Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
IMG 2021-04-12
Iso 2021-04-12
README.md 2021-04-12 506 Bytes
Totals: 3 Items   506 Bytes 0

ArchLunx image on danish. It is at custom install to use whith qemu or clone to at hdd. the image is about 15G and parted as EFI and GPT.

There is ony a Root User whith PASSWORD: live

at login in LIGHTDM use the information above.

Use the terminal Command passwd for create your personal password for root.

The Desktop Environment is Cinnamon Filemanger is nemo, Terminal is Gnome-terminal

Features Ready to go Archlinux hdd image

Download it under Source code you have to unzip the downloadet file.

Source: README.md, updated 2021-04-12