Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Construct2D_2.1.4.zip 2018-02-26 2.5 MB
README 2018-02-26 2.1 kB
Construct2D_2.1.3.zip 2016-11-01 2.5 MB
Construct2D_2.1.2.zip 2015-11-14 2.5 MB
Construct2D_v2.1.1.zip 2015-01-15 2.5 MB
Totals: 5 Items   9.9 MB 14
This is Construct2D, a structured grid generator designed for 2D airfoils.

Copyright 2013 -- 2018 Daniel Prosser.

Construct2D uses the GNU Public License Version 3, a copy of which can be
found in the license directory.

Version 2.1.4 release notes
- Use 1/2 chord length by default as reference length when calculating y+
  (instead of full chord length), and add an option to set this reference length
  as, specified as a fraction of the chord. Note that this change will cause new
  meshes to have a first layer wall distance that is 1/2 that of previous
  versions when using the default values.
- Print first layer wall distance to stdout when generating mesh.

Version 2.1.3 release notes
- Fixed version number in message when Construct2D is run.

Version 2.1.2 release notes
- Added FUN3D compatibility mode that will write grid and .nmf files in a format
  that can be used by NASA's unstructured flow solver FUN3D. The grid is written
  in 3D single-block .p3d format which can be converted using FUN3D's converter
  plot3d_to_aflr3. The boundary conditions in the .nmf file are written using
  FUN3D-native names so that the converter will be able to write a .mapbc file.

Version 2.1.1 release notes
- Improved .nmf file writing

Version 2.1.0 release notes
- Improved clustering algorithm minimizes stretching on airfoil surface and
  allows user to explicitly set leading edge and trailing edge point spacings.
  Results in better control over clustering and higher quality grids.
- Bug fixes.

Code features:
- 2D grid generation for computational fluid dynamics, designed for airfoils
  (but can also be used for other geometries)
- 3D grids can be written by extruding the 2D plane with user-specified
  spacing and number of planes
- Command line interface with menu-driven design
- Options may also be specified via namelist input for easier batch processing
- Automatic surface grid smoothing and clustering control using XFoil
- Hyperbolic and elliptic grid generation available

Full documentation is available in PDF form in the doc directory.
Source: README, updated 2018-02-26