should only be set under the direction of the developer.
A detailed description of all the parameter settings available is in Appendix 1.

2.2.2 Running standalone collections

Once the collection parameters have been created the collection process can be run. This can be initiated from EPG Centre, from the
command line or from a command file. All 3 methods run the same program, EPG Collector.exe.

To initiate a collection from EPG Centre select Run - Collect EPG Data. Any parameters currently loaded into EPG Centre can be used
or an existing parameter file chosen.

As the collection process proceeds the messages that are written to the collection log file also appear in EPG Centre.

The Stop button can be used at any time to abandon the collection.

To run the collection process from the command line open a command window and navigate to the installation directory. Then enter
the following command

	EPGCollector.exe /ini=full path and name of parameter file

If the path or name of the parameter file contain spaces the parameter must be encosed in quotation marks. For example

	EPGCollector.exe /ini="C:\Temp\FreeSat Parameters.ini"

As the collection process proceeds the messages that are written to the collection log file also appear in command window. The
'Q' key can be used to abandon a collection at any time unless the option has been set in the parameter file that indicates
the collection is being run from a Windows service.

Setting up a collection as a scheduled task is a two step process.

	1. Create a command file (.cmd) which runs the collection process. This can be done using any text editor (eg Notepad) and
	   should contain the following commands.

		cd \full path of installation directory
		EPGCollector.exe /ini=path and name of parameter file

	   If the path or name of the parameter file contain spaces the parameter must be encosed in quotation marks. For example

		EPGCollector.exe /ini="C:\Temp\FreeSat Parameters.ini"

	2. Use Windows Task Scheduler to create the scheduled taks. This procedure is different on Windows XP or Vista/Win7 but
	   the result is the same. A task is created that runs the command file at the specified time on a regular basis.

Whichever method is used to run collections it is advisable to check the collection log on a regular basis to ensure collections are 
working correctly. The log can be viewed using EPG Centre or manually using a text editor. The information is held in a text file named
EPG Collector.log in the application data directory.

2.3 The DVBLink plugin

2.3.1 Installing the plugin

Additional steps are needed in addition to installing the package to transfer the plugin module to the location required
by TVSource. There is also an additional step if the zip version of the software is installed from a network drive.

EPG Centre is used to transfer the plugin module to the correct location and it is necessary to have Administrator privileges to do this 
because the TVSource EPG directory is in the Windows programs directory structure. The easiest way to ensure this is to use 
'Run as Administrator' when loading EPG Centre. This is available either by right clicking on the desktop icon or by navigating to 
the file EPG Centre.exe and right clicking on it.

The additional steps are as follows:

	1. Load EPG Centre with Administrator privileges. 

	3. Select File - Update DVBLogic Plugin.

	4. Select the path to the TVSource EPG directory.

	5. If the DVBLink server process has used the plugin previously a message will be displayed indicating that the plugin is in use.
	   The option is provided to stop and restart the DVBLink server process so that the plugin can be updated.

	5. The plugin module will be transferred to the selected directory.

	6. Repeat for any other TVSource EPG directories if there is more than one source defined in TVSource.

If additional sources are added to TVSource at a later time repeat this process for the newly created EPG directory.

If the zip version of the software was installed from a network drive using the Windows Extract option there is one additional step 
needed due to the Windows security system.

Navigate to the install directory and right click on the file named DVBLogicPlugin.dll and select Properties. Then click on the 
Unblock button.

As noted above, this step is only needed if all the following conditions occur

	- the zip version of the software is installed
	- the files are extracted using the Windows Extract option (not extracted using WinZip)
	- the files are extracted from a network drive 

2.3.2 Creating plugin collection parameters

EPG Centre must be used to create a parameter file for each frequency that is to be scanned for EPG data. The parameter
file will contain parameters and options that control the plugin collection process in the same way as the standalone process.

When running EPG Centre to create or update the parameters it is necessary to have Administrator privileges because the parameter
files are held in the same location as the plugin in the Windows programs directory structure. The easiest way to ensure this is 
to use 'Run as Administrator' when loading EPG Centre. This is available either by right clicking on the descktop icon or by 
navigating to the file EPG Centre.exe and right clicking on it.

When the plugin parameters are saved only the directory where the parameters are to be saved is entered. This is because 
each frequency has its own parameter file and the file name reflects the frequency. The parameters must be saved in the 
EPG directory of each source.

A detailed description of all the parameter settings available is in Appendix 1. The settings available are a subset
of those available to standalone collections reflecting the different nature of the collections. However, the settings 
that are available for plugin collections function in the same was as they do for standalone collections.

2.3.3 Using the plugin

The following steps are carried out to collect EPG data using the plugin. The description applies to DVBLink version 4. The DVBLink 
plugin must have been transferred to the TVSource EPG directory as described above in section 2.3.1 before carrying out this 

Although there are a large number of steps the result is the automatic collection and population of the Windows Media Center programme
guide every 12 hours by TVSource without any user interaction.

	1. Load EPG Centre.
	2. Select File - Create DVBLogic Plugin Parameters.

	3. Select a preset task or if none of the tasks in the list are appropriate select Custom Parameters.

	4. Fill in the various tabs. For simple collections it may not be necessary to adjust any of the default settings. At
	   a minimum the Tuning tab will need to be completed identifying the frequency to be used.

	5. Select File - Save As and save the parameters. They must be saved to the TVSource EPG directories.
	6. Load the DVBLink Configuration program.

	7. Select the Sources tab.

	8. Click on the 'spanner' symbol for a source. The TVSource Configuration window will appear.

	9. Select the EPG Scan tab.

	10. The EPG Collector for DVBLogic should appear in the list at the top of the tab. If it doesn't, it means that the plugin module
	    has not been transferred to this source's EPG directory and the process described in 2.3.1 above should be carried out.

	11. Double click the EPG Collector line in the list.

	12. Ensure the Status column is ticked to make the plugin active.

	13. Under Default scanning presets click 'None'.

	14. In the Additional transponders to scan list tick all the transponders for which parameter files have been set up for.

	15. Click the 'Yes' button.

	16. Click the Scan button to test the plugin for all the transponders that have been selected. The collection process will be run by TVSource
	    and when it finishes, which may be several minutes, the list of stations with data will appear. The EPG stats button will also show
	    how much data has been collected.

	    Note: If the plugin parameters have not been set up to pass the data directly to TVSource then, at the end of the collection process, TVSource
	    will report that no data has been collected. The EPG Collector log must be checked to determine if the collection succeeded.

	17. Click the Save button to save the settings.

	18. Select the Channels tab.

	19. Select the EPG Sources tab. The data on this tab shows where the EPG data for each channel is to come from. Automatic EPG source
	    assignment can be used to do this for all channels in the list at once or they can be assigned individually.

	20. To assign individual channels select the channel in the left hand list and then double click on the relevant entry in the right
	    hand list. The left hand list is then updated to contain the selected source, EPG name and EPG ID. The EPG ID for the plugin begins with
	    the name 'dvblogiccpplugin'.

	21. When all necessary channels have been set correctly click the Save button.

	22. TVSource will now automatically scan the transponders selected in step (14) every 12 hours and use the data collected to populate the
	    EPG for all the channels marked in steps (19) and (20) and using the plugin.

Step 19 describes the settings if the data collected is passed directly to TVSource. If the plugin parameters specify that the data collected
is to be imported directly to Windows Media Center the EPG Source field should be set to 'None'. If the plugin parameters specify that an
XMLTV file is to be created then it depends on the use made of the XMLTV file. If it is merely placed in the TVSource XMLTV directory the 
EPG Source should be set the XMLTV source and if it is processed by some other software (eg BSEPG) the EPG Source should be set as described
for that software.

Note that the plugin can only be run manually from within TVSource. It cannot be run from EPG Centre. 

2.3.4 Comparison of output methods

The EPG data collected can be passed directly to TV Source by the plugin or it can be written to an XMLTV compliant file
if it is to be processed further or it can be imported directly to Windows Media Centre.

The advantages and disadvantages of the various methods are as follows:

	Passed to TVSource

	Advantages - Setup of EPG can be done entirely within DVBLink Server Configuration. No other software needed.

	Disadvantages - Extended and custom programme categories not available

	Create XMLTV file

	Advantages - Other software (eg BSEPG) can be used to enhance the data prior to import to Windows Media Centre

	Disadvantages - Programme categories and programme colour coding not supported unless BSEPG used.

	Windows Media Center import

	Advantages - Extended and custom programme categories and programme colour coding supported. No other software needed.

	Disadvantages - Additional setup may need to be done in Windows Media Center.

2.3.5 Log Files

The plugin outputs logging information to the normal EPG Collector log, not to the TV Source log. The contents can be viewed
using the EPG Centre.


3. Using EPG Centre

EPG Centre is the user interface to the package. It is used to create and maintain the parameter files used by the collection process
as well as other files that the collection process needs.

In addition it can run the standalone collection process, check what types of EPG are present for a frequency and dump the 
broadcast data for later analysis.

The logs created by the collection process and the XMLTV file created can also be viewed.

3.1 Creating and changing collection parameters

EPG Centre is used to create and change collection parameters for both standalone collections and the DVBLogic plugin. The File menu 
contains the relevant options.

When creating new parameters a set of predefined tasks are available. These can either be used as they are or modified to suit specific 

Setting up the collection parameters involves filling in the data on various tabs displayed by EPG Centre. The tabs and their functions
are as follows:

	Tuning		Specifies the tuning parameters and the types of data to be collected.
	Output		Defines the destination and the processing to be applied to the data collected.
	Channels	Allows channels to be excluded from the collection or renamed and/or renumbered. This tab is intended for those
			broadcasts with relatively small numbers of channels.	
	Filters		Allows for the bulk inclusion and exclusion of channels. This tab is intended for those broadcasts with large
			numbers of channels. It can be used in conjunction with the Channels tab.
	Timeshift 	Permits data to be created for time shifted channels that have no broadcast data.
	Repeats		Allows for exceptions to the repeat programme checking to be defined.
	Edit		Allows text embelishments added by the broadcaster to programme titles and descriptions to be removed.
	Lookups		Adds metadata to programmes (eg posters, cast/crew, star ratings) by accessing Internet databases.
	Advanced	Contains various advanced fields and options that should not be necessary in normal use.
	Diagnostics	These fields should only be used under the direction of the developer.

The tabs shown for creating and changing the DVBLink plugin parameters are nearly the same as above. The Tuning tab is replaced
by the Input tab and the fields available on that tab reflect the fact that the plugin does not access the tuner hardware directly.

Any existing parameters are not permanently changed until the new settings are saved.

Standalone collection parameters can specify multiple frequencies in the same parameter file. When the collection is
run a single merged set of data will be created. 

When DVBLink plugin parameters are saved only the directory where the parameters are to be saved is specified. This is because 
each frequency has its own parameter file and the file name reflects the frequency. If the DVBLink installation has multiple sources 
the parameters must be saved in the EPG directory of each source.

3.2 Maintaining programme categories

Some types of EPG data categorize programmes and some media players, especially Windows Media Centre, take advantage of this 
feature to provide enhanced grouping and searching facilities of the programme guide.

Not all types of data support programme categories. The types that do support categories are as follows

	Dish Network
	Bell TV

Custom categories are available to allow for data where there is no category data in the broadcast. They can also be used to 
supplement the broadcasters data or optionally override it.

EPG Centre is used to maintain the categories. Under the 'File' menu choose 'Change Program Categories'. 

If OpenTV categories are being changed the relevant file must then be selected as OpenTV categories are specific to a country.

If MediaHighway categories are being changed the relevant file must also be chosen as the categories are specific to a protocol
(MediaHighway 1 or 2) and the frequency. New files can also be created.

The other data types have a single file so do not need any futher selections before the data can be edited.   

3.2.1 Standard categories

Each of the protocols that support programme categories is maintained slightly differently due to the way in wich the category
is identified but they all follow a similar pattern.

The fields that can be entered are as follows:

	Category identification

		This is the identifier for the category and may consist of a single field or a main and sub field. It is mandatory.


		This is the category description that will be output for any matching programmes. It is mandatory.

	Media Centre Description

		See Appendix 2 for details of this field. This description is optional.

	DVBLogic Description

		See Appendix 3 for details of this field. This description optional.

	DVBViewer Description

		See Appendix 4 for details of this field. This description is optional.

3.2.2 Custom categories

EPG Centre provides facilities for maintaing custom categories from the File - Change Custom Program Category options. These can
be used where the type of data does not use categories (eg MHEG5) or the broadcaster chooses to not broadcast them.

Custom categories are matched to programmes by specifying a tag which is matched to the progamme titles and descriptions. If the
programme title or description matches the tag the programme is assigned the category. 

A dialog will appear that enables the relevant information to be entered. There is no limit on the number of categories that can 
be defined.

The fields that can be entered are as follows:

	Category Tag

		This field is used to identify the programme. It is matched against the title and description and if a match occurs 
		the programme is assigned the relevant category. The category tag is mandatory.

		Special characters are used to indicate inexact matching. 

		If the tag is preceeded by the '<' character the tag is matched againt the beginning of the title and description. 
		If the tag is terminated by the '>' character the tag is matched against the end of the title and description.
		If the tag is enclosed by '< and '>' the tag can appear anywhere in the title or description.

		If none of these special characters is used the tag must match exactly with the title or description. The comparison is
		case insensitive.

		So, for example, the following tags

		one news at 6
		<One News
		at 6>
		<News at>

		will all match the program with a title or description of One News at 6.

	Custom Description

		This is the category description that will be output to the XMLTV file for any matching programmes. It is mandatory.

	Media Centre Description

		See Appendix 2 for details of this field. This description is optional.

	DVBLogic Description

		See Appendix 3 for details of this field. This description is optional.

	DVBViewer Description

		See Appendix 4 for details of this field. This description is optional.

Examples of custom categories

	Tag: One News at 6
	Custom description: TVNZ Main News
	Media Centre description: National News,Main,isNews
	DVBLogic description: News
	DVBViewer description: 2,1

	Tag: <TVNZ News at
	Custom description: Other TVNZ News
	Media Centre description: National News,Other,isNews
	DVBLogic description:News
	DVBViewer description: 2,1

	Tag: <Johnny Depp>
	Custom Description: Johnny Depp
	Media Centre description: Favourite Movie Stars,Johnny Depp,isMovie
	DVBLogic description: Movie
	DVBViewer description: 1,0

	Tag: <Angelina Jolie>
	Custom Description: Angelina Jolie
	Media Centre description: Favourite Movie Stars,Angelina Jolie,isMovie
	DVBLogic description: Movie
	DVBViewer description: 1,0

3.2.8 Location of files

The standard set of category files are installed in a sub-directory of the installation directory. However, if you change any of these 
files with EPG Centre the updated file will be written to the application data directory.

The collection process searches for the relevant category files in the application data directory first before falling back to the
standard category files in the installation directory.

You can therefore revert to the standard category files by simply deleting the relevant file in the application data directory
if it becomes necessary.

The custom category file is always created and updated in the application data directory.

3.3 Maintaining tuning parameters

3.3.1 Overview

EPG Centre uses a large set of tuning files to make it easy to select the frequencies to scan when setting up the parameters
for running a collection. There is a separate group of files for each of the delvery systems (eg DVB satellite, ATSC etc).

Information from the tuning files is transferred to the collection parameter file when the collection parameters are saved. The
original tuning files are not referenced when a collection is run. All the tuning information comes from the collection
parameter file.

Occasionally the tuning files may need updating due to omissions or errors and EPG Centre has facilities for doing this.

After selecting the delivery system a dialog appears to select the frequency. New frequencies can be added as well as existing
frequencies changed.

The tuning details for the selected frequency can then be entered or changed and the tuning files will be updated.

If collection parameters have been loaded into EPG Centre prior to changing the tuning files, any relevant tuning details will be 
changed when the tuning files are updated. When the collection parameters are saved the new values will be written to the parameter file.

However, if the tuning files are updated prior to loading the collection parameters into EPG Centre, the relevant frequencies
will need to be deleted and re-selected for any changes to the tuning parameters to be applied to the collection parameters.

3.3.2 Location of files

The standard set of tuning parameters are installed in a sub-directory of the installation directory. However, if you change any of these 
files with EPG Centre the updated file will be written to the application data directory.

EPG Centre searches for the tuning parameters in the application data directory first before falling back to the
standard tuning files in the installation directory.

You can therefore revert to the standard tuning files by simply deleting the relevant file in the application data directory
if it becomes necessary.

3.4 Running a collection

Select Run - Collect EPG Data to run the standalone collection process. If collection parameters are currently loaded in EPG Centre they
can be used for the collection or a new set chosen.

The progress of the collection will be displayed in EPG Centre and it can be abandoned at any time by clicking the Stop button. When
it completes a message will be displayed with the exit code which should be zero for a successful collection.

Note that EPG Centre cannot be used to run a DVBLogic plugin collection.

3.5 Searching for EPG data

Select Run - Find EPG Data to search a frequency or channel for the different types of EPG that can be processed. The tuning parameters
must be entered in a similar way to entering them when setting up collection parameters.

Normally the collection timeout of 60 seconds is sufficient. Click the Start Find button to begin the search.

The process will tune to the frequency or channel selected. Note that it needs exclusive access to the tuner selected. The process
examines the data received for the different types of EPG and when it completes, displays the results indicating which protocols are 

Note that the process only examines the standard PID's for the presence of data. Some protocols, notably EIT, are sometimes broadcast on
non-standard PID's and the search will not find them. However, collections can still be made for non-standard PID's as there are 
collection parameters available on the EPG Centre Advanced tab to specify the PID's to be used.

3.6 Dumping a transport stream

Select Run - Dump Transport Stream to create a file of broadcast data. The tuning parameters must be entered in a similar way to 
entering them when setting up collection parameters.

The collection timeout of 60 seconds is sufficient for most protocols. The volume of data in a transport stream is significant, often 
200-300 Mbytes. The amount of data can be significantly reduced by selecting specific PID's to be dumped.

If more than 1 PID is entered they are separated by a comma. They can be entered in decimal or hexadecimal.

Click the Start Dump button to begin the transfer. Progress is displayed at the bottom of the window indicating the size of the file.

3.7 Analyzing a transport stream

Select Run - Analyze Transport Stream to examine the PID's and tables being broadcast on a frequency or channel. The tuning parameters 
must be entered in a similar way to entering them when setting up collection parameters.

Normally the collection timeout of 60 seconds is sufficient. Click the Start Analysis button to begin the collection and analysis. When
it is finished the results are displayed showing the PID's received and the tables within those PID's.

Where possible the PID's and tables are identified and listed with the protocol names (eg Service Description).

The presence of EPG data can be detected with this function but it needs to be used with caution. Data is only valid if both the PID
and it's associated table(s) occur together. For instance a table may be identified as Event Information Now/Next but unless it is 
listed for the Event Information PID it is not EIT data.

3.8 Other functions

3.8.1 Clear History

The EPG Collector history file contains a single line summarising the result of each collection. It has no maximum size although should
never grow to an unacceptable size.

This function can be used to clear it although it is not normally necessary.

3.8.2 Clear General Log

The EPG Collector log contains information about the actions of EPG Centre and the progress of collections. It will be a maximum size
of 8 Mbytes.

This function can be used to clear it although it is not normally necessary.

3.8.3 Clear Sat>IP Log

The Sat>IP log contains information about the actions and messages involved in accessing Sat>IP tuners. It will be a maximum size
of 8 Mbytes.

This function can be used to clear it although it is not normally necessary. The function is only available if Sat>IP tuners
are detected.

3.8.4 View History

This function can be used to view the contents of the EPG history file. On loading EPG Centre shows this display. Before any collections
have been run this file is empty.

3.8.5 View General Log

This function can be used to view the entire contents of the EPG Collector log file. If a collection is run the view shows 
just the progress of the current collection.

3.8.6 View Sat>IP Log

This function can be used to view the entire contents of the Sat>IP log file. The function is only available if Sat>IP tuners
are detected.

3.8.7 View Other Logs

From time to time other logs may be created, normally triggered by entries on the Diagnostics tab. This function allows those
logs to be viewed.

A dialog will appear to enable the log file to be chosen.

3.8.8 View Output File Unformatted

This function enables the XMLTV file to be viewed. It is displayed in the basic XML format.

A dialog will appear to enable the file to be chosen.

3.8.9 Find

This function enables the log and file views to be searched for specified text. A dialog will appear that enables the text to search for
and other search parameters to be entered.

3.8.10 Filter

This function enables the log and file views to be reduced in size. A dialog will apppear that enables the filtering conditions to 
be entered.


4. The EPG collection process

4.1 Exit codes

The following exit codes are returned by the standalone collection process. They can be tested for in a command file.

	0 = run successful, all data collected
	1 = no DVB tuners detected
	2 = failed to open the initialization file
	3 = the initialization parameters are incorrect
	4 = the command line is incorrect
	5 = a program exception has occurred
	6 = run completed but data incomplete
	7 = cancelled by user
	8 = the initialization parameters do not match the tuner configuration or there is a parameter conflict.
	9 = cannot write log file
	10 = some frequencies could not be processed
	11 = the output file could not be created
	12 = the simulated input data failed
	13 = run completed normally but no data collected
	14 = no BDA tuner filter located
	15 = the hardware filter chain could not be built
	16 = the DVBLogic plugin could not be started

4.2 The collection log

The EPG Collector log file is updated by both EPG Centre and the collection process. It contains a large amount of information
regarding the operation of both components and is especially useful for tracking down problems with collections.

It will not exceed a maximum size of 8Mbytes and will be written to the application data directory.

4.3 Metadata lookup

4.3.1 Introduction

As an option, additional data can be added to each EPG entry by looking up the programmes on internet databases. This 
feature is enabled using the Lookups tab in EPG Centre and can be individually enabled for movies and TV series.

The TMDB database (www.themoviedb.org) is accessed for movies and the TVDB database (www.thetvdb.com) for TV series. Both 
are free to use and open to the public and downloading data to a local PC is within the terms and conditions of use. The databases are 
maintained by the internet community.

4.3.2 Searching for meta data

Each EPG entry is firstly examined to determine if it is a movie and if it is then the internet movie database is accessed. If
no information is found on the movie database or if the entry is not considered to be a movie then it is checked to see if it 
part of a TV series and if it could be then the internet TV database is accessed.

A programme will be considered as a movie if the broadcast data contains category information for movies or if the programme duration
falls within the time limits entered on the Lookup tab in EPG Centre. This defaults to 150 minutes.

A programme will be considered part of a TV series if the broadcast data contains any of the various forms of series link or the
description contains series and episode information.

An option is also provided override the check for a TV series and to process every EPG entry that is not a movie as a TV series.

The programme title from the EPG entry is used to search the internet databases. This often returns multiple hits so the lookup process
matches the programme title with the entries returned from the search looking for a match. 

The type of matching can be selected using an option on the Lookup tab. The options range from an exact match being required which
results in accurate data but less matches to 'fuzzy' matching which results in more matches but less accurate data.

4.3.3 Download data

The data downloaded from the internet databases is slightly different for movies and TV series. 

For movies it can be

	Poster images
	Cast and crew including producers, directors and writers
	Star rating

For TV series it can be

	Poster images
	Cast and crew including directors, writers and guest stars
	Star rating

	The crew information will only be downloaded if a specific episode can be identified.

Movies or TV series may not have complete information. It depends on how much has been entered into the internet database so for example 
the cast may be available but no producers or directors. The star rating is present in most cases.

Note that the information in the internet databases is entered and kept up to date by members of the internet community and as such
can have errors and omissions. In addition, the star rating is generated by the opinions of internet community, not by any commercial

4.3.4 Local data

To reduce processing time, data obtained from the internet databases is stored locally in the data directory. The movie information
is held in a file called Movie Database.xml and the TV series information is held in a file called TV Series.xml.

Poster or thumbnail images that are downloaded are also stored in the data directory but in a Movie or TV Series sub-directory of
the Images directory.

The local databases and image directories only hold data relevant to the latest completed collection. Data that has been downloaded
but is not required for the latest collection is automatically deleted.

This is to firstly ensure that the local databases don't get too large and secondly to comply with the terms and conditions of the
internet databases from where the data originates.

4.3.5 Runtime considerations

Downloading data from the internet databases is a time consuming process, especially for large collections of EPG data. As described
above to mitigate this problem the lookup process creates 2 local databases in the data directory, one for movies and another for 
TV Series. These are populated as programmes are located in the internet databases.

The local databases will be accessed first and only if no entry is found will the internet databases be interrogated.

The Lookup tab in EPG Centre has a time limit for the lookup process. Until the EPG Collector log shows that the lookup process
completed rather than timed out it should be set to as high a value as is practical. For example, 600 minutes might be reasonable.

When the log shows that the lookup process has completed this indicates that the local databases are complete for the current set of EPG
data and the only internet lookups required from now on are for new programmes so the time limit can be set to a lower value. 60 minutes
could be a starting point. Setting the timeout value too high does not cause problems as the collection process will end when all lookups 
have been completed.   

One other option on the Lookup tab controls what happens if a programme is not found on either of the internet databases. If
the option is not set then an entry is made in the appropriate local database indicating the programme has no additional metadata
available and no futher internet lookups will be made for the programme until it disappears from the collection data.

However, if the option is set then subsequent collections will attempt an internet lookup again. This may find data if the internet 
databases have been updated.

Note that any tuner hardware used in the collection process is released before the meta data lookup process begins.


5. Using the data

5.1 Using the XMLTV file

If an XMLTV file is created it can be imported to the destination system in a number of ways. One method which adds value
to the data is to use Big Screen EPG (BSEPG).

If the XMLTV file is to be passed through BSEPG it is worthwhile setting the option on the EPG Centre Output tab to indicate
BSEPG compatability as this can result in the correct series links being generated with some data sources.

If you are using DVBLink it can process the XMLTV file directly by setting the source up to use an XMLTV file and setting
the output directory on the EPG Centre Output tab to point to the correct TV Source directory.

5.2 Importing to Windows Media Center

5.2.1 Overview

There is an option on the Output tab of EPG Centre to transfer the data collected directly into Windows Media Center (WMC).
This option is available for both standalone collections and for the DVBLink plugin.

If this option is selected, once the data collection is successfully completed, an MXF file is created and the WMC
utility LoadMXF is run to import the data. Progress on the loading process is reported in the EPG Collector log

It is a requirement that the LoadMXF utility is installed in the WMC ehome directory. If it is not the import
will fail. Messages are output to the EPG Collector log file showing which location is used to load the utility.

There are 4 additional options related to importing data to WMC on the Output tab.

The first option is the import name. This field is mandatory if separate collections consisting of different channels are
imported into WMC. This is because the channels are grouped into lineups in the MXF file and the LoadMXF utility deletes 
the channels for a lineup from the WMC database before loading the new set. 

This option is used to give each lineup a different name so that only the channels in the collection being run will be 
replaced. If this field is not entered the default value of 'EPG Collector' will be used.

This name also appears when a channel listing is edited using WMC.

The second option is used to automatically link the EPG data collected with a channel. If this option is not selected it will
be necessary to manually edit each channel using WMC to link the EPG data. Setting this option means this is not necessary.
The import process reads all the necessary linking information from the WMC database before creating the MXF file.

The third option is used to mark all programmes as part of a series. Normally the collection process marks programs
as part of a series automatically using the broadcast data but in some circumstances this can be unreliable. If that
is the case set this option.

The fourth option is used to disable the internal WMC guide loading process. Sometimes the data obtained in this way can
clash with the data collected by EPG Collector. 

Setting this option creates 2 registry entries used by WMC. Note that the first time this option is chosen, once the 
collection is complete, the machine must be rebooted as WMC only reads the contents of the registry settings once on startup. 

5.2.2 Configuring Windows Media Center

Configuration is needed in WMC if

	- the EPG data is not automatically linked to the relevant channels or
	- WMC is able to collect EPG data directly from the broadcasts it receives

If either of these conditions exist then each channel concerned must be edited as follows.

	1. Navigate to the programme guide.
	2. Click on the channel name.
	3. Click 'Edit Channel'.
	4. Click 'Edit Listings'.
	5. Click 'Disable Inband' if necessary.
	6. Scan the list of EPG sources and click on the relevant entry.
	7. Click 'Save'

Repeat this process for all the required channels.

5.3 Importing To DVBViewer or the Recording Service

There is an option on the Output tab of EPG Centre to trigger the transfer of data directly from the collection process into
either DVBViewer or the related Recording Service.

In the case of the Recording Service the current EPG data can also be deleted before the transfer of the new data takes
place. The port that the Recording Service uses for the import of data is also specified on the Output tab of EPG Centre.

If you choose to import to DVBViewer note that it must be loaded and running when the collection process attempts to 
import the data.

Irrespective of whether the data is imported to DVBViewer or the Recording Service, the collection process accesses the 
tuners directly so they must not be in use by DVBViewer or the Recording Service when the collection process starts. The 
collection process does not use the NetStream plugin.


6. The DVBLogic channel update process

6.1 Introduction

The channel update process uses data from the broadcast to automatically update some of the configuration files used by 
DVBLogic, namely those it uses to define physical and logical channels.

This feature is independent of EPG data collection in that it runs after any EPG data has been collected and processed, whether
it is used to create an XMLTV file, imported to Windows Media Center or imported to DVBViewer.

It can be used to set up the relevant DVBLogic configuration files from scratch, either because no channel scans have been done
or the option is set in EPG Centre to overwrite all the existing data.

Do not enable this feature unless you are a competent DVBLogic user. If any problems occur it may be necessary to rebuild
your DVBLogic installation or to restore the configuration files.

6.2 Restrictions

This feature currently has the following restrictions

	- it is only available in standalone collections. It cannot be run from the plugin.
	- it is only available for satellite broadcasters
	- it cannot be used in North America

6.3 Operation

Once EPG data collection is complete the channel update process begins.

The following DVBLogic files are the target of the update:

	TVSource_Settings.xml (one for each source)

The logical channel information is held in the dvblink_channel_storage file while the physical channel information 
ie the actual hardware tuning information is held in each of the TVSource_Settings file. 

The dvblink_configuration file holds a field that controls the allocation of new logical channels.

To show that a file has been updated by EPG Collector a 'generator-info-name' attribute is written to the start of the

Each of the transponders used by the broadcaster is tuned in turn and the channel information that is broadcast for the
transponder is used to update the DVBLink files if necessary with new channels, channel changes (eg tuning parameters, name
changes) or the deletion of channels that are no longer present.

A channel that moves from one transponder to another is considered an addition to the new transponder and a deletion from the
old one. It is not considered a change.

The broadcast information updates the physical channel information in the TVSource_Settings file(s) but this will trigger updates
to the logical channel information in the dvblink_channel_storage file if new channels are added or channels deleted. Name changes
may also cause updates to the logical channels.

Updates purely to tuning parameters (eg modulation, FEC) do not update the logical channels.

During the update process the DVBLINK server process/service may be stopped. This can occur early in the update process if
certain updates are necessary or at the end of the update process to cause DVBLink to load any changes that the update process
has made to the configuration files.

The DVBLink server process will be automatically restarted before the update process terminates if it has been stopped.

The EPG Collector log file is used to report extensively on the update process. The broadcasters transponder map can optionally be
logged and in addition the logical channels and related physical channels present after the update process are logged.
6.4 Resolving problems

Before the update process changes any files it creates backup copies of the existing files in the same directories but with a
suffix of .bak. In the event of problems these files can be copied back over the updated files to restore the previous

When reporting any possible update problems it is essential that as much information as possible is provided. This should 
include the following

	- EPG Collector log file
	- The DVBLink configuration files after the update
	- The bak files created by EPG Collector before the update took place

When reporting any channel tuning problems to DVBLogic it is essential that the configuration files used to tune have not
been changed by EPG Collector. It is unreasonable to expect DVBLogic personnel to waste time on issues that may have been created
by EPG Collector. 

To this end, if tuning problems occur a channel scan should be used to reset the configuration files and tuning attempted again
before reporting the problem.

7. Creating additional files

7.1 Introduction

As part of the collection process additional files can be created that don't directly relate to EPG data. This is because of the
availability of control information transmitted by the broadcaster.

All extra files are optional and are created after the normal collection process has finished. The destination for each file
can be specified using EPG Centre.

7.2 The area/region/channel cross-reference file

7.3 The BladeRunner file

7.4 The SageTV frequency file

Appendix 1 Collection Parameters

This appendix gives detailed information on all the fields and settings that can be made when creating or changing collection

The fields and settings are grouped by the tabs on which they appear in EPG Centre.

Appendix 1.1 The Tuning Tab

There are 2 types of tuning tab, one for standalone collections and one for DVBLogic plugin collections. The differences reflect the
fact that standalone collections access the tuner hardware while DVBLogic plugin collections do not.

For standalone collections any number of frequencies can be selected and added to the list with each having a different collection
type. The data collected from all the frequencies will be combined on output.

For plugin collections each set of parameters only defines a single frequency as the plugin is run on a per frequency basis by TVSource.

The various fields and options are used as follows:


	List of available tuners

		The list shows the tuners available. DVBLogic virtual tuners will not appear as they cannot be used by EPG Collector
		as they do not pass the relevant control information.

		If the option to use any available tuner is selected, when the collection is run the first tuner that is not in use 
		and is appropriate for the frequency being collected is used.

		Except in the case of Sat>IP tuners, EPG Collector requires exclusive access to the tuner during 
		the collection process.

	Delivery System

	A tab will be shown for each type of tuner that has been detected.

	DVB Satellite		


			Contains a list of all the satellites defined in the DVB-S configuration parameters.


			Once a satellite is selected contains the frequencies in kilohertz and the polarization
			defined for that satellite in the configuration parameters.

		Collection Type

			Once a frequency is selected contains the default data type for that frequency. However, any
			required collection type can be chosen.

		LNB Type

			This parameter is only relevant to North America and, in addition, will only be enabled for 
			those satellites with band stacking.

			It contains a list of the types of LNB available with the Dish or Bell TV networks.

			If Legacy is selected the tuning parameters are used as selected.

			If DSS or FSS is selected the frequency and polarization are adjusted as necessary prior to tuning. Conversion only
			occurs if the polarization for the selected frequency is linear horizontal or circular left. 

		LNB Low Band

			Set with the LNB low oscillator setting in kilohertz.

		LNB High Band

			Set with the LNB high band oscillator setting in kilohertz.

		LNB Switch

			Set with the LNB switch value in kilohertz. If you set the LNB switch value to zero, when the collection
			is run a very high number (20000000) is used to ensure the tuner driver does not turn on the 22kHz signal. This
			is consistent with other applications that control LNB's


			There is a list of default LNB settings that are accessed by repeatedly pressing this button The list 
			represents the following
				9750000,  10600000, 11700000	standard universal LNB (commonly found in Europe)
				10750000, 10750000, 0		single oscillator LNB
				11300000, 11300000, 0		single oscillator LNB
				10700000, 10700000, 0		single oscillator LNB
				10600000, 10600000, 0		single oscillator LNB
				11250000, 11250000, 0		single oscillator LNB (North America)


			Specifies the DiSEqC switching requirements for multiple dish configurations.

			The list supports the following ports:

			1. Simple port A or B.
			2. Ports AA, AB, BA or BB. These use committed commands for switches supporting DiSEqC 1.0 and may 
			   also be known as ports A - D.
			3. Port 1 - 16. These use uncommitted commands for switches supporting DiSEqC 1.1.
			4. Port AA1 through AB4. These use a combination of committed and uncommitted commands for switches that 
			   support both DiSEqC 1.0 and 1.1.

			As an alternative you can enter custom DiSEqC commands in the box at the top of the list. Each command is 
			entered as a series of hex values with one or more spaces separating each byte. Multiple commands can be 
			entered separated by the ':' (colon) character. Multiple commands are transmitted to the switch separated by
			a 150 msec gap.

			So, for example, the uncommitted command to switch to port 2 would be entered as e0 10 39 01. DiSEqC commands
			specify port numbers starting from zero.

			Note that values entered manually are not validated. If the correct switching does not occur first check 
			the EPG Collector log which lists the DiSEqC commands as they are transmitted. If a manually entered value
			is formatted incorrectly the transmitted value will be seen in the log as a string of zeros.


			This button adds the current settings for the fields to the list at the bottom of the tab of selected

	DVB Terrestrial


			Contains a list of all the countries that have tuning files.


			Once a country is selected countains a list of areas for that country in the tuning files.


			Once a country and area is selected contains the frequencies in kilohertz and the polarization
			defined for the country and area in the tuning files.

		Collection Type

			Once a frequency is selected contains the default data type for that frequency. However, any
			required collection type can be chosen.


			This button adds the current settings for the fields to the list at the bottom of the tab of selected
	DVB Cable


			Contains a list of cable providers.


			Once a provider is selected contains the frequencies in kilohertz and the polarization
			defined for that provider in the tuning files.

		Collection Type

			Once a frequency is selected contains the default data type for that frequency. However, any
			required collection type can be chosen.


			This button adds the current settings for the fields to the list at the bottom of the tab of selected



			Contains a list of ATSC providers.


			Once a provider is selected contains the channels defined for that provider in the tuning files.

		Collection Type

			Once a frequency is selected contains the default data type for that frequency. However, any
			required collection type can be chosen.


			This button adds the current settings for the fields to the list at the bottom of the tab of selected

	Clear QAM


			Contains a list of Clear QAM providers.


			Once a provider is selected contains the channels defined for that provider in the tuning files.

		Collection Type

			Once a frequency is selected contains the default data type for that frequency. However, any
			required collection type can be chosen.


			This button adds the current settings for the fields to the list at the bottom of the tab of selected

	ISDB Satellite

		This tab contains the same fields as the DVB Satellite tab but for ISDB-S broadcasters.

	ISDB Terrestrial

		This tab contains the same fields as the DVB Terrestrial tab but for ISDB-T broadcasters.

	Tuning Options

	Use signal present when tuning if signal lock and signal quality fail

		Select this option if the signal is weak but is good enough to receive data.

	Check tuner is not in use before changing DiSEqC switch

		With some tuner hardware it is possible to change a DiSEqC switch even though the tuner is in use by another

		Select this option to ensure that can't happen.

	Repeat DiSEqC command if first attempt fails

		Some tuner drivers report an error on the first attempt to change a DiSEqC but change it correctly on a second

		Select this option if that is the case.

	Change DiSEqC switch only when graph running

		Some tuner drivers will only change a DiSEqC switch once the DirectShow graph that contains them is in the
		running state.

		Select this option is this is the case.

	Change DiSEqC switch only after tune request

		Some tuner drivers will only change a DiSEqC switch once the request to tune has already been made.

		Select this option is this is the case.

	Use DiSEqC commands instead of LNB source

		Some tuner drivers only change a DiSEqC switch using DiSEqC commands rather than the Windows API.

		Select this option if that is the case. This option is only relevant to the generic DiSEqC handler.

	Disable driver DiSEqC commands

		Some tuner drivers will send their own commands to a DiseQc switch causing EPG Collectors changes to fail.

		Select this option to stop that happening. This option is only relevant to the generic DiSEqC handler.

	DiSEqC handler

		Normally EPG Collector will automatically select the correct handler for the tuner hardware so the entry
		in this list can be left at Default.

		However in special circumstances a specific selection can be made from this list. 		

	Selected Scanning Frequencies

	Frequency list

		The list contains all the frequencies that will be scanned for data. They will be processed in the order of the 

		If a frequency already exists in the list when the Add button is used there is an option to either overwrite it
		or to add the same frequency again. This enables different types of data to be collected on the same frequency.


		Enables all the details for a selected frequency to be displayed. The button will be available if a frequency in the 
		list is selected.


		Enables frequencies to be deleted from the list. The button will be available if a frequency in the list is 
Appendix 1.2 The Output Tab

The output tab defines where the collected data should go and what processing should be applied prior to output.

Once the output method is chosen the relevant options are made available.

The various fields and options are used as follows:

	Output Method

	Create an XMLTV file

		If this option is chosen the data collected is written to an XMLTV specification file.	

	EPG Collector imports the data to Windows Media Center

		Selecting this option transfers the EPG data collected directly into the Windows Media Center database which can
		then be seen in the TV guide.

		The file TVGuide.mxf will be created in the data directory and loaded into Windows Media Center using the Microsoft
		utility program LoadMXF.exe.

	EPG Collector imports the data to DVBViewer or the Recording Service

		Selecting this option transfers the EPG data collected directly into DVBViewer or the related Recording
		Service. The data can then be seen in the TV guide.

	TVSource imports the data to Windows Media Center (DVBLogic plugin parameters only)

		If this option is chosen the data collected is passed directly to TVSource at the end of the collection and TVSource 
		then imports it to Windows Media Center.	

	General Options

	Extract channel logos from broadcast data

		If this option is selected the channel logos, broadcast as part of the EPG data, will be extracted and stored
		and referenced in the XMLTV file or loaded directly into Windows Media Center.

		Restrictions: This option is only relevant to MHEG5 collections in New Zealand.

	Create data for channels with the same name if data not present

		Some broadcasters have channels with the same name on which they transmit the identical programmes with regionalised 
		advertising. The EPG data can sometimes be omitted for the duplicate stations to reduce bandwidth and selecting
		this option creates data for those channels that would otherwise not have any data.

		Restrictions: This option is currently only applicable to New Zealand terrestrial MHEG5 collections.

	Use the description as

		This option controls how the programme description and extended description that is broadcast  with the EIT
		protocol is processed.

			Default    the description and extended description are processed in the standard manner and 
				   concatenated together.
			Category   the description is used as the programme category and the extended description is used as the
				   programme description. At the present time this only applies to Multichoice broadcasts in
				   South Africa.

			Subtitle   the description is used as the programme subtitle and the extended description is used as the
				   programme description.

		Restrictions: This option only applies to the EIT protocol.	

	Round the programme times to the nearest 5 minutes

		If this option is selected programme times that are not multiples of 5 minutes will be adjusted. Any time up to 
		3 minutes over will be rounded down and any time over 3 minutes will be rounded up. The duration of the programme
		will be adjusted accordingly.

	Don't remove extracted data from titles and descriptions

		The collection process scans programme titles and descriptions looking for information such as cast and series and
		episode information.

		If this information is located it is extracted into the relevant fields for output and removed from where it was

		If this option is selected it is not removed and will still be visible when the EPG data is viewed in a media player.

		Restrictions: This option is only relevant to MHEG5 and OpenTV data.

	Don't log small gaps between programmes

		Some broadcasters allow for the advert breaks in the EPG data. These will be reported as gaps in the collection log
		unless this option is selected.

	Don't log excluded channels

		Some types of data, notably Dish Network data, has a very large number of channels and most of them will be excluded
		from the collection.

		To reduce the length of the log and make it more readable select this option.

	Only output data if channel relevent

		Sometimes broadcasters transmit EPG data for channels that cannot be received (eg regional broadcasting). If this
		option is set that data is ignored during the collection process.

		Restrictions: This option is only relevant to DVB terrestrial and DVB cable transmissions.
	XMLTV Options

	Path	The full path name of the XMLTV file to be created.

		The default file name is TVGuide.xml and it is placed in the data directory. It will overwrite any existing version
		each time a collection is run.


		Enables a search for the path to be made.

	Format of the channel ID

		Allows the format of the channel ID tag in the XMLTV file to be defined. The possible values are:

			Default (service ID)
			User channel number
			Sequential number
			Full channel identification

		The sequential number option numbers the first channel 1 and increments by 1 for each subsequent channel. Note that
		successive runs won't necessarily produce the same channel ID's.

		The user channel number option is not available for all data types. In particular it will not work for the following

			Bell TV
			Dish Network
			EIT (some broadcasts will work - see below)
			Australian MHEG5
			Siehfern Info

		New Zealand EIT broadcasts will work but with others it will be necessary to try the option to determine if it 
		will work correctly.

		The full channel identification option creates the channel ID tag with the network ID, transport stream ID, servICe ID
		and channel name.

	Format of the episode tag.

		Allows the format of the episode tag in the XMLTV file to be defined. The possible values are:

			Numeric part of CRID
			Full CRID
			BSEPG compatible
			Valid season and episode numbers only
			Not output

		The default creates a standard episode tag using the season and episode numbers where available.

		The options using the CRID (content reference ID) are only applicable to MHEG5 and FreeSat data. These options should
		be used if the software that processes the XMLTV file can use the episode tags in this non-standard format.

	Create an LCN tag containing the user channel number

		If this option is selected an extra tag (LCN) will be added to each channel in the XMLTV file.

		This option is not available for all data types. In particular it will not work for the following

			Bell TV
			Dish Network
			EIT (some broadcasts will work - see below)
			Australian MHEG5
			Siehfern Info

		New Zealand EIT broadcasts will work but with others it will be necessary to try the option to determine if it 
		will work correctly.

	Create an audio description tag

		If this option is selected an <audio-description> tag will be written to the XMLTV file indicating if an
		audio description is present in the data broadcast.

		This tag is not part of the XMLTV standard and is therefore only of use to any custom software that may
		process the XMLTV file.

		Restrictions: This option is currently only applicable to OpenTV and MHEG5 collections.

	Windows Media Center Options

	Import name

		The import name is used to identify and group the channels involved in the import process to Windows Media Center. It 
		will appear in Windows Media Center if the channels are manually edited to link them to the EPG data.

		If multiple EPG collections of different sets of channels are imported to Windows Media Center it is essential that 
		each collection has a different import name. If this is not the case each succeeding collection will remove the
		channels from the previous collection and they will not be accessible in Windows Media Center.

		If this field is not completed the default name of 'EPG Collector' will be used.

	Automatically map EPG data to channels

		If this option is selected the collection process interrogates the Windows Media Center database to enable it to
		link the data received with the channels defined in Windows Media Center.

		If this option is not selected it is necessary to use the Edit Channel function in Windows Media Center to manually
		link the data received with the channel defined in the Windows Media Center TV guide. This will only need to be 
		done once after the first data collection has been made or if the Windows Media Center database is recreated.

	Flag 4 star rated programmes as special

		If this option is set any programme that is rated as 4-star will be flagged with the special attribute and will 
		appear coloured orange in the programme guide.

		Note that star ratings are not always available from the broadcast data but may be downloaded using the metadata
		lookup feature (see section 4.3).

	Disable in-band guide loader

		Windows Media Center has it's own in-built EPG loader. In most cases it doesn't matter if this is running in
		addition to EPG Collector but in a some cases it can cause corruption of the programme guide.

		Selecting this option sets the registry entries that stop the built in EPG loader from running. Note that the 
		machine must be rebooted the first time EPG Collector is run with this setting for it to take effect.

	Use built in repeat checking

		Select this option to use the standard Windows Media Centre repeat checking. If this option is not set
		EPG Collector controls how Windows Media Centre detects programme repeats.

		Note that the Repeats tab need not be used if this option is set.

	DVBViewer Options

	Create the output file in a format that can be processed by Xepg

		If this option is selected the tags in the XMLTV file will be created in the format expected by Xepg.

	Import the data to DVBViewer directly

		If this option is selected the data collected will be transferred directly into DVBViewer. An XMLTV file will
		not be created.

	Import the data to the Recording Service

		If this option is selected the data collected will be transferred directly into the DVBViewer Recording Service. An
		XMLTV file will not be created.

	Format data so that subtitle is visible

		Setting this option changes the layout of the program guide when viewed in DVBViewer or the Recording Service.

	Clear existing data before importing

		The option to import into the Recording Service must be selected for this option to be available. It will clear 
		existing EPG data from the Recording Service before the data just collected is imported.

		If this option is not selected the data just collected will be added or will overwrite existing data. In most cases
		selecting this option is the correct course of action.

	Use IP Address(es)

		Normally EPG Collector will import the data to the Recording Service on the local machine. This field enables the data
		to be loaded to any machine on the local network that is running the Recording Service.

		The field is entered as a list of semicolon delimited IP addresses with optional usernames and passwords if the
		port on the remote machine has been secured.

		IP address(username/password);IP address(username/password)....

		Note that if a list is entered and the local machine is to be included it is specified as


		Three machines will be loaded including the local machine. The second machine requires a username and password as
		the port is secured.

		If this field is left blank EPG Collector will import to the local machine.


		Specifies the UDP port to use to transfer the data to the Recording Service. The default value is 8089. If this value
		does not match that set up in the Recording Service the import will fail.

		If a list of IP addresses is entered the same port must be used on all the machines.

Appendix 1.3 The Files Tab

The Files tab enables additional files not related to EPG data to be created as a by-product of the collection process. Three
types of file can currently be created.

All three files need the broadcast data to contain channel specific information. If this information is not present the file 
cannot be created.

The files are created after the normal collection process is complete.	

	Area/region channel file


		If this option is enabled an additional file  will be created containing cross-reference information that can 
		be used in other software to maintain channel information.		


		The full path of the output file. If this field is left blank the file will be created in the application
		data directory with the name AreaRegionChannelInfo.xml.

	BladeRunner channel file


		If this option is enabled an additional file will be created that can be used as input to the BladeRunner software.


		The full path of the output file. If this field is left blank the file will be created in the application
		data directory with the name ChannelInfo.xml.

	SageTV frequency file


		If this option is enabled an additional file will be created that contains channel definitionas in the format
		required by SageTV.


		The full path of the output file. If this field is left blank the file will be created in the application
		data directory with the name SageTV.frq.

	    Don't create channel if no EPG data present

		If this option is selected only channels that contain EPG data will be present in the frequency file.
	    Satellite number

		This field is only relevant to DVB-S and then only to multi-satellite installations. It should be set to the
		SageTV satellite number for the satellite being processed.

Appendix 1.4 The Channels Tab

The Channels tab enables channels to be excluded, renamed and/or renumbered on an indivdual basis. It is used for those broadcasts that 
contain small numbers of channels and should be used instead of the Filters tab in that situation.

The list is initially empty. To fill it complete the Tuning tab with the frequencies to scan and then press the Start Scan button.

All the frequencies selected will be scanned and the list filled with the channels located. They can then be excluded, renumbered or

If a channel scan has already been carried out for the Timeshift tab it is not necessary to scan again and the list will appear
already filled.

	Channel list


		If selected omits the channel from the collection process.

	Channel number

		The user channel number. A new number can be entered if required and will appear in the XMLTV file if the option
		to output user channel numbers in place of the service ID is chosen.

		Restrictions: XMLTV output only.

	New name

		The new name of the channel. This field is optional and if it is entered will be output to the XMLTV file in place
		of the original channel name.

		Restrictions: XMLTV output only.


	Start scan

		Begins scanning the frequencies entered on the Tuning tab for channel information. The text of the button will change
		to Stop Scan which can be used at any time to abandon the scan process.

		Each attempt at scanning will add any new channels to the list. New frequencies can be entered on the Tuning tab and
		the Start Scan button used as often as required.


		Clears the list.

	Include all

		Clears all the excluded settings.

	Exclude all

		Sets all the excluded settings.

Appendix 1.5 The Filters Tab

The Filters tab enables channels to be excluded on a bulk basis. It is used for those broadcasts that contain large numbers of 
channels and should be used instead of the Channels tab in that situation. 

Channels that are to be included in the collection process are specified on this tab with all others being excluded.

The various fields and options are used as follows:

	Included Channels


		The frequency the filter is to be applied to. This field is only relevant when a single collection run has
		multiple frequencies.

		The list will contain all the frequencies entered on the Tuning tab.

	Original network ID

		The original network ID of the channels to be included in the collection process. This field is optional.

		If it is present all the channels that have a matching original network ID and satisfy any other fields 
		entered will be included in the collection process. 

	Transport stream ID

		The transport stream ID of the channels to be included in the collection process. This field is optional.

		If it is present all the channels that have a matching transport stream ID and satisfy any other fields 
		entered will be included in the collection process. 		

	Start service ID

		The first service ID of a range of channels to be included in the collection process. This field is optional.

		If it is present all the channels that have a service ID less than it and satisfy any other fields entered
		will be included in the collection process. 

		If it is ommited the end service ID field cannot be entered.

	End service ID

		The last service ID of a range of channels to be included in the collection process. This field is optional.

		If it is present all the channels that fall within the range of the start and end service ID's and
		satisfy any other fields entered will be included in the collection process. 

		If it is ommited the start service ID field cannot be entered.

		Creates a new entry from the fields completed and adds it to the list.


		Deletes entries from the list. This button will be available when an entry is selected.


	Maximum service ID

		This field is optional and specifies the maximum service ID for channels that are to be included in the
		collection process.

		If it omitted there is no restriction on the maximum service ID that will be accepted.

Appendix 1.6 The Timeshift Tab

The timeshift tab enables data to be created for time shifted channels (eg +1 channels) when the broadcaster doesn't provide any. It is 
necessary to fill in the Tuning tab before data can be entered on this tab.

If a channel scan has already been carried out on the Channels tab the results will appear in the Source Channel and Destination
Channel lists. Otherwise it is necessary to use the Scan button to scan for channels using the data set up on the Tuning tab. 

A source and destination channel are selected and the offset in hours selected. The data is then added to the list at the bottom
of the tab using the Add button.

Any number of entries can be added to the list and the same channel can be used as a source as often as required.

The various fields and options are used as follows:


	Source Channel

		Contains a list of the channels that have been found by scanning the frequencies entered on the Tuning tab. Defines
		where the EPG data is to come from.

	Destination Channel

		Contains a list of the channels that have been found by scanning the frequencies entered on the Tuning tab. Defines
		which channel the EPG data is created for.


		Defines the adjustment needed in hours from the source channel to the destination channel.


		Adds the current data to the list at the bottom of the tab.

	Selected Channels

	Channel list

		Contains an entry for each offset channel that has been added.


		Enables entries to be deleted from the list. The button will be available if an entry in the list is 

Appendix 1.7 The Repeats Tab

The Repeats tab contains data that controls the repeat checking process. This marks programmes as repeats and can be used to
avoid duplicate recordings.

The repeat checking process uses the programme title and description to identify repeats. In some cases this may cause programmes
to be flagged as repeats even though they are not.

For example, a daily news programme could always have the same title and description even though the contents are different each
day. In that case, if it is required to record the program it may be advisable to define the programme in this tab to avoid each
programme being flagged as a repeat.

The various fields and options are used as follows:


	Check for programme repeats

		If this option is selected the programme information collected will be checked to determine if a programme is being

		The result depends on the output method.

		If an XMLTV file is created the previous play date tag will be created where appropriate. If Windows Media Center 
		direct import is selected the original air date will be created and if data is passed directly to TVSource by the
		DVBLogic plugin the appropriate tag is used.

		Repeats are detected by using the programme information to match against the data received and, if Windows
		Media Center is installed, by checking the existing programme recordings.

	Don't flag simulcast programmes as repeats

		If this option is selected, programmes that would have been flagged as repeats that are broadcast on the
		same date and at the same time but on a different channel will not be flagged as repeats.

		Note that if the programme also occurs earlier in the data collected both simulcast programmes will be flagged
		as repeats.



		All or part of the title of the programme. This field is optional but if it is omitted the description field must 
		be completed.

		Partial matching is specified in the following ways

			<text 		will match the text with the start of the title
			text>		will match the text with the end of the title
			<text>		will match the text with anywhere in the title

		If none of the above are specified the data entered must exactly match the programme title. All comparisons are
		case insensitive.


		All or part of the description of the programme. This field is optional but if it is omitted the title field must 
		be completed.

		Partial matching is specified in the following ways

			<text 		will match the text with the start of the description
			text>		will match the text with the end of the description
			<text>		will match the text with anywhere in the description

		If none of the above are specified the data entered must exactly match the programme description. All comparisons are
		case insensitive.


		Adds the title and/or the description to the list of programmes to be excluded from the repeat checking process.


		Enables programmes already in the list to be deleted. The button will only be available after an entry is 

	Phrases to ignore

		Sometimes the title or description of a repeated programme is slightly different from the original. This field
		enables phrases to be ignored when examining titles and descriptions for a match.

		Multiple phrases can be entered in which case they are separated by a comma. The phrases are processed in a case
		insensitive manner.

		The phrases (R) and (Repeat) are ignored by default and do not need to be entered.

Appendix 1.8 The Edit Tab

The Edit tab contains options and fields that are used to replace or remove text from programme titles and descriptions. Broadcasters
often embellish titles and descriptions with text (eg New Series) that is unnecessary and can cause series recording and duplicate 
recording detection to fail. It can also reduce the success rate of metadata lookup.

The various fields and options are used as follows:

	Current Entry

	Text to change

		The text in the title or description that is to be replaced or removed. This field is case sensitive so the text
		New Series is not the same as New series.

	Apply to

		Defines the fields to apply the editing to. If in doubt select Titles and descriptions.


		Defines where in the title and/or the description the text to change is searched for. Most embellishments occur
		at the start of a title or description.

	Replacement text

		The text that replaces the text to change. If the text to change is to be removed rather than replaced leave
		this field blank.


		Adds the entry to the list of text edits.

	List Of Text Edits

	Entries are added to this list when the Add button is pressed.

	Delete	Deletes the selected entry from the list. Select an entry from the list by clicking on it. 

Appendix 1.9 The Lookups Tab

The Lookups tab contains data that controls the downloading of programme metadata from online databases. Information for movies
and TV series can be downloaded.

	Movie Lookups


		Enables the lookup of movie information.

	Type of image to download

		Poster and thumbnail images are available. Generally the default of poster images is the correct setting.

	Minimum duration of a programme to be considered a movie

		It is not always possible to determine that a programme is a movie from the information that is broadcast as
		not all broadcast data is categorized. This parameter enables a more general check to detect a programme as a

		The minimum programme duration is entered in minutes.

	Maximum duration of a programme to be considered a movie

		It is not always possible to determine that a programme is a movie from the information that is broadcast as
		not all broadcast data is categorized. This parameter enables a more general check to detect a programme as a

		The maximum programme duration is entered in minutes.

	Phrases used to identify a movie

		This field is used to enter phrases that may help to identify a programme as a movie. For example if
		the field is entered as


		then any programme title with the word Movie, Premiere: or Blockbuster will be looked up in the movie internet

		Note that these phrases are checked only if the minimum and maximum duration excludes a programme as a movie.


		The normal separator for phrases used to identify a movie is a comma. If it is necessary to specifiy a comma 
		in any phrase use a different separator character and select it with this field.

	TV Lookups


		Enables the lookup of TV series information.

	Type of image to download

		Poster and thumbnail images are available. Generally the default of poster images is the correct setting.

	Process every programme that is not a movie as a TV series

		The metadata lookup process checks each programme to determine if it is a movie first and the lookup parameters
		described above aid in this process.

		If a programme is not considered a movie or cannot be found in the movie database it is examined to determine 
		if it is a TV series. This normally means that a series link of some sort needs to be present in the broadcast

		If there is no automatic way of determining that a programme is a TV series, setting this option will cause
		every programme that fails the movie check to be checked against the TV series database.

		Setting this option will normally increase the processing time but it ensures that all potential TV series are 


	Reload all metadata

		Setting this option causes all existing local metadata including posters and thumbnails to be deleted before
		the lookup process begins resulting in a complete reload of the data.

	Always lookup programmes that return no matching entries

		The online database that are used are dynamic in nature as they are constantly being updated by the user
		community. Normally when a programme is not located by the lookup process it will not be searched for again
		in the current or subsequent collections.

		Setting this option overrides that processing and ensures that the programme will be looked up during 
		subsequent collections. This means that the lookup times will be increased but there may be more data successfully

	Ignore categories from broadcaster

		Sometimes, when the broadcasts contain program categories, they are inaccurate. For example serials or soaps
		are categorised as Movies and this results in the wrong internet database being accessed when looking up metadata.

		Setting this option causes any broadcast category to be ignored when deciding whether a programme is a movie or 
		TV series.	

	Lookup matching method when multiple results returned

		The online databases are accessed using the title of the programme. In many cases this results in a list of
		programmes being returned and the lookup process scans this list using the method selected for this field.

		'Exact' means that the title of a returned entry must exactly match the programme title. If there is no entry
		returned that satisfies this condition no metadata is added. This option results in the most accurate
		matching but the lowest hit rate.

		'Contains' means that the title of a returned entry must contain the programme title somewhere but it need not
		be an exact match. The returned entry that contains the programme title and is nearest in length to the programme
		title will be used for adding metadata. This option is less accurate than 'Exact' but has a better hit rate.

		'Nearest' uses a fuzzy matching algorithm so that the returned entry that most closely matches with the programme
		title will be used to add metadata. This is the least accurate option but results in the highest hit rate.

		'Exact' and 'Contains' may mean that no returned entry is used. 'Nearest' always uses one of the returned

	Phrases used to ignored when matching

		Broadcasters ofter decorate programme titles with phrases such as 'Premiere' or 'Movie:'. These cause the database
		lookups to fail to return any entries.

		This field enables phrases to be specified that are removed from the programme tite before the internet databases
		are accessed.

		A good examples is 

			Movie:,All New,: The Final Season,Best Of,Omnibus

		Note that data entered on the Edit tab need not be entered again here.


		The normal separator for phrases to be ignored is a comma. If it is necessary to specifiy a comma in any phrase
		use a different separator character and select it with this field.

	Maximum time allowed for lookup processing

		Set this parameter to a high value for the initial collections until the EPG Collector log indicates that the 
		lookup process completed rather than timed out. At this point all available information for the current set of
		EPG entries will have been downloaded.

		Then reduce this parameter to a lower value. Trial and error will indicate the correct value to use under normal
		circumstances for the volume of data you are collecting.

	Maximum number of consecutive errors before abandoning

		This parameter is used to stop lookup processing in the event of an irrecoverable error while accessing the online
		databases. For example, it would stop the lookup processing if the machine became disconnected from the internet.

		The default value of 5 is normally sufficient.

	Base path for movie and TV images

		This field can be set to point to a location for storing the downloaded images. The movie images will be stored
		in a sub-directory named Movies and the TV eries will be stored in a sub-directory named TV Series.

		If this field is not entered the default will be the Images sub-directory of the application data directory.


		Use this button to find the base directory for the movie and TV images.

Appendix 1.10 The XMLTV Tab

The XMLTV tab enables files conforming to the XMLTV specification to be merged with the data received over the air. Any number
of files can be specified.

Channels loaded from the files can be excluded, renamed or have a user channel number assigned to them in the same way
as if they had been scanned over the air.

The various fields and options are as follows:


		The full path name of the XMLTV file.


		Enables the file to be searched for.


		Selects the language to use for a multi-language file. If the file only contains a single language this field can
		be set to undefined.

		If the language cannot be located in the XMLTV tags then the first tag without a language will be used.


		Specifies which data takes precedence if an XMLTV programme also exists in the broadcast data.

	No lookups

		Select this option if the XMLTV file already contains comprehensive metadata. If metadata lookup processing
		is enabled it will ignore any EPG entries from the file. 


		Adds the file to the list of files to process.

	Selected Files

	File list

		The list of files to be processed.


		Deletes the selected file from the list.

	Channel Changes

	Load this list after the files have been specified by pressing the Load Files button.

	Display Name
		The name of the channel.


		Select this option to ignore the channel.
	Channel Number

		The user channel number.

	New Name

		The new name of the channel.

	Load Files

		Loads the specified XMLTV files so they can be excluded, renamed or have a user channel number assigned. If no channels
		are to be excluded, renamed of have channel numbers assigned it is not necessary to use this button.


		Clears the list.

	Include All

		Clears the excluded flag for all channels in the list.

	Exclude All

		Flags all the channels in the list as excluded.

Appendix 1.11 The Update Tab

The Update tab is used to enable and configure the automatic channel update feature for DVBLogic. The various fields and options
are used as follows:


		Switches the channel update feature on or off.

	Channel merge method for new channels

		Determines how new channels are added to the DVBLogic configuration files.

		None - new channels are simply added to the end of the configuration files. No channel merging takes palce.

		By name - new channels will be merged with existing channels if the channel name matches.

		By channel number - new channels will be merged with existing channels if the channel number matches.

		By channel name and number - new channels will be merged with existing channels if the channel name and number matches.

	EPG scanner for new channels

		Determines how EPG data is collected for new channels

		None - no EPG will be collected for the channel

		Default - EPG will be collected from the source for the channel

		EPG Collector - the EPG collector plugin will be set as the source of EPG data for new channels

		EIT Scanner - the DVBLogic EIT scanner will be set as the source of EPG data for the channel.

	Child lock on new channels

		Enables the child lock to be set on any new channel.

	EPG scan interval

		The default scan interval used by TVSource for collecting EPG data is 12 hours. This field can be used to 
		alter that value.

	Update channel numbers

		If this option is set the channel numbers received from the broadcaster will be used to set the channel numbers
		in the DVBLogic configuration files.

		Do not set this option if you have used custom channel numbers as they will be overwritten.

	Log the providers transponders and channels

		Additional information is output to the EPG Collector log file and collection window if this option is set.

	Reload all DVBLink channel data

		If this option is set all existing DVBLink channel information is overwritten with the data received in the

Appendix 1.12 The Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab contains options and fields that are relatively rarely used. The various fields and options are used as follows:

	Miscellaneous Options

	Use program category subtype when decoding

		For some protocols the program category consists of 2 values, the main category (eg Movies) and a subcategory
		(eg Action).

		If this option is not selected only the main category will be used for decoding the category for output which gives
		a more generalised catgeory.

		If the option is selected both the category and subcategory will be used for decoding resulting in a more precise
		category on output.

		Restrictions: EIT and Dish Network protocols only

	Use FreeSat Huffman tables to translate compressed EIT text

		A few FreeSat channels broadcast text in a compressed format. Use this option if that text is to be decoded. If the
		channels are decoded and this option is not set the text for those channels will be corrupted.

		Restrictions: Only relevant to a few BBC channels on FreeSat

	Custom program categories override broadcast categories

		If is possible to define custom program categories that are in addition to those broadcast. If this option is set
		and a custom category is defined that clashes with a broadcast category, the custom category definition will be

		If this option is not set the broadcast category will be used irrespective of whether there is a clash with a custom

	Collection process can be run from a Windows service

		Set this option if the standalone collection process is going to be run from a Windows service.

		If this option is set it is not possible to abandon a standalone collection while it is running by pressing the 'Q' key on
		the keyboard.

	Text formatting characters in broadcast

		This option controls the processing of control codes that may be present in the text portion of EIT data.

		'Remove' will cause any control code to be removed from the text. This is the default setting.
		'Replace with space' will cause any control code to be replaced by a single space.
		'Convert' will attempt to convert the control code to a meaningful value. The only control code currently 
		converted is the EIT standard value 0x8a which is converted to 2 bytes with the value 0x0d, 0x0a (carriage 
		return and line feed). All other control codes are removed.	

	Retain channel information for use in later collections

		Some broadcasters transmit channel information specific to each frequency even though the EPG data broadcast on
		each frequency is for all the broadcasters channels.

		For example frequency X defines channels 1 to 10 but carries the EPG data for channels 1 to 30. Frequency Y defines
		channels 11 to 30 and also carries the EPG data for channels 1 to 30.

		This can mean extended collection times as several frequencies need to be scanned to get the channel information
		even though all the EPG data could be collected from a single frequency.

		Using this option can reduce the collection to a single frequency.

		It should be set and a collection run for each of the individual frequencies. The collection process will then have
		created a single file with all the channels from the separate frequencies.

		Then, for the regular collection on a single frequency, this option should not be selected and the option below 
		set to use the stored channel information.

		If the channels on a particular frequency change repeat the whole procedure.

		Restrictions: Currently only applicable to MHEG5 collections in Australia.

	Use retained channel information in place of broadcast data

		If this option is set the channel information stored when the previous option was set (Retain channel information
		for use in later collections) is used instead of obtaining it from the broadcast data.

		Restrictions: Currently only applicable to MHEG5 collections in Australia

	Process all channels irrespective of type

		If this option is set only channel type zero is ignored. All others are processed. If this option is not
		set channel type 12 (data broadcast service) is excluded as well.

	Maximum number of days to collect

		This parameter can be used to restrict the number of days data collected.


	Signal lock

		This is the length of time in seconds that a collection waits for the tuner hardware to acquire a lock on
		a frequency.

	Data collection
		This is the length of time in seconds that a collection is allowed to take. If a collection consists of
		multiple frequencies it is the maximum time allowed for each individual frequency.

	Number of retries

		With some types of collection data it is not possible to determine from the broadcast that all data has been
		collected. In this case collection process uses the number of retries to determine if any new data has
		been collected and if not the collection terminates normally.

		Each retry takes 2 seconds. Increase the number of retries if it appears that not all the data expected
		is being collected.

		Restrictions: Applicable to all collection types except MHEG5.

	Buffer size

		The data collection process uses a memory buffer to receive the broadcast data. The default size is 
		50 megabytes.

		Normally this is sufficient but Dish Network collections involve very large amounts of data so this
		buffer size should be increased to 500 megabytes.

	Buffer refills

		This parameter informs the collection process how many times it should refill the buffer used for
		broadcast data before it can be assumed that all possible data has arrived. The default of 1 is
		normally sufficient especially if the buffer size is increased from the default of 50 megabytes.


		Resets all the timeouts to the default values of 10 seconds, 300 seconds and 5 retries respectively.

	Location Information


		Contains a list of countries.

		Restrictions: Selection of a country is mandatory for OpenTV data. For MHEG5 data the default is New Zealand.

		The list will be filled with areas when a country is selected with data loaded from the configuration files. The
		area and possibly region can be used to limit the channels processed.

		Restrictions: Only relevant to the following collections. Other collections must set the area to undefined.

			OpenTV		UK and Australia
			MHEG5		New Zealand satellite


		The list will be filled with regions when an area is selected. 
		Restrictions: As for area above.

	Character Set

		Some broadcasters transmit data that is encoded in a specific character set but do not include the information 
		that enables a collection to determine what the	character set is.

		In those circumstances this field can be used to force a collection to decode the text received using a specific
		character set.

	Input Language

		Some broadcasts contain text in multiple languages. This field enables a specific language to be selected. If this
		parameter is not set and multiple languages are received the last one received will be used.

		Restrictions: Only applicable to EIT collections

	Custom PID's

	Hexadecimal Values

		Enables the custom PID's to be entered in hexadecimal. The default is decimal.

		Enables the PID that is used to transmit EIT data to be specified. This field is only needed if the EIT data is
		not transmitted on PID 0x12.

		Enables the 2 PID's that are used to transmit MediaHighway1 data to be specified. They must be specified in
		ascending order. This field is only needed if the data is not transmitted on PID's 0xd2 and 0xd3.


		Enables the 3 PID's that are used to transmit MediaHighway2 data to be specified. They must be specified in
		ascending order. This field is only needed if the data is not transmitted on PID's 0x231, 0x234 and 0x236.

	Dish Network
		Enables the PID that is used to transmit Dish Network data to be specified. This field is only needed if the 
		Dish Network data is not transmitted on PID 0x300.

	Manual Time Adjustment 


		Allows manual time adjustment data to be entered. This is only required when data is collected in one 
		time zone but is used in another. 

		For example, Australia has different time zones so if data is collected and an XMLTV file is created in 
		one time zone but then passed to a machine for use in another time zone these parameters will need to be entered 
		or program times will be incorrect in the destination time zone.

		By default a collection uses the time zone data held by the machine making the collection so these parameters
		do not need to be entered.		 

	Current time offset

		Allows the current time offset to be entered. 

	Next time offset

		Allows the next time offset to be entered. 

	Date of change

		Allows the date at which the change to the next time offset takes place.

	Time of change

		Allows the time at which the change to the next time offset takes place.

Appendix 1.13 The Diagnostics Tab

The Diagnostics tab should only be used under the direction of the developer. It enables many debugging options to be switched on
and also provides for data to be processed from a file rather than a live broadcast.

The various fields and options are used as follows:


	Debug ID's

		Can be set with one or more identifiers that cause a single diagnostic event to be triggered (eg logging some
		data). The identifiers are separated by commas.

	Trace ID's

		Can be set with one or more identifiers that cause multiple diagnostic events to be triggered (eg logging data
		from a broadcast as it is received). The identifiers are separated by commas.


	TS Dump File

		Can be set with the full path name of a file containing MPEG-2 transport stream data. If a file name is set
		the collection process does not access any tuner hardware.

		The collection process will process the file as if it was a live broadcast.


		Enables the dump file to be searched for.


Appendix 2 Notes On Tuners

Some of the issues that users have experienced when working with EPG Collector involve tuners. This section 
lists issues that have been encountered with specific tuners.

Appendix 2.1 DVBLogic Virtual Tuners

EPG Collector cannot use DVBLink virtual tuners. These have been specifically designed to work with other elements of DVBLogic software 
and will not work with software such as EPG Collector as the necessary data is not made available.

Appendix 2.2 TechniSat (all tuners)

TechniSat tuners can be supplied with 2 separate tuner drivers. If the default installation of the TechniSat driver software is carried out a
non-BDA compliant driver will be installed and the Collector will not work with it. It will appear to acquire a signal but no data will be received.

The TechniSat BDA compliant tuner driver is in the BDA subdirectory of the driver software. It must be installed by responding to the Windows 
'New Hardware Found' message and pointing the Windows installation process at the BDA directory.

Appendix 2.3 TechniSat Mantis

If you are using a DiSEqC switch with this tuner do not select the option on the Tuning tab to repeat the DiSEqC command in the event of an error.
The Mantis tuner returns an error even though the DiSEqC command succeeds and repeating the command causes it to not pass any data to the Collector.

Appendix 2.4 HD HomeRun

The HD HomeRun is a network tuner. The Collector can use the virtual tuners set up by this device but it must be given security clearance to
access the network first or it may silently fail. 

This is due to a possible fault in the Windows OS in that the security failure message is not displayed when the Collector tries to use
the virtual tuner.

Note that both EPG Collector.exe and EPG Centre.exe must be given network access.

Appendix 2.5 Pinnacle

There is a option on the EPG Centre Tuning tab labelled 'Repeat DiSEqC command if first attempt failed'. Users of Pinnacle 
tuners must set this option or DiSEqC switching will not work.

Appendix 2.6 Genpix tuners

EPG Collector only supports the official Genpix BDA driver. Support for the open source driver that was available on Sourceforge has been

The DiSEqc driver can be set to Default, Legacy or Generic. Default and Generic have the same effect.

If the DiSEqC switch is committed use a port in the range AA-BB, if it is uncommitted use a port in the range Port1-Port16. 

Default and Generic can be used for committed or uncommitted switches. Legacy can only be used for committed switches.

Appendix 2.7 Blackgold tuners

When using these tuners with a DiSEqC switch set the DiSEqC handler to Legacy and tick both 'Change DiSEqC switch
only when graph running' and 'Change DiSEqC switch only after tune request.

Only 4 port switches can be used with this tuner due to the switching method that must be used.

Appendix 2.8 Sat>IP tuners

As Sat>IP tuners are network devices, EPG Collector must be given security clearance to access the network first or it may silently fail. 

This is due to a possible fault in the Windows OS in that the security failure message is not displayed when the Collector tries to use
the tuner.

Note that both EPG Collector.exe and EPG Centre.exe must be given network access. 


Appendix 3 Windows Media Center Programme Categories

This is the description that will be used when creating the MXF file that is loaded into Windows Media Centre if the direct import to 
Windows Media Centre is selected on the EPG Centre Output tab.

Windows Media Centre provides a two level category search. For this reason this description must consist of a minimum
of 2 parts separated by a comma. 

The first part is the category group (eg Rugby) and the second and subsequent parts are the sub-category within it (eg Super 15 or World Cup).

In addition there are some special values that you can use to put a program into one of the the Windows Media Centre predefined categories. These
are shown in the list that appears when you open 'View Categories' in the Media Centre guide. The values you can use are


So, for example, a Media Centre description could be

	Rugby,Super 15,isSports
	Soccer,Arsenal,Premier League,isSports

The predefined categories can occur without the category group and sub-category so a Media Centre description of just isMovie is valid.


Appendix 4 DVBLogic Programme Categories

The values that can be entered for a DVBLogic category are as follows. If more than one is entered they are separated by a
comma and they are case insensitive.



Appendix 5 DVBViewer Programme Categories

The values that can be entered for a DVBViewer category are as follows. They are the same as those defined by the DVB EIT standard.
Only one can be entered so for the Movie category you would enter 1,0.

1,0 	Movie
1,1 	Movie - Detective/Thriller
1,2 	Movie - Adventure/Western/War
1,3 	Movie - Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror
1,4 	Movie - Comedy
1,5 	Movie - Soap/Melodrama/Folkloric
1,6 	Movie - Romance
1,7 	Movie - Serious/Classical/Religious/Historical/Drama
1,8 	Movie - Adult

2,0	News and Current Affairs
2,1	News and Weather
2,2	News Magazine
2,3	Documentary
2,4	Discussion/Interview/Debate

3,0	Show
3,1	Game Show/Quiz/Contest
3,2	Variety Show
3,3	Talk Show

4,0	Sport
4,1	Special Sporting Event
4,2	Sports Magazine
4,3	Football/Soccer
4,4	Tennis/Squash
4,5	Team Sports
4,6	Althletics
4,7	Motor Sport
4,8	Water Sports
4,9	Winter Sports
4,10	Equestrian
4,11	Martial Sports

5,0	Childerens Programmes
5,1	Pre-School Programmes
5,2	Programmes for 6-14 yearss
5,3	Programmes for 10-16 years
5,4	Informational/Educational/School Programmes
5,5	Cartoons/Puppets

6,0	Music and Dance
6,1	Rock/Pop
6,2	Serious Music/Classical Music
6,3	Folk/Traditional Music
6,4	Jazz
6,5	Musical/Opera
6,6	Ballet

7,0	Arts and Culture
7,1	Performing Arts
7,2	Fine Arts
7,3	Religion
7,4	Popular Culture/Traditional Arts
7,5	Literature
7,6	Film/Cinema
7,7	Experimental Film/Video
7,8	Broadcasting/Press
7,9	New Media
7,10	Arts/Culture Magazines
7,11	Fashion

8,0	Social and Political
8,1	Magazines/Reports/Documentary
8,2	Economics/Social Advisory
8,3	Remarkable People

9,0	Education and Science
9,1	Nature/Animals/Environment
9,2	Technology/Natural Sciences
9,3	Medicine/Physiology/Phsychology
9,4	Foreign Countries/Expeditions
9,5	Social/Spiritual Sciences
9,6	Further Education
9,7	Languages

10,0	Leisure and Hobbies
10,1	Tourism/Travel
10,2	Handicraft
10,3	Motoring
10,4	Fitness and Health
10,5	Cooking
10,6	Advertisement/Shopping
10,7	Gardening

11,0	Original Language
11,1	Black and White
11,2	Unpublished
11,3	Live Broadcast


Appendix 6 Installation Directory Structure

The installation process and the zip format release create the following directory structure.

	Software directory

		Configuration directory

			Countries file

				Contains the country, area and region definitions.

			Huffman Dictionary files

				Contains the decodes for the various Huffman compression schemes used by different protocols.

			Language Codes file

				Contains the list of languages and decodes.

			MHEG5 Parser Format files

				Contains parameters that control the decoding of the MHEG5 EPG records.

			Parental Ratings file

				Contains parameters that control the decoding of the various parental rating schemes.

			Program Categories directory

				Contains the standard tranlation files for the programme categories (genres) used
				by broadcasters.

			TuningParameters directory

				ATSC directory

					Contains the tuning parameter files for ATSC tuners.

				Clear Qam directory

					Contains the tuning parameter files for Clear QAM tuners.

				DVBC directory

					Contains the tuning parameter files for DVB cable tuners.

				DVBS directory

					Contains the tuning parameter files for DVB satellite tuners.

				DVBT directory

					Contains the tuning parameter files for DVB terrestrial tuners.

				ISDBS directory

					Contains the tuning parameter files for ISDB satellite tuners.

				ISDBT directory

					Contains the tuning parameter files for ISDB terrestrial tuners.
		Samples directory

			Collector directory

				Contains the parameter files that appear in the list of preset tasks when new standalone 
				collection parameters are created.

			DVBLogic Plugin directory

				Contains the parameter files that appear in the list of preset tasks when new DVBLogic plugin
				collection parameters are created.

============================================================ End Of ReadMe ============================================================				
Source: ReadMe 4.2.txt, updated 2014-09-27