CStoDConverter uses scattering data to convert a particle's scattering cross section to a diameter. This is usually non-trivial because scattering cross section is a nonlinear and non-monotonic function of diameter. The software is targetted at performing refractive index corrections for optical particle counters. The scattering data used can be generated from Mie theory (the MieConScat software at http://sourceforge.net/projects/mieconscat can do this) or can be from any other source e.g. experimental data, your own Mie code, T-matrix calculations or any other scattering theory. Full uncertainty propagation is carried out. The principles of this conversion are described in Rosenberg et al 2012, Particle sizing calibration with refractive index correction for light scattering optical particle counters and impacts upon PCASP and CDP data collected during the Fennec campaign and CDP data collected during the Fennec campaign, http://www.atmos-meas-tech.net/5/1147/2012/amt-5-1147-2012.html
software to convert from particle scattering cross section to diameter
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