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Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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d64srchv0_7.zip 2015-12-31 8.7 kB
d64srchv0_6.zip 2015-12-28 8.8 kB
d64srchv0_5.zip 2015-12-27 8.6 kB
d64srchv0_4.zip 2015-12-26 8.2 kB
d64srchv0_3.zip 2015-12-26 10.0 kB
d64srchv0_2.zip 2015-12-26 9.1 kB
Totals: 6 Items   53.4 kB 0
Welcome to d64srch, a (not very useful) tool to find files containing certain byte
patterns, petscii- or screencode-strings.


"d64srch <imagename> <searchstring> <types>",

where <imagename> is the name of a valid d64 image (standard 35 tracks, 35 tracks
with error info block, 40 tracks and 40 tracks with error info block are accepted),

and <searchstring> is a sequence of either hexadecimal values (e.g. a9 00 8d 20 d0),
petscii-strings enclosed in underscores (e.g _hello_) or screencode strings enclosed
in tildes (e.g. ~hello~). The sequence length is limited to 256 values, any surplus
values you enter are ignored. You can also enter filetype(s) only to just list all
files of that type(s) on the disk.

<types> specify the filetypes to include in the search, currently supported are

l : include DEL-files
p : include PRG-files, the default type when no types are passed to the program.
r : include REL-files
s : include SEQ-files
u : include USR-files

If you only pass the imagename the program will ask you again to enter a searchstring and
(optionally) the filetypes to inspect, which you can then either type in or copy from e.g.
a memdump in the VICE ml-monitor window and paste it in.

The program will then search through all files in the disk image that match the specified
filetypes and spit out the filename if the specified searchpattern was found.

Some example command line inputs:

>d64srch foo.d64 "_hello world_"

Search all PRG-files on the diskimage "foo.d64" for the petscii-string "hello world".
Note the double-quotes around the search string, without them the space between "hello"
and "world" would get lost. Also note that textstrings are case sensitive, searching for
'hello world' is not the same as searching for 'Hello World'.

>d64srch foo.d64 "~hello world~"

Like above, but search for screencode encoded text this time.

>d64srch bar.d64 a9 ff 85 ed spr

Search all PRG-, REL- and SEQ-files on "bar.d64" for the byte sequence A9 FF 85 ED.

>d64srch bar.d64 uSr a9fF85Ed L

Like above, but search SEQ-, REL- USR- and DEL-files only. As you can see, spaces, text case
and order of arguments don't matter in hex-mode. You could even write it like as9Ffl85erUd
and would get the same result, though you would have probably no idea what you're searching
for if you wrote it like that.

>d64srch foo.d64 psu_blabla_a900~abc~

Petscii, screencode and hex can be mixed, the above example searches all PRG-, SEQ- and
USR-files on "foo.64" for a petscii-string "blabla" that is immediately followed by the
byte-sequence A9 00 that is followed by the screencode-string "abc".

>d64srch bar.d64 up

List all searchable PRG- and USR-files on diskimage "bar.d64".


Drag and drop a valid d64 image onto the program, the rest works as in command line mode,
except it is not required to enclose ascii-strings in double quotes if they contain spaces.

If you use d64srch this way on Windows 8.1 (and perhaps other recent Windows versions)
you might not be able to read the results before the console window closes again.
In that case drop the file on d64srchdd.bat instead, which waits for a keypress at the end.
In older Windows versions like XP you could also alter the properties of d64srch.exe
to keep the console open after execution.

If you use an OS other than Windows drag and drop might not work at all (sorry, I've got
no ability to test that right now)!


Although d64srch has been tested extensively (= like 5 times or so), this early version may
have lots of bugs and could make your PC catch fire and/or explode, so use at your own risk!

That's all! Have fun,

Source: readme.txt, updated 2015-12-31