Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
abg_v0.180214.exe 2018-02-15 15.8 MB
abg_v0.180214.tar.gz 2018-02-15 3.0 MB
abg_v0.150215.exe 2015-02-15 15.8 MB
README.txt 2015-02-15 7.0 kB
abg_v0.150215.tar.gz 2015-02-15 3.0 MB
abg_v0.141126.tar.gz 2014-11-27 3.0 MB
abg_v0.141025.tar.gz 2014-10-25 3.0 MB
abg_v0.140802.tar.gz 2014-08-03 3.0 MB
abg_v0.140731.tar.gz 2014-08-01 3.0 MB
abg_v0.130106.tar.gz 2013-01-06 3.0 MB
abg_v0.121029.exe 2012-10-29 15.8 MB
abg_v0.121029.tar.gz 2012-10-29 3.0 MB
abg_v0.120915.exe 2012-09-16 15.8 MB
abg_v0.120915.tar.gz 2012-09-16 3.0 MB
abg_v0.120809.exe 2012-08-09 15.8 MB
abg_v0.120809.tar.gz 2012-08-09 3.0 MB
abg_v0.120716.exe 2012-07-17 15.8 MB
abg_v0.120716.tar.gz 2012-07-17 3.0 MB
abg_v0.120705.tar.gz 2012-07-06 3.0 MB
abg_v0.120602.exe 2012-06-02 15.7 MB
abg_v0.120602.tar.gz 2012-06-02 2.9 MB
abg_v0.120502.exe 2012-05-03 15.7 MB
abg_v0.120502.tar.gz 2012-05-03 2.9 MB
abg_v0.120317.exe 2012-03-17 15.7 MB
abg_v0.120317.tar.gz 2012-03-17 2.9 MB
abg_v0.120313.exe 2012-03-13 15.7 MB
abg_v0.120313.tar.gz 2012-03-13 2.9 MB
abg_v0.120309.exe 2012-03-09 15.7 MB
abg_v0.120309.tar.gz 2012-03-09 2.9 MB
abg_v0.120307.exe 2012-03-07 15.7 MB
abg_v0.120307.tar.gz 2012-03-07 2.9 MB
abg_v0.120305.tar.gz 2012-03-05 1.8 MB
abg_v0.120305.exe 2012-03-05 14.6 MB
abg_v0.120229.tar.gz 2012-02-29 1.6 MB
abg_v0.120229.exe 2012-02-29 14.4 MB
abg_v0.120219.tar.gz 2012-02-20 788.1 kB
abg_v0.120219.exe 2012-02-19 3.7 MB
abg_v0.120213.tar.gz 2012-02-13 778.8 kB
abg_v0.120211.tar.gz 2012-02-11 759.6 kB
abg_v0.120208.tar.gz 2012-02-08 753.6 kB
abg_v0.120118.tar.gz 2012-01-18 752.3 kB
abg_v0.120101.tar.gz 2012-01-01 160.7 kB
abg_v0.111229.tar.gz 2011-12-30 158.3 kB
abg_v0.111225.tar.gz 2011-12-26 155.1 kB
abg_v0.111224.tar.gz 2011-12-24 154.8 kB
abg_v0.111221.tar.gz 2011-12-21 154.2 kB
abg_v0.111220.tar.gz 2011-12-20 152.9 kB
BGASetup0.9.1.msi 2010-04-25 906.2 kB
BGASetup0.9.0.msi 2010-04-21 905.7 kB
Totals: 49 Items   286.3 MB 0
Anywhere Board Games Release Notes
02/15/2015 (abg_v0.150215.exe and abg_v0.1502.15.tar.gz)
 - New keyboard shortcuts: 
   - Hit SHIFT with clicking to select all pieces under the cursor,
   - Hold SHIFT to scoop up pieces as you drag,
   - Hit CTRL while dragging to pick up another single piece, and 
   - Hit SPACE to drop the lowest piece.

11/26/2014 (abg_v0.141126.tar.gz)
 - Update for new location of Google Hangout API

10/25/2014 (abg_v0.141025.tar.gz)
 - Due to "mixed content" issues, moved sample boards to 
   HTTPS locations in Dropbox

08/02/2014 (abg_v0.140802.tar.gz)
 - Speed up Google Hangout updates by combining queued
   updates together
 - Allow partial piece definitions (so that update queues
   can be split arbitrarily without crashing
 - Fixed an issue with z index updates getting too big

07/31/2014 (abg_v0.140731.tar.gz)
 - Fixed an issue with Google Hangout freezing with larger
   piece collections (now allows piece data up to 2K)

01/06/2013 (abg_v0.130106.tar.gz)
 - Fixed an issue with saving a board in a Google Hangout with 

10/29/2012 (abg_v0.121029.exe and abg_v0.121029.tar.gz)
 - Allow users to redirect the board to another URL (useful for
   connecting Google+ Hangouts to locally running sessions).

9/15/2012 (abg_v0.120915.exe and abg_v0.120915.tar.gz)
 - Better support for PHP 5.2

8/09/2012 (abg_v0.120809.exe and abg_v0.120809.tar.gz)
 - Added context menu link to on-line end-user help.

7/16/2012 (abg_v0.120716.exe and abg_v0.120716.tar.gz)
 - Improved support for IE9 in both PHP server and Google+ Hangout

7/05/2012 (abg_v0.120705.tar.gz)
 - Added source for Google+ Hangout version of ABG.  To use ABG on
   a Google+ Hangout, just go to: 

6/02/2012 (abg_v0.120602.exe and abg_v0.120602.tar.gz)
 - Added the ability to assign custom CSS classes and a JavaScript
   callback for when a piece is moved or rotated.  This is the
   beginning of a series of changes that will allow users to
   script game rules and computer players.

5/02/2012 (abg_v0.120502.exe and abg_v0.120502.tar.gz)
 - Made manipulating pieces easier with a mouse by having the left
   mouse button move the piece (or start the pop-up menu if no 
   movement), the middle mouse button flip and move the piece, and
   the right mouse button rotate the piece.

3/17/2012 (abg_v0.120317.exe and abg_v0.120317.tar.gz)
 - Fixed an issue with pieces being highlighted upon being touched
   with the standard Android Browser
 - Added confirmation dialog when clearing the board (my daughter
   accidentally cleared the board during a game...)

3/13/2012 (abg_v0.120313.exe and abg_v0.120313.tar.gz)
 - Work to create a consistent feel and better stability
   on touch devices
 - Touch-drag events now initiate multi-select (just like
   mouse events)
 - Touch-based pan/zoom is now done by bringing up a pop-up
   menu and then using touch-drag with the pop-up menu open
 - Pieces that are stacked are now moved to the location of
   the lowest piece, which makes manipulating decks a bit easier
 - Conducted testing on Google Chrome beta for Android (works
   well!)  So we suggest Google Chrome, Safari (iOS), and 
   Firefox for use with ABG.

3/09/2012 (abg_v0.120309.exe and abg_v0.120309.tar.gz)
 - Added HTML form elements to Agricola Express scoreboard
   so players can score their card completely in the

3/07/2012 (abg_v0.120307.exe and abg_v0.120307.tar.gz)
 - Added the game "Agricola Express"
 - Added 3-D rendered dice with POV-Ray source code
 - Custom HTML can be attached to pieces (for links
   and initial scripting)

3/05/2012 (abg_v0.120305.exe and abg_v0.120305.tar.gz)
 - Added Go, Chess, and Reversi (Othello) games (more examples of 
   board and card games you can create yourself)

2/29/2012 (abg_v0.120229.exe and abg_v0.120229.tar.gz)
 - Added a Words (with friends or whomever) game!
 - "Open Board" now provides a select list of built-in boards
   from which to choose
 - You can now open a board from a URL (to promote sharing of boards)
 - Added board pieces including dice, a flipping coin, and player
 - Windows installer now uses Apache (which provides much faster
   update performance with multiple clients)

2/19/2012 (abg_v0.120219.exe and abg_v0.120219.tar.gz)
 - New Windows installer with Mongoose and PHP!
 - Fixed an issue with file locking on Windows
 - Reduced the server timeout for Mongoose to avoid client errors
 - New Windows installer with Mongoose and PHP!
 - Fixed an issue with file locking on Windows
 - Reduced the server timeout for Mongoose to avoid client errors

2/13/2012 (abg_v0.120213.tar.gz)
 - Added intro page for first-time installation
 - Moved the data file into server/data so that multiple installations
   can be done on a single web server
 - Improved error reporting for server-side errors

2/11/2012 (abg_v0.120211.tar.gz)
 - Added rolling animation
 - Improved menu for multi-sided pieces (to make rolling easier)
 - Fixed viewing dietails for pictures with spaces in their

2/8/2012 (abg_v0.120208.tar.gz)
 - Moved back to local jquery and jquery-ui to allow offline play
 - Allows pieces to be resized (you can specify a
   width in pixels for the piece in the edit box)
 - Users can now select "View Detail" for a piece (to make a piece
   fill up the screen so that you can read text or other details 
   on the piece)

1/18/2012 (abg_v0.120118.tar.gz)
 - Added checkers and deck images and "abg" files that
   can be used with "Upload Board" to kick-off a game
 - Fixed the ABG icon for favicon and Apple icon usage
 - Cleans up the board when downloaded (removing null entries)
 - Allows users to click on the scrollbar in Chrome

1/1/2012 (abg_v0.120101.tar.gz)
 - Multi-select rotate and shuffle work
 - You can desginate pieces to be "Player Hand Shields", which moves them
   up to the top to hide hands.  A player then can move them locally to the
   back so they can view their hand.
 - Pieces can be edited

12/29/2011 (abg_v0.111229.tar.gz)
 - Got first multi-select methods working (move, lock, and unlock)
 - You can initiate multi-select with mouse through click/drag on the background or 
   a locked piece
 - You can initiate multi-select with touch through a menu on the background or 
   a locked piece

12/25/2011 (abg_v0.111225.tar.gz)
 - Now pieces can have multiple sides!
 - Added flip (for > 1 side) and roll (for > 2 sides)
 - New and cloned pieces are placed on top

12/24/2011 (abg_v0.111224.tar.gz)
 - Brings a piece to front on drag
 - Added ability "Send to Back" a piece

12/21/2011 (abg_v0.111220.tar.gz)
 - Now supports loading and saving board state
 - Defaults to using Google provided jQuery and jQuery-UI (to avoid Chrome log errors)

12/20/2011 (abg_v0.111220.tar.gz)
 - Initial release of PHP5 version
 - Supports single sided pieces, moving and rotating
 - Supports HTML5 browsers and touch events on iOS and Android
Source: README.txt, updated 2015-02-15