Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Archive 2024-06-27
readme-en.txt 2024-07-04 7.2 kB
install-blog-v1.4.0.exe 2024-07-04 2.5 MB
install-blog-v1.4.0.zip 2024-07-04 2.8 MB
Totals: 4 Items   5.3 MB 3

1. Installation instructions
1.1. General information
1.2. Manual installation
1.3. Automatic installation under Windows
2. Release notes

1. Installation instructions

1.1. General information

The blog system must be installed on a web server that supports PHP. This guide
assumes that such a web server is already available and that the following data
is to hand:

- The web server address for uploading files via SFTP. This can be obtained
  from the hosting provider. Example for Strato: ssh.strato.de

- The installation directory. Corresponds to the directory to which the domain
  (e.g. beispiel.de) was redirected. If nothing is specified here, the files
  will be uploaded to the default directory (usually the main directory).

- The user name for uploading files via SFTP. This can be obtained from the
  hosting provider.

- The password for uploading files via SFTP. This can be obtained from the
  hosting provider and should be changed afterwards.

The installation can be done manually using an SFTP program or automatically
using an installation program (the latter only under Windows):

1.2. Manual installation

Unpack the downloaded ZIP file "install-blog-v[…].zip" into a directory on the
local computer and then upload the unpacked files to the web server using an
SFTP program (e.g. FileZilla or WinSCP).

The ZIP file contains the following directories:

  Directory          Contents

  ├──install         Files for a fresh installation.
  │  │
  │  ├──common       Common files for all languages.
  │  │
  │  ├──de           Files for the German language.
  │  │
  │  └──en           Files for the English language.
  └──update          Files for the update installation.
     ├──common       Common files for all languages.
     ├──de           Files for the German language.
     └──en           Files for the English language.

The basic procedure for uploading the files is as follows:

- Start the SFTP program and connect to the web server. To do this, enter the
  web server address, your user name and password.

- The window of such an SFTP program is usually divided into two parts: on the
  left you can see the files and directories of the local computer, on the right
  those of the web server.

- If you have redirected the domain under which the blog system should be
  accessible on the WWW to a specific directory on the web server, you must
  change into this directory on the right.

- On the left, go to the local directory whose contents are to be uploaded, mark
  all the files and subdirectories you can see (usually you can do this with the
  key combination Ctrl+A) and start the upload.

The following differentiates between a new (fresh) installation and an update

a) New installation

If the blog system is being installed on this web server or in this directory
for the first time, a new installation should be carried out. To do this, open
the local "install" directory of the unpacked ZIP file in the SFTP program.
Then go to the "common" subdirectory and upload its entire contents to the web
server. Finally, upload the contents of *one* of the two subdirectories "de" or
"en" - depending on the language (German or English) in which you want to use
the blog system.

b) Update installation

If the blog system has already been installed and you want to update it to a new
version, an update installation is recommended. Only files that are normally not
changed by the user are updated.

Before an update, it is always advisable to create a backup (in the blog system
editor under "Open > List: Backup > Button: Create").

The update procedure is the same as for a new installation, but with the
difference that the subdirectories to be uploaded are not in the "install"
directory of the unpacked ZIP file, but in the "update" directory.

The website should now be able to be opened by entering the address (e.g.
"example.de") in the browser. A text with further information on the initial
setup of the blog system is displayed there.

1.3. Automatic installation under Windows

To do this, start the downloaded installer "install-blog-v[…].exe" and confirm
the message "Do you want to install Blog System Version […]?" with OK.
The files contained are now unpacked into a temporary directory and the actual
installation program is started. Alternatively, you can also run the file
"install.bat" from the downloaded and unpacked ZIP file "install-blog-v[…].zip".

If the installer is executed for the first time and no data has been entered,
the data mentioned above under "General information" (language, web server
address, installation directory, user name, password) will be requested.
After entering the data, a selection menu will appear.

L = List contents of installation directory
N = New installation
U = Update installation
H = Remove access protection (deletes the .htaccess file)
E = Change entered values
I = Info (displays the "Readme" file)
X = Exit

A function is selected by entering the specified letter and the Enter key.

It is advisable to display the contents of the installation directory first to
make sure that you have entered the correct directory. This also checks whether
the SFTP connection to the web server is working. If an error message appears
here, you can correct the connection data by entering E.

If the blog system is installed on this web server or in this directory for the
first time, a new installation should be carried out. This will upload all the
necessary files to the specified installation directory on the web space.

If the blog system has already been installed and you want to update it to a new
version, an update installation should be performed. An update only installs
files that are normally not changed by the user. Before an update, it is always
advisable to create a backup (in the editor under "Open > List: Backup > Button:

The "H = Remove access protection" function is useful if you have forgotten the
password for access protection or have locked yourself out by entering incorrect
values. This function deletes the lib/.htaccess file.

Entering "X" will exit the installer. If a Windows "Program Compatibility
Assistant" message pops up afterwards, it can be ignored or closed.

2. Release notes

Version 1.4.0 (2024-07-04)

- New: Archive widget to select articles by year and month.
- New: Translate widget for translation of the website into another language.

Version 1.3.0 (2024-06-27)

- New: Editor: "Published" flag for article properties.
- Changed: Only published articles are included in sitemap and widgets.

Version 1.2.0 (2024-06-26)

- New: Print style for printing articles.
- New: Contact form: Administrative information are now multilingual as well.

Version 1.1.0 (2024-06-25)

- New: Editor: Dark mode.

Version 1.0.1 (2024-06-22)

- Bugfix: Editor: Backup dialog: Button "Start" is now initialized correctly.

Version 1.0 (2024-06-21)

- First Release.

Source: readme-en.txt, updated 2024-07-04