Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Old releases 2009-11-24
Ddr-Z8e_1_00_RC1.zip 2009-12-01 846.1 kB
readme_1_00_RC1.txt 2009-12-01 9.1 kB
Totals: 3 Items   855.2 kB 2
Ddr-Z8e - Device DriveR for Z8-Encore
Copyright (C) 2003-2009, Lonfield C&D
Contact: Nils Paulsson
Addr: Engelbrektsgatan 7A, SE-58221, Linkoping, Sweden. 
Web : http://ddrz8e.sourceforge.net/

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, 
MA 02110-1301 USA.

This is a device driver package for the Zilog Z8Encore! (r) MCU. 
It's a source code only package to be used together with Zilog's
development tools ZDS II (free to download at www.zilog.com).

2009-12-01 - Version 1.00-RC1 released

2009-11-24 - Version 0.11 released

2009-11-16 - Version 0.10 released

2009-10-20 - Alpha version 0.09 released

2007-03-13 - Initial alpha version uploaded to Sourceforge

First, install the package. Then read the comments in the CONFIGURE.H 
file in the root directory of the software. Also, check out the sample 
directory. Further more there is also an old and not yet finished device 
driver reference document in the Documentation directory. You may find 
useful information there but be aware that it’s based on both deprecated 
software and hardware (Zilog Encore! 640). USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

To install the package, uncompress the zip-at a suitable location.

ADC – This is a device driver for the built-in A/D converter. 
The driver supports configuration, interrupt driven A/D-conversion 
as well as polled.

BINARY - Defines binary number representation to be used directly 
in code, e.g. b1001 or B0101. The module also has some functions 
to rotate and multiply bytes. These functions are inline assembly 
code and may or may not work depending on memory model, changes 
in inline assembly calling convention etc.

DEBUG - Adds support for debugging. The two main macros are DBG_ASSERT() 
and DBG_ASSERT_STATIC(). The former is a generic assert-macro aimed for 
user code. The later is used by the device driver code to check that 
device drivers receives legal hardware addresses, buffer sizes etc. The
debug module also adds support for catching illegal instructions.

FLASH - Adds support for reading, writing, locking and configuring the 
flash memory of the MCU. This code may collide with memory segments 
defined in ZDS II version 4.11.0.

I2C - This is an asynchronic interrupt driven device driver for the 
built-in I2C-controller. The communication is frame based using user 
provided communication buffers.

INTERUPT – This is a device driver for the built-in interrupt controller 
supporting configuration, priority, enabling/disabling of specific 

IO – This is the basic IO device driver. Besides DIO it also has 
definitions for all hardware port addresses, IO-pin configuration and 
setting/getting specific IO-pins. This module is one of the very basic 
device driver, thus also used in almost every other device driver module.

REGISTER – Defines the data type to be used to address specific hardware 
addresses. Both absolute as well as absolute + offset addressing is 

SERIAL – Device driver for the built in RS232 controllers. The 
communication is asynchronous, interrupt driven and frame based using user 
provided communication buffers. The device driver supports individual 
configuration (during execution time) of each controller for baud rate, 
parity, data bits, flow control (RTS/CTS or no flow control) and 
communication time out.

SPI – Device driver for the built in SPI-controller. The communication is 
asynchronous, interrupt driven and frame based using user provided 
communication buffers. The device driver also handles various configuration 
aspects of the SPI-controller.

TIMER – Device driver for the built in timer controller. The driver 
supports configuration and most of the various modes of operation.

TICKER – This is an add-on device driver for accurate periodic interrupt 
generation. This can e.g. be useful when very specific delays are needed or 
as a substitute for time measurement. Besides using the built in timers, the 
ticker module can also use the SPI, I2C or one of the RS232 controllers as 
time source.

WDT – Device driver for the watch dog timer.

- The source code of every project has to be configured in a CONFIGURE.H file. 
A template with all possible options are located in the root directory of the 
installed DdrZ8e root directory.

- Compiler warnings (222) about statements having no effect can mostly be 
ignored. They generally originate from certain macros, e.g. debug-macros 
that end up being empty statements owing to the specific settings of the 
configuration in use.

- There are often two versions of a given function or procedure in the device 
driver code. The first version is a standard C-function or C-procedure that 
provides type checking during compilation and linking. The second version is 
an inline macro version without the overhead of a C function call, i.e. smaller 
and faster code. Inline versions are intended for release code and the C-calling 
versions are for development to facilitate debugging etc. Which version to use 
is configured in each project's CONFIGURE.H file (parameter CFG_INLINE_MACRO).

- When using a specific module, e.g. the serial RS232-module, include both the 
*.c file and the *_inline.c file. For the serial module that would be "serial.c" 
as well as "serial_inline.c". The *.c file provides the device driver code and 
the *_inline.c file provide wrapper calls for inline macros (see previous paragraph).

- The sample directory has at least one sample project for each device driver 
module. Since ZDS II has a habit of using absolute paths the sample projects 
probably have to be updated depending on where the DdrZ8e source code is 

- This is the 1st release candidate for the 1.00 official release.

- Updated the timer (TMR) module's code and documentation to support ZDS 4.11.0
as well as Zilog Encore! XP 642

- Updated the ticker (TCK) module's code and documentation to support ZDS 4.11.0
as well as Zilog Encore! XP 642

- Updated the text (TXT) module's code and documentation to support ZDS 4.11.0
as well as Zilog Encore! XP 642

- The serial LCD module is officially not supported but the code is still included 
in the release.

- Updated the digital IO module's code and documentation to support ZDS 4.11.0
as well as Zilog Encore XP 642

- Updated the interrupt (IRQ) module's code and documentation to support ZDS 4.11.0
as well as Zilog Encore XP 642

- Updated the serial (RS232) module's code and documentation to support ZDS 4.11.0
as well as Zilog Encore XP 642

- Updated the SPI module's code and documentation to support ZDS 4.11.0 as well 
as Zilog Encore XP 642

- Fixed a problem with overlapping segments for flash option bits

- Updated the watchdog timer (WDT) module's code and documentation to support 
ZDS 4.11.0 as well as Zilog Encore XP 642

- Updated and cleaned up modules ADC, BINARY, DEBUG, FLASH and I2C to be 
compatible with Zilog Encore XP 642 and ZDS II 4.11.0.

- Brought the documentation for modules ADC, BINARY, DEBUG, FLASH and I2C up to date

- Updated documentation for overall module description and software configuration 
(chapters 1 - 4).

- Fixed a signed/unsigned bug in the TEXT module.

- Clean up the config.h files in samples.

- Added documentation about the inline wrapper functions

- Fixed a bug in the inline perl compiler that couldn't handle pointer definitions

- This release isn't targeted for any specific version of the Zilog development 
tool. This is almost exclusively owing to quality and backward compatibility 
issues with earlier versions of the Zilog tools. This version of Ddr-Z8e does, 
however, build on the ZDS II version 4.11.0. The source code and samples 
have been verified to work at some time in history, starting with ZDS II 
version 4.6.1 and Encore! 640, but far from all samples have been tested 
on the latest versions of software and hardware.

- The ADC-module sample code is old and currently targeted for the Zilog Encore" 
640 evaluation board. The device driver may or may not work with the 642/XP family.

- The support for slave mode in the SPI-module has not been tested.

Source: readme_1_00_RC1.txt, updated 2009-12-01