1. a
2. b
3. c
Here's your list, but now you need to copy it! Not all at once, but one at a time. Let's say you have an online form to fill out and each one of these items is its own box you need to fill. Doing each item individually can be a pain, but with Clipboard Queue, all you have to do is use the Ctrl+C hotkey to copy each item in the order you want to paste them in, and then when you hit Ctrl+V, your computer will paste them one at a time in the same order that you copied them in!
Other Hotkeys include:
Ctrl+E - Empties the Queue.
Ctrl+X - Copies any item you put into the system's built in clipboard to the Queue and empties the system clipboard.
Ctrl+Z - goes back one item when pasting. (Can also undo the emptying operation going back to the last item you copied)
Ctrl+Alt+Z - deletes the last item you copied.
Clipboard Queue
Replaces Ctrl+V and Ctrl+C with a multi-item clipboard.
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