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README 2012-11-18 2.8 kB
backora.zip 2012-11-18 7.0 kB
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$Id: README,v 1.1 2011/04/07 19:19:40 fnds Exp $


backora [ options ] db1 ... dbn # backup the listed dbs
backora [ options ] all         # backup all the dbs in /etc/oratab with last field = 'Y'
backora                         # displays this help message

        -e      export database with Datapump (default: true)
        -f      weekly full backup and daily archivelog backup to offsite dir (default: false)
        -i      weekly incremental lvl 0 and daily lvl 1 to offsite dir (default: false)
        -s      backup using oracle suggested strategy (default: true)

        By default, backora will perform the suggested strategy backup AND export the database.


- prepare a directory with sufficient disk space for your requiments
- the unix account used to run backora must be configured as follows:
  - able to run 'sqlplus / as sysdba' from the shell prompt
  - able to set variables with the oraenv script
- for oracle suggested strategy, configure flash recovery area


   The config file must be named backora.conf and be placed on the
   same directory as the backora script ($BINDIR)

   The parameters listed below can be overriden in the config file

   RECOVERY_WINDOW=7           # how many days rman keeps backups
   EXPORT_RETENTION=7          # how many days dump files are kept
   EXPDIR=/u03/oracle/exports  # directory for dump files, backora creates a sundir for each db
   OFFDIR=/u03/oracle/offsite  # directory for backup files, for offsite storage
   DPDIR=BACKORA               # directory name for oracle "create directory" cmd
   DOEXP=true                  # true = dump database by default, false = just when set in cmd line
   DOOSS=true                  # true = do sugg. strat. by default, false = just when set in cmd line
   DOINCR=false                # true = do incr backup by default, false = just when set in cmd line
   DOFULL=false                # true = do full backup by default, false = just when set in cmd line
   RMAN_TAG=BACKORA            # string used to tag rman backups
   DAYLVL0=7                   # week day to do lvl 0 incr. Mon=1,...,Sun=7
   DAYFULL=7                   # week day to do full backup. Mon=1,...,Sun=7
   ORATAB=/etc/oratab          # location of oratab file


   Sometimes it is necessary to have different recovery window or export file retention
   for individual databases.

   If needed, create db specific config file at $BINDIR/conf/backora.$ORACLE_SID.conf

   $BINDIR is the directory where the backora script has been installed.

   Edit the file with the settings for the particular database.
Source: README, updated 2012-11-18