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release 2012-10-08
readme.txt 2012-08-23 1.3 kB
Totals: 2 Items   1.3 kB 2
What do I need before install?
	All you need is a JVM 1.6+
How to install?
	Download the latest version from files section. Usually the file is in the diffreport<version>-bin.zip for binaries and diffreport<version>-src.zip for the source code.
	Unpack the diffreport<version>-bin.zip to a directory and ensure JAVA_HOME is pointing to the JVM.
How to set JAVA_HOME?
	Windows: set JAVA_HOME=<Point to your JRE/JDK>
	Unix: export JAVA_HOME==<Point to your JRE/JDK>
How to Run?
	Windows : %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java –jar DiffReport1.0.jar <folder1> <folder2>
	Unix: $JAVA_HOME/bin/java –jar DiffReport1.0.jar <folder1> <folder2>
How to use configuration file?
	Sample config files are provided for reference purpose. 
	Windows : %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java –jar DiffReport1.0.jar configfile.xml
	Unix: $JAVA_HOME/bin/java –jar DiffReport1.0.jar configfile.xml
How to run PMD?
	As of now, only option available to Run PMD is using the configuration file. Refer to files section. If PMD Tag exist then we will have PMD running.
Who will support?
	Remember this project is hosted here for sole purpose that this tool will be useful for others too.
	Still, would insit on sending mail to reflexdemon at users.sourceforge.net just in case if I have time on earth to reply I would certainly do it.
Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-08-23