AwesomeBump is a free and open source graphic app written using Qt library. It was made as an alternative to known gimp plugin Insane Bump or the commercial tool Crazy Bump. It is designed to generate normal, height, specular or ambient occlusion, metallic, roughness and other textures from a single image. Most of the image processing is done on GPU so the program runs very fast and all the parameters can be changed in real time.


  • Converts normal map to height map (bump map and vice versa
  • Extract the bump from the arbitrary image
  • Calculate ambient occlusion and specularity of image
  • Perspective tranformation of the image
  • Creating seamless texture (simple linear filter, random mode, or mirror filter)
  • Generate roughness and metallic textures (different types of surface analysis are available)
  • Real time tessellation is available
  • Saving images to following formats: PNG, JPG,BMP,TGA
  • Edit one texture which contains different materials
  • Add some grunge to your map with grunge texture
  • Mix two bumpmaps together with normal map mixer
  • and many others...

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GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)

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Linux, Mac, Windows

