Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
female_sample_data 2018-02-08
readme_cain.txt 2019-10-22 1.8 kB
CAIN_release_1_01.zip 2019-02-13 4.5 GB
CAIN_release_1_0.zip 2018-11-20 4.5 GB
CAIN_release_0_9.zip 2018-02-07 4.5 GB
Totals: 5 Items   13.4 GB 0
Author:André Marqaurdt

Please note: This tool is for research use only!! This tool is NOT for diagnostic purposes!

Python 2.7 (www.python.org)
SciPy (van der Walt et al., 2011)
Numpy (van der Walt et al., 2011)
Matplotlib (Hunter, 2007)
bowtie2 (Langmead et al., 2009)
fpdf (https://pyfpdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)

After downloading the folder "CAIN_release_1_01" you have to adjust some specific paths in order to run the program:
1. Change the default results folder used in the pipline (line 16 in "main.py")
2. Change the "metafile"-path used to the location on your system (line 23). You can find this file in  "CAIN_release_1_01.zip/CAIN_release/data_cain/metafile/"
3. Change all paths used in the "metafile" to the correct paths based on the location on your system.

Running the program:
In order to now run the program you need to start the command line:
direct into the folder where you unpacked the tool.
Then you start the tool with the following command:

python main.py -g [male/female] -p [path to the patient specific fastq.gz file] [-o [path] (if you want to on the fly change the output folder]

Interpreting results:
karyotype_numerical: The usually (gold standard) used karyotype annotation for numerical aberrations
all_random_healthy_counts: Raw Data used for plotting
chromosomal_region_over_under: Different files using either 3 or 2 (stated in the filename) Standard Deviations for decision making, showing all over- or underrepresented Regions without any filtering for biological meaningfulness or length of the gained/lost region. "With proteins" file sadditionally contain information about all genes located in this lost/gained area.
region_plots: Graphical output for all chromosomes, showing the in-silico reference and the considered sample

Source: readme_cain.txt, updated 2019-10-22