Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Required_Files 2022-09-05
Setup 2022-09-05
Sample_Project 2022-07-07
Create_Scrips 2022-04-26
Documents 2022-03-21
ReadMe_HowTo.txt 2022-07-07 1.6 kB
CCG_Settings_ForConfigFile.txt 2022-04-14 4.6 kB
Totals: 7 Items   6.2 kB 0
	To Use CCG 
	*	1. Download Setup files and install application							*		
	*	2. Open application and do settings (DB connection string, solution path etc.)			*		
	*	3. Select table which you want to generate class of it and just press create button		*
	*	4. Include generated class or classes into your project						*
	*													*
	*	5. Download "Required_Files"									*
	*	6. Add CCGDataService.dll and CCGHelper.dll assamblies into your project as reference		*
	*													*
	*	7. Download "Create_Scripts" 									*
	*	8. Create CRUD_LOG and CRUD_LOG_ADHOC tables by using create scripts				*
	*													*
	*	9. Add CCG Settings to your project config file	as defined with the 				*
	*	   file "CCG_Settings_ForConfigFile.txt".							*			*													*	
	*													*
	*	That is all. It's so simple. :)									*
	*	After that, you can make all CRUD processes by using that generated classes			*
	*													*
	*	Also you can download Sample_Project to see how to CCG is working. This project includes	*
	*	a sample database and a simple .Net project which is written by C#.				*
	*													*
	*	Visit "http://ccg.snazzydocs.com/" for more information.					*	
	*													*
	*	You can send your questions and suggestions to ccg4dal@gmail.com				*
	*													*
Source: ReadMe_HowTo.txt, updated 2022-07-07