Home / source / opengl / gl_regpoly
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
gl_bbmio.h 2020-11-09 9.1 kB
gl_bbm_polygon.h 2020-10-19 6.7 kB
main.c 2020-10-19 6.1 kB
makefile 2020-10-19 359 Bytes
gl_bbm_polygon_array.h 2020-10-19 4.4 kB
readme.txt 2020-10-18 2.2 kB
gl_regpoly_win10.exe 2020-10-16 291.9 kB
Totals: 7 Items   320.7 kB 0
Chastity's Polygon
Rendered with Open GL
Window Toolkit freeglut

This is the original freeglut version of my polygon program. It is a program for playing around with regular polygons. There is also a near identical version with GLFW because I wanted to learn and compare both libraries. All polygon drawing in either case is done with legacy opengl.

The controls are as follows.


Number keys 0 through 7 change the current color of the spinning polyon.

0 = black
1 = blue
2 = green
3 = cyan
4 = red
5 = magenta
6 = yellow
7 = white

Keys 8 and 9 change the number of corners of the polygon.

8 = decrease number of points/corners by 1. (cannot go below 3)
9 = increase number of points/corners by 1. No limit but can slow things down once you have hundreds.

The keys - and = change the step of drawing star polygons. Only applies for draw modes 'e' and 'r'. See later section.

- = decrease number of steps through polygon corners. Does not go below 1.
= = increase number of steps through polygon corners. Fails unless points is as least 5.

Draw modes:

Additionally, keys q,w,e,r,t,y change which draw mode is in effect. They are like this.

q = default mode. Draws regular filled convex polygon.
w = line mode. Draws regular unfilled convex polygon.
e = default mode. Draws regular filled star polygon.
r = line mode. Draws regular unfilled star polygon.
t = draws lines from polygon center to corners
y = draw only dots where corners are. They are small and hard to see sometimes.

Movement keys. Based on vim text editor.

h = move polygon left
j = move polygon down
k = move polygon up
l = move polygon right

Radius change

; = make radius smaller
' = make radius bigger

Mouse clicks

left  = move polygon to wherever you clicked
right = toggle whether screen is cleared each frame

That's all for now. There may be undocumented controls as I get new ideas and add them. Checking the main.c source file shows you everything. The program is easy to compile for either Linux or Windows. Check the makefile and ask me if you have any questions.


Source: readme.txt, updated 2020-10-18