Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Changelog 2013-08-24 232 Bytes
README 2013-08-24 2.1 kB
browserselector-v0.3.tgz 2013-08-24 4.1 kB
browserselector-v0.2.tgz 2013-08-23 3.6 kB
browserselector-v0.1.tgz 2013-08-21 2.9 kB
Totals: 5 Items   12.9 kB 0
Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/browserselector/

BrowserSelector helps you to open URLs when you use more than one browser. It's
a tiny application has only one popup menu (see the screenshot) where you can
select the browser for the current link. Set up BrowserSelector as the default
web browser and enjoy!

Theoretically BrowserSelector can run on any Linux or other UNIX system, but I
tested it only on Ubuntu 12.04. (Windows support possible in the future.)

BrowserSelector is a python application, so need python (2.7) for it and the
following python mudules:
  * os
  * Tkinter
  * subprocess
  * argparse
  * pygtk
  * gtk
  * PIL

On Ubuntu 12.04 the necessary packages are:
  * python2.7
  * python-imaging
  * python-imaging-tk
  * python-gobject-2
  * python-gtk2

Copy the 'browserselector' file into the /usr/local/bin directory and the
'browserselector.conf' into the /etc/ dir. That's it. Then you can setup
browserselector command as your default browser. 

There are some option, check the output of 'browserselector -h' for them.

You can add/remove/configure your browsers via configuration files:
system wide configuration:
user level configuration:

Preselector feature
BrowserSelector is able to select browser automatically by an external
script without user interaction (no popup menu in this case). For this feature
you should define your own script as a 'preselector command' in the 'main'
section like this:
preselector command = /home/you/bin/preselector.sh

BrowserSelector will call this script when it starts and give the current URL
as an argument:
preselector.sh $URL

The script output should be a name of the selected browser or nothing. (simple
example is: preselector_example.sh)

Known issues
  * No focus on the popup menu, so shortcut keys don't work
  * timeout doesn't work (menu still there till you press 'cancel')

Source: README, updated 2013-08-24