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README.md 2019-03-13 1.0 kB
AMASPArduinoLib0.9.1.zip 2019-03-13 241.6 kB
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AMASP Arduino Library

This library implements the AMASP (ASCII Master/Slave Protocol) for Arduino boards, a simple way to exchange messages between two computers using serial communication.

AMASP is free and uses four different packets:


MRP - Master Request Packet CEP - Communication Error Packet


SRP - Slave Response Packet SIP - Slave Interruption Packet CEP - Communication Error Packet

The protocol is transparent to the user that only needs to use the AMASP Arduino Library functions to implement his own applications. See the examples codes!

AMASPArduinoLib is under test and improvements, if you have any problem using it, please send a mail to the author (Spanish, Portuguese or English) adelai@gmail.com.

Contributors will be welcome!

Wants to design an AMASP library to other platforms? Be my guest!

Documentation about AMASP available here: https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2019.1


Andre L. Delai adelai@gmail.com

Enjoy, it's free! :)

Source: README.md, updated 2019-03-13