
Ddr-Z8e / News: Recent posts

New Release. Ddr-Z8e version 1.00 RC1

I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of the first official release candidate of the Ddr-Z8e.

Ddr-Z8e is a device driver library for the Zilog Z8 Encore! MCU. It is licensed under GPL and supports I/O, IRQ, RS-232, I2C, SPI, A/D, WDT, ticker and built in flash memory as well as utility modules, e.g. for debugging and binary number representation. The release includes full source code, samples of how to use all supported peripheral units and full API documentation.

Posted by Nils Paulsson 2009-12-01

New release

Released Ddr-Z8r ver 0.11. Updated code and documentation of modules IO, IRQ, Serial (RS232), SPI and WDT (Watchdog timer) to support ZDS 4.11.0, the Z8 Encore! XP 642 and compatible hardware.

Posted by Nils Paulsson 2009-11-24