Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
CEqEA_2.7.1075.zip 2019-10-19 7.0 MB
README.txt 2018-04-29 2.3 kB
Totals: 2 Items   7.1 MB 0
To run CEqEA
1) download CEqEA_2.y.x.zip (biggest `x') and unpack anywhere
2) you must have Java >= v1.6 installed
3) you must have Graphviz >= v2.26.3 installed [http://www.graphviz.org]
4a) either double-click the right script
    - ceqea_windows.bat is for (any) Windows OS
    - ceqea_macos.command is for (any) Mac OS X
    - ceqea_nix.sh is for pretty much everything else
4b) or commandline execute the right script; for help
      > ceqea_nix.sh help (or similar)

NB! CEqEA is fast but can be memory hungry, e.g., 10GB RAM in 
<1min for ~150,000 simple influences --- see 4b) for help.


The source code for CEqEA is available through subversion

  > svn co http://svn.code.sf.net/p/ceqea/code CEqEA2

To build CEqEA,
_) - on *nix, make sure you have svnversion >= v.1.6 in path
   - on Windows, CEqEA's `x' will be "<unrevisioned>"
1) organise files as below
2) generate code from src/antlr/* to src/net/sourceforge/ceqea/A_inForm/ANTLRgen
    - use antlrworks-3.5.2-complete.jar, with output set to the ANTLRgen location
      [see https://github.com/antlr/website-antlr3/tree/gh-pages/download]
    - or run CEqEA2/antlerize.{sh,bat}
3) open CEqEA2 as a NetBeans 8.1 project and build it (F11)

You can now run your home-built CEqEA v2.y.x using the scripts in CEqEA2.

  | - CEqEA2
  | - ceqealib
        | - antlr-3.5.2-complete.jar
        | - jgrapht-0.9.2
        |     | - lib
        |           | - jgrapht-core-0.9.2.jar
        | - zgrviewer
              | - target
                    | - antlr-2.7.7.jar
                    | - jcip-annotations-1.0.jar
                    | - timingframework-1.0.jar
                    | - xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar
                    | - xml-apis-1.3.03.jar
                    | - xmlParserAPIs-2.6.2.jar
                    | - zgrviewer-0.9.0.jar
                    | - zvtm-core-0.11.1.jar
                    | - zvtm-svg-0.2.1.jar

* CEqEA2 is produced by "> svn co ... CEqEA2"
* ceqealib/antlr-3.5.2-complete.jar is at 
* ceqealib/jgrapht-0.9.2 is created by unpackaging jgrapht-0.9.2.zip from
* ceqealib/zgrviewer is created by unpackaging zgrviewer-0.9.0.zip from 
Source: README.txt, updated 2018-04-29