Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2011-10-25 1.6 kB
bob-client-1.1-3.noarch.rpm 2011-10-13 7.7 kB
bob-client-1.1-3.src.rpm 2011-10-13 5.1 kB
bob-server-sample.tzr.gz 2011-02-19 85.2 kB
Totals: 4 Items   99.7 kB 0
This is a rough overview of how bob works.

Each site (you may have just one) has a local master. Create a CNAME to that master called toolshed. This server (toolshed) runs an hourly script as a generic user (I use bob) to retreive entire bob-server tree from a repository. It also runs an rsync server pointed to that data, as a read-only, anonimous user.
When bob-client runs on a managed node (server) it retreives via rsync the data on the toolshed server, parses it, and applies changes (if any).

bob-server is a repository. I have tested with cvs and subversion. I belive it should work with git with no problems. I will use subversion as an example running on redhat / CentOS server:

Install subversion:
This is a good howto: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Subversion
Import bob-server module.
Allow user bob read only access into bob-server module.

Local master - toolshed:
Add user bob. Do not allow interactive login. As bob, check out bob-server from repository above.
Set-up rsync server, http://www.jtanderson.org/linux/centos-5-rsync-server-setup/
Add bob-server module to the /etc/rsyncd.conf
   path = /home/bob/bob-server
   comment = Client config repo
   hosts allow =
   ignore nonreadable = yes
   refuse options = checksum
   dont compress = *
   use chroot = yes

Restart rsync server. Check for operability.

Install bob-client rpm.

Create configuration, and run client.  

I know this is rough. If you have specific questions, please email me: visrailevich@gmail.com with the subject line of "bob help"


Source: README.txt, updated 2011-10-25