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AutoTypeSearch-v1.0.zip 2019-05-02 58.5 kB
Readme.txt 2019-05-02 3.8 kB
Totals: 2 Items   62.3 kB 19

This is a plugin to KeePass <http://www.KeePass.info> to provide a quick searching capability as
an enhancement to the global auto-type system. If a global auto-type is requested, but no matching
entry for the active window is found, this plugin will show a quick as-you-type search window which
lets you to easily pick the entry to auto-type.

Place AutoTypeSearch.plgx in your KeePass Plugins folder.

AutoTypeSearch is initially configured to automatically appear after an unsuccessful global
auto-type. However, this can be changed in the KeePass Options window (an AutoTypeShow tab has
been added). Here, a system-wide hot key can be configured to show the AutoTypeSearch window
immediately. It is also possible to show the window by running KeePass.exe passing "/e1:AutoTypeSearch"
as a command line parameter.

Once the window is shown, usage is extremely simple. Just start typing, and AutoTypeSearch will
search your database for matching entries. By default, the Title, Url, Notes, Tags, and Custom Fields
will be searched, but this can be configured in the AutoTypeShow tab of the KeePass Options window.

Protected fields (like Password) will not be searched.

The arrow keys can be used to move the selection in the list of results, then press Enter to auto-
type the selected entry. Alternatively, press Shift+Enter to open the entry instead of auto-typing it.
(These actions can also be customised in the Options window.) Clicking and Shift-Clicking an entry will
also perform those actions.

Delete AutoTypeSearch.plgx from your KeePass Plugins folder.

Checking for updates
If you want to use the KeePass Check for Updates function to check for updates to this plugin
then it requires the SourceForgeUpdateChecker plugin to be installed too:

Bug Reporting, Questions, Comments, Feedback, Donations
Please use the SourceForge project page: <http://sourceforge.net/projects/autotypesearch>
Bugs can be reported using the issue tracker, for anything else, a discussion forum is available.

 Initial release

 Added information banner when search is shown as a result of an unsuccessful global auto-type
 Compatibility with Linux/Mono

 Added search result prioritisation for entries where the match is found at the start of the field

 Added support for multiple databases. All currently open, unlocked, databases will be searched

 Added support for KeePass 2.29 high resolution custom icons

 Where title does not uniquely identify the results shown, now also shows the group name as context

 Added support for the "Open entry URL" action. Use the Options window to choose this, if required.

 Added support for the "Copy password" action. Use the Options window to choose this, if required.

 Added workaround for mono bug under Linux that could cause an ArgumentOutOfRange crash when 
  searching if only a single result is initially returned.

 Fixed bug where up or down keys would cause an exception if there are no results to scroll through

 Compatibility with KeePass 2.41 (No longer compatible with previous versions)

 Diacritic (accent) insensitive searching

 Removed ugly white top border under Windows 10

 Compatibility with KeePass 2.42. For versions of KeePass prior to 2.42, use an 0.X version.

Throbber image by FlipDarius http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/File:Loading.gif
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2019-05-02