Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
CiellemSysInfo.exe 2013-08-25 351.7 kB
Ciellem Sysinfo Readme.txt 2013-08-20 2.2 kB
Totals: 2 Items   353.9 kB 0
Ciellem SysInfo v. (8/19/2013)

Ciellem Software (Copyleft 2013. feel free to distribute)

First of all I, Codie Miller, would personally like to thank you for downloading and using my very basic system information application written in VB.NET. I am newcommer to coding and I am practicing all of the time and Ciellem SysInfo is my first project. It's not much but I am proud of it! Now to get down to what this program does and what you can do with it!

1 -> features:

Ciellem SysInfo will show you your current basic system information such as the Full name of your PC and OS and Total and Available RAM.

AS of Ciellem SysInfo displays the following information:
OS Platform
OS Full Name
OS Version
Total RAM
Available RAM
Whether Mouse has a Wheel
Network availability
CAPS Lock On/Off
System Name
Number of Drives
Screen Dimensions
Current Time

ChangeLog -->
The main changes of this build are to the easter egg executer.As follows:

-the Hidden was renamed to the Rudeness and button and and windows sizes were changed
-as with every build some code was streamlined for better performance.
-A cheat button directly to the Rudeness without having the code was added to main application for people who may not understand the concept of the Easter Egg Executer.

ChangeLog -
The Main changes to this are streamlined code for the Easter Egg Executer

I will be continually be adding more features with more streamlined code as I progress in coding. 

2 -> Code Feature

The code box features in Ciellem SysInfo is an Easter Egg executer I created for this program. I love easter egg code and I love when implemented into the program. Clicking around the app will show various codes for various outcomes.

The main Easter Egg of Ciellem SysInfo is the Rudeness. Type "The Hidden" or "the hidden" into the Easter Egg Executer and click execute and enjoy a little bit of humor with your system information.

Thanks again for the support and email me if you would like the source code or have ideas to better the project!
Thanks! Codie Miller (Ciellem Software) 8/19/2013 1:06PM

Source: Ciellem Sysinfo Readme.txt, updated 2013-08-20