Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
README-7-20-6.txt 2012-05-21 2.6 kB
rtwizard_update-2.patch 2012-05-21 36.4 kB
rtedge_parsing_fix-1.patch 2012-05-21 1.6 kB
red_command_fix-4.patch 2012-05-21 7.0 kB
nurbs_raytracing_improvement-3.patch 2012-05-21 10.2 kB 2012-05-01 79.8 MB
brlcad-7.20.6.tar.gz 2012-05-01 70.6 MB
brlcad-7.20.6.tar.bz2 2012-05-01 61.8 MB
Totals: 8 Items   212.2 MB 0
Note:  There are several bugfix patches to the 7.20.6 release - if 
building from source, apply all patches in order as follows:

(download brlcad-7.20.6.tar.gz and all files with a .patch extension) 
tar -xvzf brlcad-7.20.6.tar.gz 
cd brlcad-7.20.6 
patch -p0 < ../patchfile-1.patch
patch -p0 < ../patchfile-2.patch

--- 2012-04-30  Release 7.20.6                                     ---

* fixed type F picture generation with rtwizard - Bob Parker
* Improvements to NURBS raytracing - Keith Bowman 
* Updated libpng to version 1.5.10 - Cliff Yapp
* Added MUVEStoORCA matrix support to librtserver - Jim Hunt
* fixed BOT raytracing mistakes when using TIE - Keith Bowman
* fixed ARS bounding box size affecting overlap handling - Cliff Yapp
* fixed raytracing crash in 64 bit Windows - Cliff Yapp
* fixed MGED's manual page viewer on 64 bit Windows - Cliff Yapp
* fixed intermittent segmentation fault in MGED - Richard Weiss
* now sorting top level object alphabetically in rtwizard - Cliff Yapp
* improved handling of rgb/color attributes by adjust cmd - Cliff Yapp
* fixed referenced object highlighting in archer treeview - Bob Parker
* added optional scaling parameter to autoview command - Sean Morrison
* fixed extrude object bug rendering at near right angles - Bob Parker
* added -h option to nirt to suppress header printing - Cliff Yapp
* fixed nirt attribute reporting for specified attributes - Cliff Yapp
* fixed ebm/dsp/vol/hf corruption on 64-bit big endian - Sean Morrison
* improved tab-completion behavior for mged and archer - Sean Morrison
* improved table output formatting for 'analyze' command - Tom Browder
* modified rtweight to handle incorrect lines - Tom Browder
* fixed crash in coil when using -S and -l options - Cliff Yapp
* d2-c now handles the imaginary part correctly - Erik Greenwald
* handle path-containing spaces in animation commands - Sean Morrision
* fix rt crash with ambSlow=1 option - Sean Morrision
* fixed pipe crash during tessellation - Sean Morrision
* fixed crash adding extrusion with null sketch name - Bob Parker
* fixed crash during rt -c "ae 35 25" view change - Bob Parker
* fixed mged bug setting color via Combination Editor - Nicholas Reed
* reid command now reports the highest region ID set - Carl Moore
* batch script shortcuts now set PATH on Windows - Sean Morrison
* fixed attribute handling bug affecting v4 geometry - Daniel Rossberg
* fixed g-obj error when exporting facets - Christopher Pitts
Source: README-7-20-6.txt, updated 2012-05-21