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a41cv-0.93Readme.txt 2011-01-20 9.9 kB
a41cv-0.93.zip 2011-01-20 598.6 kB
readme-0.92.txt 2010-12-06 9.4 kB
a41cv-0.92.zip 2010-12-06 603.1 kB
a41cv.0.91.zip 2010-11-19 605.6 kB
releasenotes-0.91.txt 2010-11-19 9.1 kB
a41cv.0.90.zip 2010-11-02 606.0 kB
releasenotes-0-90.txt 2010-11-02 9.0 kB
Totals: 8 Items   2.5 MB 0
Release notes for a41CV

Version 0.93
New in this release:
  Now it is possible to edit the programme lines by clicking on them from
    Options - Programmes
  Has once again decreased the size of bitmaps for the small devices now to 60%
    of the original images please report if this fits on e.g. SE Xperia X10 Mini
  No debugger in this version - has to be partly rewritten after the editor has been 
Working on:
  First production version
  Testing, debugging and fixing errors
  Need to find the right size of bitmaps for small devices

In later version(s)
  Programme debugger
  Better file picker
  "Paper tape"

Version 0.92
New in this release:
  Nicer icon in option menu
  Size of buttons reduced from 70% to 65% in for low resolution display
Version 0.91
New in this release:
  Vibrate on click
  Options can be changed without restart of the calculator
Working on:
  Testing, debugging and fixing errors
  A programme debugger and editor  
Version 0.90
New in this release:
  SDEV working thanks to Trevor Marshall
  Some bugs fixed
  Main screen are now forced to be in portrait mode
  Problem with error when stating to enter a real number with a "." solved
  A very simple and somewhat limited programme debugger (if you turn on
    "Test new functionality" in the option menu)
Missing functionality not included in this beta version
  Following functions in "running programme" mode: PSE, PROMPT and Stop of programmes using R/S,
  Subroutines in programmes
  Program "editor": PRGM, DEL
  Following functions: ADV, APPEND, ASFH, CATALOG
  Definition of Sum registers
  Some of the flags with special meaning 20 - 55 (see

Version 0.81
New in this release:
  Just like 0.80 but have not been "zipalign"ed which should make the programme 
  start faster and use less memory but made the app unable to install.
  This version install on my Desire (update and clean install). 

Version 0.80 (first beta version)
New in this release:
  "Dot" notation CMD IND ST X/Y/Z/T/L and CMD ST X/Y/Z/T/L works from keyboard  
  EEX implemented
  FIX mode automatically change to SCI mode for large and small numbers
  Links and email address on about screen   
Missing functionality not included in this beta version
  Following functions in "running program" mode: PSE, PROMPT, Stop programs using R/S,
  Subroutines in programs
  Program "editor": PRGM, DEL
  Following functions: ADV, APPEND, ASFH, CATALOG, SDEV
  Definition of Sum registers
  Some flags with special meaning 20 - 55 (see
Working on:
  Testing and debugging 

Version 0.73 (last alpha version - hopefully)
New in this release:
  Problem in version 0.7 solved

Version 0.72 (last alpha version - hopefully)
New in this release:
  Error handling has been expanded to help locate error on HTC Incredible running
    Android v2.2 (Froyo)
  In all other respect just like version 0.7 

Version 0.71 (last alpha version - hopefully)
New in this release:
  Error handling has been expanded to help locate error on HTC Incredible running
    Android v2.2 (Froyo)
  A little not working "." notation
  In all other respect just like version 0.7 

Version 0.7 (last alpha version - hopefully)
New in this release:
  Bug fixes
  Database structure extended to hold complete programmes
  New Importer / Exporter handling real programmes (on csv format)
  Indirect addressing in programmes
  COPY (load programme on csv format from \mnt\sdcard\a41)
  CLD, AVIEW, VIEW, CLP, RND, SCI, FIX and ENG implemented
  Last-x stack problem solved
  a41 can now be installed on SDCard when running on Android 2.2
  In ALPHA mode: Access to ASTO and ARCL
  Flags 11 to 20 volatile - not stored (should they be and cleared when calc turned off?)
  Flag 28 (decimal point) and 28 (digit grouping) implemented
  "." working in programmes
  Now STO+/-/*// is ST+/-/*// as it should be  
(Known) missing functionality:
  Entering numbers using EEX
  "." options from keyboard
  Following functions in "running program" mode: PSE, PROMPT, Stop part of R/S, Subroutines
Missing functionality not planned to include in first beta version
  Program "editor": PRGM, DEL
  Following functions: ADV, APPEND, ASFH, CATALOG, SDEV
  Definition of Sum registers
  Some flags with special meaning 20 - 55 (http://www.greendyk.nl/hp41c-manual/index.html)
Working on:
  "." commands from keyboard

Version 0.65
New in this release:
  Angular modes implemented
  Database extended to store programs
  Execution of build in programs (XEQ, R/S, GTO, LBL, SST, BST, ISG, DSE, Flag functions
  and tests implemented) 
  The following functions: PACK (no need to do anything), AON, AOFF, X≠Y?, X≠0?
  Configuration screen where messages can be turned on / off
  Four test programmes build into the calculator
  Simple programmes can be exported and imported
  List, show, delete and (simple) export of programmes
  Following functions in "running program" mode: PSE, PROMPT
  Program "editor": PRGM, DEL, CLP
  Formatting modes: FIX, SCI, ENG, EEX
  In ALPHA mode: Access to ASTO and ARCL
  Definition of Sum registers
Difference to HP41:
  In ALPHA mode: Always in editing mode
  No long press show function and regret
  A few special characters from the HP41 are missing(?)
  By now only register 0 to 20, alpha register 0 to 20 and flag 0 to 10
  Number of programmes only limited by phone memory
Version 0.6
New in this release:
  Application name changed to a41CV
  All non programming functions implemented
  All boolean functions implemented
  User mode and ASN implemented (based on informations in database)
  SQLite database control needed and possible arguments possible indirect addressing
  All functions moved to separate class to be used in programming mode also
  Need more testing of functions
  ISG, DSG, DEG, GRA, RAD angle modes and FIX, SCI, ENG formatting modes
Working on:
  Missing functions

Version 0.56

New in this release:
  Database with functions implemented including indexes.
  Ready for Localization. Is now working in English and Danish. To get it in your language
  (and your name on the about form ;-) ) translate the res/values/string.xml file and send
  it to me
Working on:
  Are currently rewriting the part of the program that reads the pressed keys and 
  transform the to numbers, functions and arguments.
  Are also working on the math infrastructure to allow later programming.
Version 0.55

New in this release:
  SF, CF and FS? implemented, flags are stored on exit.
  SQLite database with all HP41 functions, arguments, description, key assignment
  and development status has been implemented. Will later be used for programs.
  Help implemented (but TableView does not work).
Solved in this version:
  No known bugs in implemented functions. If you find them report them.
Working on:
  Implementation of more functions, ASN and USER, bind help to CATALOG function.
Following calculation functionality is now implemented:
  See help.  
  See help ;-)

Version 0.5
  Were it not for the missing programming and user functionalities android41
  would now be in beta mode.
Solved in this version
  All registers are now stored on exit.
Working on
  Started to implement a SQLite database to hold user defined keys and to
  be used for help, CATALOG, and implement status
Following calculation functionality is now implemented
  +, -, *, /, %, 1/x, SQRT, X^2, sin, asin, co, acos, tan, atan,
  shift, Enter, bck, clx/a, Rdown, switch x & y, y^x, log, 10^x,
  ln, e^x, phi, Sum functions (Sum+, Sum-, ClrSum), STO and RCL, ABS,
  The following functions not on keys are now implemented and available using
  the XEQ key CLST, CLRG, FRC, INT, MOD, X=Y?, X<=Y?, X>Y?, X=0?, LASTX, SF,
  CF and FS?
  x, p->r, r->p, cos, sin and tag functions works in radians not degrees

Version 0.2c
Following calculation functionality is now implemented
  +, -, *, /, %, 1/x, SQRT, X^2, sin, asin, co, acos, tan, atan,
  shift, Enter, bck, clx/a, Rdown, switch x & y, y^x, log, 10^x,
  ln, e^x, phi, Sum functions (Sum+, Sum-, ClrSum), STO and RCL, ABS,
  The following functions not on keys are now implemented and available using
  the XEQ key CLST, CLRG, FRC, INT, MOD 
  x, p->r, r->p, cos, sin and tag functions works in radians not degrees
Solved in this version
  STO and RCL now works not indirect addressing but using register number or
  key A to J (as 01 to 10)

Version 0.2b
Following calculation functionality is now implemented
  +, -, *, /, %, 1/x, SQRT, X^2, sin, asin, cos, acos, tan, atan,
  shift, Enter, bck, clx/a, Rdown, switch x & y, y^x, log, 10^x,
  ln, e^x, phi, Sum functions (Sum+, Sum-, ClrSum), STO and RCL 
  last x, p->r, r->p, cos, sin and tag functions works in radians not degrees
Solved in this version
  Layout errors fixed
  Some errors in the math functions fixed
  A little Danish translated to English

Version 0.1a
Now works on devices of different resolution.
Tested on HTC Tatoo
Same basic functionality as version 0.1

Version 0.1
First version only works on medium resolution devices
Following functionality implemented
  +, -, *, /, %, 1/x, SQRT, X^2, sin, asin, co, acos, tan, atan,
  shift, Enter, bck, clx/a, Rdown, switch x & y
  When debug = true the stack is displayed on screen
  Sum functions (Sum+, Sum-, ClrSum), y^x, log, 10^x,
  ln, e^x, phi, last x, p->r, r->p, STO, RCL
Source: a41cv-0.93Readme.txt, updated 2011-01-20