A query language for Amazon DYNAMODDB. D-SQL language could be used to script anything for dynamodb locally and committed to Amazon Cloud once the script is ready. Based on the terminology and convenient use of T-SQL , D-SQL is a derivative of that language. Methodology did not change. Write your own D-SQL scripts as you used to do for T-SQL and test it. Once the script is ready then commit it to the DYNOMDDB using dsqlcmd.exe tool. This project is open source and written in C# and should be cross platform. Windows version will be implemented first and along with dsqlcmd utlity. Please send requests to http://sourceforge.net/p/d-sql/tickets/?source=navbar for further enhancements. Also if you would like to join to the project kindly send me your requests. I would be glad to add you to the project.
Thanks for your contributions,
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