Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
openbox-config.zip 2020-09-06 26.2 kB
freebsd-drivers.pdf 2020-09-04 12.8 kB
The-Zionist-Protocols-Scott-A-Barry.pdf 2020-09-04 6.8 MB
Recording_a_Psychiatrist_Medical_COINTELPRO.mp4 2020-09-04 10.1 MB
1.pdf 2020-09-04 18.8 kB
openssl-examples.md 2020-09-01 1.6 kB
Most-Secure-Private-Usable-Linux-Distro.mp2 2020-09-01 6.2 MB
Flower-Of-Life-Part-30.mp2 2020-09-01 9.3 MB
Next-Kernel-Audit.pdf 2020-08-31 3.0 MB
url-update.pdf 2020-08-31 3.0 MB
COVID-19-is-a-Hoax-YDHWM-3623.mp4 2020-08-30 9.1 MB
shellcode-link.pdf 2020-08-29 11.7 kB
Alt-Linux.pdf 2020-08-27 12.1 kB
Covid-Hoax.mp4 2020-08-26 8.3 MB
Random-Binary-Copy-Documentary.pdf 2020-08-26 10.2 kB
David-Duke-Jewish-Supremacism.mp4 2020-08-25 2.9 MB
Randomportscans.pdf 2020-08-24 28.8 kB
FreeBSD-Audit.pdf 2020-08-23 18.2 kB
Nomad BSD Audit.pdf 2020-08-23 10.4 kB
random-freq.sh.zip 2020-08-22 1.1 MB
Gang-Stalking-is-Nothing-New.pdf 2020-08-22 10.1 kB
Nomad-BSD.pdf 2020-08-22 12.7 kB
Kernel-Observations.pdf 2020-08-22 12.3 kB
RISS-Program-Port-Scan.pdf 2020-08-21 10.7 kB
This-is-why-people-are-stalked-mobbed-killed-drugged-poisoned-and-harassed-RISS-Program-and-KST-file-known-suspected-____.pdf 2020-08-21 913.8 kB
xzcat-gtgt-Meth-Usage-Burnout.mp2.lzma 2020-08-19 6.9 MB
ShadowGate-Whistleblower-Calls-Out-Alex-Jones-Roger-Stone.mp2 2020-08-19 18.1 MB
Weaponized-Electromagnetic-Fields.zip 2020-08-18 3.5 MB
Setting-up-a-BSD-Burner.zip 2020-08-17 8.5 MB
Firefox-NomadBSD.7z 2020-08-17 8.1 MB
Flush-Your-Meds-Drivel-August-2020.tar 2020-08-11 403.4 MB
README.md 2020-08-10 7.8 kB
README.pdf 2020-08-10 27.6 kB
Flush-Your-Meds-Drivel-August-2020.mp3 2020-08-10 15.8 MB
Additionals-x64.tar.gz 2020-08-10 36.1 MB
Anti-Iptables-GhostBSD20-x64.iso 2020-08-10 2.8 GB
Totals: 36 Items   3.4 GB 0

Anti Iptables re-branded GhostBSD-20-x64



Note: If you're on x86x64 and not MIPS/ARM/SPARC/IA32 you're doing it wrong, Microkernel Minix Back-Door... So you run it at the Hardware Application Layer Level because the CPU has a Government Remote Access Tool. All Monolitics Unix/Linux, Hybridkernels, NON-Microkernels will be remote accessed by MSIL Motorolla Mossad Back-Door... Solaris is Enterprise and SPARC Compatible and runs Baudline... Some Governments even use it. Cent OS is half shares and RHEL is the rest of the shares. The Systemd thing is quite obvious...

This is Anti Iptables, an alternative to back-doored Systemd, Iptables, RHEL, Cent OS, Jewbuntu, Derpian, and the like. Anti Iptables is re-branded GhostBSD-20-x64.

https-everywhere https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/https-everywhere/ ublock-origin https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/ privacy-badger https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/privacy-badger17/

Pre-Mitigate: su root / sudo -i / passwd root find .mozilla -exec shred {} \ ; echo "yes >/dev/sdx" ; find /tmp -exec shred {} \ ; echo "fdisk -l / echo >1" ; find /var/tmp -exec shred {} \ ; echo "shred -vzn 2 file/dev/sdx" ; find .cache -exec shred {} \ ; echo shift-del ; top/htop ; f9 - syslogd/klogd/ssh/cups-ipp ... ; echo ctrl-h ; rfkill block bluetooth ; echo bluetooth is jewtooth ; chmod -R 000/777 .mozilla /tmp /var/tmp and see instant shit ... web-crawl:duckduckgo/google/baidi/com/yandex-ru/archive-is-org "quotes"-/+"qoutes" parent directory index of site: filetype: ... Yale University Library, Globalist CFR, loc.gov, pubmed, derping... Academia.edu for libtards and fringe abusers, more derpsumderp ... MKULTRA/COINTELPRO/FBI/CIA/DIA/INQTEL/ADL/SPLC/Mossad/911/Zersetzung pkg install redshift - audacity 666/87 time compression - openjdk ... https://loga.us/2018/10/24/freebsd-and-redshift-blue-light-suppression/ CF Cards are better density as 1 GB hence they are larger and older.. Compact Flash Cards as 1 GB SSDs for solid density as a ISO9660ROM... Density is hard to come by thanks to Crypto Zionists and Mossad ... We all know 9/11 was a Mossad OP joke as all hath said over and over. base6432 decode | base6432 --decode / -d depends on nix-like kernel. or just use data:junka;base64,stuff is limited in 8bit byte stack. Alternating Current : ~ : 01111110 as speaker-test -t sine -f 528 relay to one diode or amplify as zig-zag to caps muliplier ... Hook to a storage bank, see shit happening, see that, derp!!! Zio Cryptos put fluoride springs here, distill it good or die!!! Other countries ozonate, those countries have customs UCC laws, coincidentally, BSD/Microkernel/Minix has been used those places. The Minix/Microkernel/BSD Backdoor in all Intel/AMD/x86x64 CPUs... To half it: 7z>blowfish>!!!passwd cat | base64 | base32 --decode >b6432


*Ram Boot



*No Iptables

*No Systemd

*Global UCC (BSD)

The DNS Some Tard uses: The Spoofed Mac Addresses Tard uses: 1a1a1a1a1a1a 5a5a5a5a5a5a aaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbb cccccccccccc 111111111111 222222222222 333333333333 444444444444 001122334400 004433221100 0a0a0a0a0a0a aabbccddeeff 666666666666 ffffffffffff dddddddddddd 909090909090 808080808080 707070707070 606060606060 505050505050 404040404040 303030303030 202020202020 101010101010 010101010101 4a4a4a4a4a4a

We know Zionist Martian Shills run the world... Martians started the God Myth... 12 Aliens are running earth... They already destroyed Mars... Homo-Capensis/Sapiens/humans are martian-made creatures bieng used as Cestui Que Vie Trust Account UCC Code Slaves from 1300-1666-1871 and so on and nothing works here... UCC=Commercial Code of Uniform Goods, Services, Contract Law... Your Signature is your only trust. 9 Titles, Title One is you... Your Strawman means jack shit embed. Controls all Commerce World Wide... Is the NWO One World Zio Government... That is why their Talmudic Scriptures are original Globalist Texts, that describe Jesus/Caesar being burned to death in excrement, and how Cryptos are the only true humans that can kill Goyim...

So why is pf better?

So what makes Pfsense better than say Smoothwall or Untangle? Well this is a big argument, however here is my reasons. It comes down to iptables vs pf or packet filter – Pfsense uses pf.conf and Linux based Routers use Netfilter and iptables. iptables is faster, but isn’t as secure – it doesn’t do true stateful inspection and has had quite a number of bugs. iptables mighty be more flexible in certain circumstances (e.g. places in the IP stack that you can insert filtering rules), but the security appeals to me over the additional flexibility.

Back in 2009-2010 I saw a defcon about hacking routers with “DNS Rebinding” and in less than a months time Pfsense has contacted the man who gave the defcon presentation and mentioned they had fixed it. Many routers still do not even address this issue being that it’s actually flawed in DNS itself.

The major advantage that PF has over iptables is the separation of mechanism from the policy. iptables requires you enter rules through a CLI program with variable and convoluted arguments that require extra kernel modules. PF is a text format with a better parser – very powerful with a low overhead.


OpenBSD has had less than 2 security vulnerabilities in over 12 years with the default install. Ubuntu has a half a dozen a year and Windows OS, is even worse.

So many people actually make there own pf.conf firewalls with OpenBSD as they are even more secure. However, some would argue OpenBSD is not even an OS being the attack surface is to small to be considered an ‘Operating System’. So this is another option I wanted to share as it is a little better.



Source: README.md, updated 2020-08-10