Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
ADSBET2.zip 2015-08-05 538.7 kB
README.txt 2015-08-05 3.9 kB
Totals: 2 Items   542.6 kB 0
a. SBS Energy-terms in general [kcal/mol] and normalized [kcal/mol/bond] format									
   Only the LATER is comparable among SBSs and hence help for their statictical analyses									
b. Combines energy terms in NSBS and ISBS format 									
   NSBS-> Networked SBS forms - 1:2 [dimer], 1:3 [trimer] etc;									
   NSBS types-> ie base-networked SBS and acid networked SBS  									
   ISBS- Isolated SBS form - 1:1 form[monomer] 									
g. Accessible surface area ie ASA in NSBS and ISBS form; 
   the program uses SURFACE-RACER [option 4] /POPS [option 5] /NACCESS option 6]									
h. ddGprot [hence ddGnet] in two categories based on source of charges									
   ddGprot-I: partial charges due to all-sides [Nayek et al, 2014]									
   ddGprot-II: Partial charges due to acidic and basic residues [Kumar and Nussinov, 1999]									
k. two models for interacting side-chains:									
   Model-1: As in ADSBET [Nayek et al, 2015	]								
   Model-2: A New additional model [the most popular and well adapted one]	
Nayek A, Sen Gupta PS, Banerjee S, Sur VP, Das S, Seth, P, Islam RNU and Bandyopadhyay AK*;
APBS Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver; Version 1.4.1								
	1] Baker NA, Sept D, Joseph S, Holst MJ, McCammon JA. Electrostatics of nanosystems:								
	application to microtubules and the ribosome. PNAS USA 98, 10037-10041 2001.								
    2] Dolinsky TJ, Nielsen JE, McCammon JA, Baker NA. PDB2PQR: an automated pipeline for								
	the setup, execution, and analysis of Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatics calculations.								
	Nucleic Acids Research 32 W665-W667 2004
	3] A Program for Analyses of Salt-Bridges from Multiple Structure Files,								
	Parth Sarthi Sen Gupta, Sudipta Mondal, Buddhadev Mondal, Rifat Nawaz Ul Islam,								
	Shyamashree Banerjee & Amal K Bandyopadhyay								
	Bioinformation 10 03: 164-166 2014																	
   4] Analyses of Salt Bridges from Multiple Structure Files, Version 2								
	Parth Sarthi Sen Gupta, Arnab Nayek, Shyamashree Banerjee1, Pratyay Seth,								
	Sunit Das, Vishma Pratap Sur, & Amal K Bandyopadhyay								
	Bioinformation 11 01: 39-42 2015								

1. download ADSBET2, from source-forge and unzip in a folder where RCSB-PDB files are present
2. open cygwin (32 bit) B-SHELL or C-SHELL prompt
3. type ./ADSBET2.exe [enter] and follow instruction there

NOTE: The program is supplied with one pdb file i.e. 1DOI.pdb
thus user can immediately run the program with the supplied file
Other-programs to be installed in mentioned directory for functioning of the program
apbs.exe - download from [ http://sourceforge.net/projects/apbs/files/apbs/apbs-1.4.0/ ] and 
           install in "./afp/apbs" dir
pdb2pqr  - download from [ http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdb2pqr/files/pdb2pqr/pdb2pqr-1.9.0/  ] and
           install in "./afp/pqr" dir 
NACCESS  - for ASA by naccess method, instruction in web-page: [http://www.bioinf.manchester.ac.uk/naccess/]
           working instruction in mentioned in README-NACCESS (present in ./afp/naccess)
For any query/difficulty/suggestion-for-improvement please contact:
Source: README.txt, updated 2015-08-05