Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week 2011-02-04
readme.txt 2011-02-04 763 Bytes
Totals: 2 Items   763 Bytes 0
Welcome to Aqeria!

Aqeria is currently in alpha development, which has been on indefinite hiatus since the beginning of 2011, as I was contemplating merging with OpenEMR. Due to development differences, I chose to continue Aqeria. It is currently semi-functional, though certainly missing a large portion of features. I was also investigating porting the code into Mono to achieve platform independence. It is yet to be done.

In its current state, Aqeria will compile into Microsoft Visual C# Express in 32bit, and its binaries are semi-functional. As a sole developer, I have yet to comment a majority of the code. However, it is quite straightforward. If you are interested in joining the development team, please contact me at ibi dot keller at gmail dot com
Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-02-04