Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2014-04-07 7.1 kB
CYOA-GUI-ver0.1.1-withoutAdditions.zip 2014-04-07 172.2 kB
Armored-Descent-GUI-ver0.1.8-withoutAdditions.zip 2014-04-07 124.3 kB
Armored-Descent-GUI+CYOA-GUI.zip 2014-04-07 9.7 MB
Totals: 4 Items   10.0 MB 0
Create your own Armor - Graphical User Interface
Armored Descent - Graphical User Interface
by cro|x no|re, 2014

Sourcecode: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cyoa-gui/

1 - About this program
2 - About CYOA
3 - Version & Version History
4 - Requirements
5 - HowTo
6 - HowTo - CYOA GUI specifig
7 - HowTo - Armored Descent GUI specific
8 - Known Bugs
9 - Links
10 - License
11 - Contact

1 - About this program

The "CYOA-GUI" allows you to "Create your own Armor" - graphically. With every
information in one window it is easy to create a build without doing all the
calculating by yourself. When you're done, you can save your build as a .log-File
on your computer.

2 - About CYOA

Since I'm relatively new to this, I can't provide too much information. Though
if you're interested in CYOA - Power Armor, you should visit 4chan's /tg/
board or the "The Power Armor CYOA Wiki" (links below).

3 - Version & Version History

Armored Descent GUI:

v0.1.8 - medium fix:
*fixed calculation of mobility in statistics
*fixed scrollbar bug

v0.1.7 - Update to Revision 7.2
*Updated to PDF-Version (Revision 7.2) as reference

v0.1.6 - medium bug fixes:
*fixed printouts missing new stuff
*fixed "Burrow" mobility calculation
*fixed "Fusion"
*fixed Constructs' new attributes

v0.1.5 - Update to Revision 7.1 and bug fix:
*Updated to PDF-Version (Revision 7.1) as reference
*fixed requirements for "Targeting"
*fixed "Mobility" calculation

v0.1.4 - minor bug fix and addition:
*fixed other check-switch combos not printing
*fixed armor design/value allocations
+added "Physical Shield" status/printout

v0.1.3 - minor bug fix:
*fixed "Temperature Resistance" not printing

v0.1.2 - optimizing & bug fixing:
+Resizable window
*fixed Targeting disenables

v0.1.1 - fixed medium bug:
*fixed "Construct Variant" bonuses
*fixed "Arachnid" bonus
*fixed Hardpoint glitch

v0.1 - added the Armored Descent GUI
+Make a build in the Armored Descent GUI
+Print it and the stats as .log-Files
*Used PDF-Version (Revision 6.5) as reference

v0.1.1 - fixed minor bug:
*fixed "Save" function

v0.1 - created program:
+Make a build in the GUI
+Print it as .log-File
*Used Bliss-Version (as of March 8, 2014) as reference

4 - Requirements

To run this program you need to have at least Java 7 (ver1.7) installed. It might
work with older versions too, but it's not tested. Java is cross-platform, so you
can use this program on every operating system supported by Java, though it is
only tested for Windows 7.
You can find a link to the latest Java version in the "Links" section below.

5 - HowTo - CYOA GUI

Because the .log-File is saved at the location of the .jar, you have to extract
the components of the .zip-File first!

To use this program, you have to start the .jar-File. For that, you need to have
at least Java 7 installed.

To gain Stasis you need either Brain Implant_1 or Brain_Implant_2. To gain
an either-or feat (e.g. Dummy AI / Sentient AI), you have to select the parental
box first ("Artificial Intelligence" in this example).

It is possible to spend more resources than you have. To indicate this, the
total resources will turn red with a "-" in front of their number. It is 
possible to save your build with a negative resource amount.

When you save your build while your build's name contains invalid characters
(\ / : * ? " < > |), your build won't be saved and you're asked for another name.

If you can't start the program/get an error message, first of all check your Java
version (at: https://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp) and update it if

6 - HowTo - CYOA GUI specific

You can acquire some information (especially Specialty-Bonuses) while hovering
over the items, for further information you can take a look at the included
pictures or visit the CYOA-Wiki (links below).

When clicking on the "Clear" button (or choosing another specialty), every
chosen aspect of your build will be reset to the default (CYOA GUI: except the
"Suit" in case of changing specialty).

To select or deselect weapons in the combat tab, simply use the "+" and "-"
buttons. (Though there is no limit but the resources actually, I limited every
single weapon to a maximum of 9.)

7 - HowTo - Armored Descent GUI specific

"Save" will print you two .log-Files - one including your build and another
including your statistics.

To select or deselect weapons in the combat tab, you have to gain according
"HP Levels" first. You can gain HP Levels via the converter at the left side of
the Weaponry section. You can buy/sell HP Levels for the according cost (= level)
in Hardpoints. While you start with 10 free Hardpoints, you can change this amount
with the corresponding buttons next to "Amount".

For further informations about the mechanics check the PDF. If still questions occur,
you might find help in 4chan's /tg/ or, if it strictly has to do with this program, 
ask me via contact informations given below.

Please consider that the bonus hardpoint gained by "Predator" is not limited to
a melee weapon in this program.

If you've chosen a Construct Variant granting an bonus hardpoint and you spent this
bonus point, you can't deselect the chosen Construct Variant nor switch Constructs
and Suits: This is intended to protect the hardpoints/resources to be glitched.
If you want to switch Constructs/Suits again or deselect the chosen Variant, simply
sell the weapon bought with the bonus hardpoints.

Concerning hardpoints and NO real bug: it is possible that you cannot
"sell" hardpoints for resources. This occurs if you have already bought
weapons and has a simple reason: the program has a handler that checks if the
available hardpoints are considered "start hardpoints" - and you can't sell
those for resources. If you're confused, just sell all weapons/HP lvls and
restart the weapon buying process.

This version does NOT include a Clear-Button. If you want to reset, just restart
the program.

8 - Known Bugs

Besides bad coding, none are known.

+Armored Descent:
The print doesn't state freebies.

In anycase: if somethings wrong, restart the program.

9 - Links

4chan's /tg/ board:

The Power Armor CYOA Wiki:


10 - License

Both programs are under the GNU GPL v3, attached as LICENSE.TXT.

Sourcecode: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cyoa-gui/

11 - Contact

If you have any suggestions or questions regarding this program, you may contact
me via e-mail: croix.noire@aol.com
Source: readme.txt, updated 2014-04-07