Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Employear 2020-02-03
EmpTTrack 2011-12-28
SampleData 2011-02-21
ReadMe.txt 2010-12-03 1.5 kB
Totals: 4 Items   1.5 kB 2
About Employear

Employear is the link between a time registration system and the HRM.
That department needs the attendances to calculate the payments and keep track of holidays, overtime etc.  
We assume: All time is registered, days are payed in fixed hours days, and resulting extra time is kept in a buffer of flexible hours
This result is shown as "Saldo", and calculated per month.
Once overtime is payed, the hours can be entered (negative numbers) and Employear keeps track of the resulting saldo.

Employear keeps track of attendances of employees (with basic employee data).

- Be it from manual input of a code/day, 
- or by import from a time registration system (adapt to your needs).

Results are:
- pro month: 
-- Total days for every code
-- Total hours to do (from days, based on employee hours to do /day)
-- Total hours done (import from time reg system or enter manually)
-- over or minus hours month
-- compare to saldo previous month
-- calculated new saldo.
-- resulsts are stored in database, also ready for presentation via other applications.
Corrections can be made separately.
Year overview is available for the codes/month for an employee.
More views to come - see changelog (Changes.txt) or website

Platform: Linux 

Desktop: KDE 
(might work on other - development on openSuse, KUbuntu)

Environment needed: Gambas 2 runtime 
(or complete IDE to work on source)

Database: MySQL

Source: ReadMe.txt, updated 2010-12-03