Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
releases 2023-03-21
README.md 2023-03-21 1.9 kB
altbutton.zip 2023-03-21 14.7 MB
Totals: 3 Items   14.7 MB 1


Stay On Top Window Switcher for Windows

This little utility just adds buttons for each window that you would like to switch to. The buttons stay on top so you can quickly activate a session rather than relying on Alt+Tab.

This is a "lite" version of EQButtons, a fast Alt+Tab replacement for Everquest.

Icons used in AltButton are produced by Icons8.


Just unzip the latest altbutton.zip file and run the altbutton.exe inside.


Run your EQ sessions first and then start eqbuttons. If you add sessions later, you can either shutdown eqbuttons and reload or run the File->Reload Processes menu option and the sessions will reload. You will then need to name your sessions if you use that feature.

Malware/Antivirus Warning

Some offbrand malware/viruscheckers have flagged EQButtons as potential malware. It is a false positive based on the tool I use to create an executable. Since it is a few oddball checkers with the issue I don't see any point in wasting my time trying to convince them it is not. If you are interested in why the issue exists, google "pyinstaller malware false positive".

I just wanted to point out that: 1. yes, I am aware of the issue. 2. no, I probably won't do anything to fix it. And 3. if you are not comfortable running it, I understand. Don't run software you are not comfortable running.

I will say that sourceforge (the site you are on to get the file) does scan for virii and malware on all files downloaded. You can view detals of that here: Does SourceForge have malware?.


2023/02/03 0.01 First Release

Source: README.md, updated 2023-03-21