Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
electron.zip 2013-01-08 4.4 MB
README.txt 2013-01-08 773 Bytes
Totals: 2 Items   4.4 MB 0
OpenGl PDL simulation of a electron 

works on windows 64bit systems 
you can zoom in and turn the electron
in 360 degrees in all directions 
the code for it is right here

  use PDL;
  use PDL::Graphics::TriD;

   for $c(1..199999){
     $n = 6.28*$c; 
     $x = $c*rvals((zeros(9000))*$c);

     $cz = -1**$x*$c;
     $cy = -1**$x*sin$x*$c;
     $cx = -1**$c*rvals($x)*$c;

     $w = $cz-$cy-$cx;

     $g = sin($w);
     $r = cos($cy+$c+$cz);
     $b = cos($w);

     $i = ($cz-$cx-$cy);
     $q = $i*$n;
    points3d [ $b*sin($q), $r*cos($q), $g*sin$q], [$g,$b,$r];



please let me know if you have problems

Source: README.txt, updated 2013-01-08