Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
EmACT-v2.58.0-Windows-bin.zip 2016-08-24 2.4 MB
emact-2.58.0.tar.gz 2016-08-24 581.2 kB
EmACT-v2.56.0-Windows-bin.zip 2012-04-28 1.6 MB
emact-2.56.0.tar.gz 2011-12-31 578.6 kB
README 2011-12-11 3.2 kB
Totals: 5 Items   5.1 MB 0
            EmACT - version of EMACS (a short for Editing MACroS)

                             Christian  Jullien
                     Email: jullien -AT- eligis -DOT- com


This software is GPL'ed, any version you want (see COPYING)


This  program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the  Free  Software  Foundation; either version 2 of the License,  or
(at your option) any later version.

This  program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  but
WITHOUT   ANY   WARRANTY;   without  even  the  implied  warranty  of
General Public License for more details.

You  should  have  received  a copy of the GNU General Public License
along  with  this  program;  if  not,  write  to  the  Free  Software
Foundation,   Inc.,   59   Temple  Place  -  Suite  330,  Boston,  MA
02111-1307, USA.


                           THE HISTORY OF EMACT

This   product   is  an  original  development  made  to  provide  an
emacs-like  editor  on  the  PC  for the purpose of writing Lisp code
with  the  same features found on other Lisp development systems.  In
1985,  with about 512 Ko of memory,  it was obvious that Gosling, GNU
or  other  emacs written in Lisp were too big to run on M$-DOG.  So I
decided  to  write my own editor that closely works like those I used
on VAX Unix at that time. I started with Conroy's MicroEMACS.

After a great amount of time,  made essentially after hours, EmACT is
now  a  pretty good clone of GNU Emacs.  It has all the features that
programmers enjoy,  like parentheses matching,  auto-indent for Lisp,
C,  C++,  compile mode, tags and even a Lisp interpreter which is not
however  compatible  with GNU MockLisp.  It can be ported to all UN*X
systems  (terminal  and  X-Window) and it runs of course on all Intel
based  system  in  text  or  graphic  mode (MSDOS,  OS/2 Windows 3.x,
Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista and Windows 95/98/Me).

Why EmACT? In 1985 I was working for a company named ACT.


   prompt> sh ./configure	# or ./configure --prefix=$HOME
   prompt> make			# make binaries and compile lisp code
   prompt> make install		# you must have be root

If it does not work or you're not on unix like system:

- With MSVC, compile EmACT using 'nmake nt-msc' at toplevel distribution.
- With other systems, go to src and use makefile.xxx for your own compiler.
- Put all *.lsp in /usr/local/emact directory
  (or add EMACSLIB system variable).
- Edit startup.lsp to match your needs.
- Compile other tools from ./etc/ directory.
- Read the doc for more customizations.

Latest version should be in: http://www.eligis.com/emacs


Source: README, updated 2011-12-11