Home / v0.3.0
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AgentPilot_0.3.0_Windows_Portable.zip 2024-07-04 99.4 MB
README.md 2024-07-04 2.5 kB
Release 0.3.0 source code.tar.gz 2024-07-04 5.7 MB
Release 0.3.0 source code.zip 2024-07-04 5.7 MB
AgentPilot_0.3.0_Linux_Portable.tar.xz 2024-07-03 146.6 MB
Totals: 5 Items   257.4 MB 0

DO NOT USE Every Prompt block will be executed each time an OI agent is loaded, wasting tokens.

It's been a while since the last release, this update might be a bit disappointing as it's not as complete as I wanted to get it. Most of my time has been spent on the architecture, allowing nested workflows, and dynamic GUI settings depending on the plugin. Aswell as the below, I wanted to get vector stores, memory and files/images supported with this release, but they just aren't ready yet.

There's a few new bugs, but I'll get those fixed, I'd recommend not trying to make nested workflows yet, as it's not finished, but saving a multi-agent workflow as a single entity is fine. A nested workflow would be a multi-member workflow where any of the members is another multi-member workflow

I've had to strip out crewai for now because of a langchain dependency issue.

What's new?

Added anonymous telemetry, enabled by default, the only thing sent right now is an event when the app is started, to get an idea of user count.

Added member list to workflow Button to disable autorun for granular execution Added circular reference error Button to show/hide hidden messages New workflow components User - Add your input mid workflow Tool - Get the output of a tool Members aligned vertically are run asynchronously Added 'Waiting for ..' bar to groups

New Open Interpreter fully integrated Added auto-run code secs field Plugins can override the GUI settings (Agent & Workflow) OpenAI Assistants are streamable and support branching chats Added Plugins settings pages

Nested workflows (unfinished, be careful) Added Sandboxes page (initially only local) Tools can use any of the 9 languages that OI supports

Display theme presets Providers & models update Blocks can now be Text, Prompt or Code

Made fields optional ('max messages', 'max turns') Max turns work with branching chats

NEW KNOWN ISSUES: Changing the config of an OpenAI Assistant won't reload the assistant, for now close and reopen the chat. Some others Be careful using auto run code and open interpreter, any chat you open, if code is the last message it will start auto running, I'll add a flag to remember if the countdown has been stopped. Logs are broken and need reimplementing. Flickering when response is generating and scrolled up the page. Sometimes the scroll position of the chat page jumps after response has finished. Windows exe must have console visible or it affects the streams

Source: README.md, updated 2024-07-04