Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
1.0.0 2012-05-07
0.4.2 2012-01-29
0.4.0 2012-01-29
0.2.0 2012-01-29
README.txt 2012-05-07 2.8 kB
Totals: 5 Items   2.8 kB 0

ChessBoardForPC is a simple "computer magnetic chess board" : you move your pieces as you like,
 just drag a piece to the cell you want it to be.
 You can also navigate in the history :
 *) either by clicking on the buttons at bottom of the board
 *) or by clicking on the wanted written move in the moves table.
 When you have gone back into the history, if you define a new move (simply by moving a piece), this move
 will be set as the new move for this history point, and all moves that are after will be cleared (but don't be
 worried, you will be asked about it if is the case).
 Your game will be automatically saved/reload when exiting/entering application : in autosave.cbk (for linux users,
 it will be at your home folder, for windows users, it will be in the same folder than the jar).
 Saved games also stores the point in history where you were.
 But you can also, if you want, save/load games yourself.
 There is also a position editor, that let you define a new game and its first position, and parameters such as
 the player to move, the en passant file, the possible castlings, ...
 But in the editor, you can also clone the current game position, or load the default position.
 How do I launch it ?
 First, get the java runtime environment (jre) 6 or later, for your Operating System.
 Then :
 *) On Windows
 Right click on the file, and choose to launch it with Java JRE.
 *) On linux bases system (including Mac)
 (Whenever you see <downloaded file> : replace it with the good name, use terminal TAB completion if usefull)
 -> Give the exutable right to the file
 (chmod +x <downloaded file> from a terminal
 or go to the file properties and check the excution permission checkbox)
 -> If you can, choose to launch it with Java JRE from a graphical file manager,
 or type in a terminal : java -jar <downloaded file> from a terminal
 Whenever you try the source, don't forget to add the chess_images and misc_images directories to the class path !!!
 (And the src path if needed). Also, add the ictk library to the project classpath.
 1.0.0) I've written the program from scratch, and added several new features : position editing, game loading/saving and
 automatic game loading/saving, history management.
 0.4.2) I added a cross on the store panel : it lets you remove a piece from the board, just by dragging it over
 		the piece.
 0.4.0) I added a store panel : you can take pieces from it and drop it on the board, in order to add instances
 		(useful for promotion).
 0.2.0)	The first version of project : you can move all pieces wherever you want on the board, simply
 		with a drag and drop.
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-05-07