Home / sampleimagewebpage
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
2006 2019-01-19
2005 2019-01-19
fig 2019-01-17
cmdall 2019-01-19 5.7 kB
readme 2019-01-19 3.1 kB
myphotos.htm 2019-01-17 645 Bytes
Totals: 6 Items   9.5 kB 0
This directory contains a fully constructed sample of web pages created by
bldndx.  Since sourceforge trashes relative file addressing when loading html
files, the sample can only be properly viewed by downloading the tar bundle
sampleimagewebpage.tar to your own pc, running tar xf sampleimagewebpage.tar,
and viewing the myphotos.htm locally on your own pc.  The files are all placed
on sourceforge, but viewing the myphotos.htm is best done from your own pc.

This directory contains a manually updated htm file (i.e., myphotos.htm) to list
web pages created by bldndx, a library of standard icons (i.e., fig directory)
to label in web page features, a command file that calls bldndx (i.e., cmdall)
to create sample web pages, and two year/topic directories with sample images
(i.e., 2005/vac/imgh and 2006/doors/imgh).  Prior to running the bldndx command
file, the following file structure is all that needs to be present.

./fig/{miscellaneous jpg, gif, and png icon files}
./2006/doors/imgh/{sample door image .jpg files}
./2005/vac/imgh/{sample vac image .jpg files}

The above listing actually includes five command files (i.e., cmdall,
2006/cmd2006, 2006/doors/cmddoors, 2005/cmd2005, and 2005/vac/cmdvac).  They
represent three different ways to run bldndx.  One way is to run cmdall.  The
second way is to run 2006/cmd2006 and 2005/cmd2005.  The third way is to run
2006/doors/cmddoors and 2005/vac/cmdvac.  All three ways produce exactly the
same outcome.  The difference is that bldndx is run from different places in
the file structure with variations in how the options are specified.  In all
cmd... files, an imagelistfile, list1, is created and a titlefl, heading, is
created for running bldndx.  After running bldndx, heading and list1 are

Prior to creating web pages by bldndx, the above information is the only
information that needs to be present for running bldndx.  After running bldndx,
the newly created htm files and additional images are present.  For the doors
sample, bldndx creates three htm files.  For the vac sample, bldndx creates one
htm file.  Bldndx also creates medium and thumbnail size images and sometimes
medium size images with composited background.

./fig/{miscellaneous jpg, gif, and png icon files}
./2006/doors/imgh/{sample door image .jpg files}
./2006/doors/imgs/{medium size door image files with composited background}
./2006/doors/imgm/{medium size door image files}
./2006/doors/imgt/{thumbnail size door image files}
./2005/vac/imgh/{sample vac image .jpg files}
./2005/vac/imgs/{medium size vac image files with composited background}
./2005/vac/imgm/{medium size vac image files}
./2005/vac/imgt/{thumbnail size vac image files}
Source: readme, updated 2019-01-19