Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.TXT 2011-09-06 1.7 kB
balaBLAST_1.deb 2011-09-06 57.6 kB
Totals: 2 Items   59.3 kB 0
balaBLAST 0.1 - Balanced BLAST 

Open Source Tool for BLAST on cluster machine.


balaBLAST is a free useful tool for parallel execution of NCBI BLAST. 
It exploits I/O parallelism and database partitioning, while guaranteeing same output reporting of NBCI BLAST. 
Those outcomes had improved the processing time against others tools with same propose.

balaBLAST allows the execution of NCBI BLAST on several machines simultaneously adopting a non-intrusive approach, 
that is, we make no changes to the specific (and usual) NCBI BLAST program used at each site.


The Debian Package version of balaBLAST brings whole process to install balaBLAST on cluster.
The installation can be started with the command: 

$ dkpg -i /path/to/balaBLAST1.deb


To use the balaBLAST tool, you need to be using the machine that was downloaded and installed the system package. In this machine, type on a terminal:
mpirun -np <#> balaBLAST +f <# > +t <#> -d <database> -i </path/to/inputfile> -o <outputFile> -p <kindofSearch>
# mpirun - command who allows us to execute the balaBLAST on multiple machines
# -np <#>  - number of machines which will execute the balaBLAST
# balaBLAST - invoking the tool
# +f - number of database fragments, defined on installation time.
# +t - task size - increase or decrease the number of transfers on the network. Default is |sequencesNumber / fragments number|.

As we can see, the initial part of command was modified from the terminal execution of blast, but all parameters NCBI BLAST keep save. 
Source: README.TXT, updated 2011-09-06