
Does PMC Actually Look at Contributions?

  • Christians, Stefan Mr.

    When looking at the contributions tracker, it seems that lately the only contributions being integrated into trunk are those where committers announce the contribution, assign it to themselves, and a few hours later commit it to trunk themselves.

    I wonder whether the PMC is actually looking at contributions made by those not belonging to the "inner circle"?

    Of course the PMC is very busy now with the switch to Mercurial, but there are actually only two contributions which were made after the switch.

    I also find it interesting that the comments I received to my contributions are all from people who had a big role in kicking off Adempiere in the first place, but are now no longer involved in the PMC.

    Is the contribution tracker the right way to contribute? Obviously not. But then how can we add our contributions to Adempiere?

    There is so much conflicting information on the Wiki, it is impossible to understand for newcomers how to submit their contributions.
    Now that the new “Software Development Procedure” has been adopted on 2010-11-29, it would be great if those responsible could clean up the Wiki so that there are clear, unambiguous and undisputed guidelines to follow.

    And such guidelines should also consider those contributors who are not “Developers working in Development Branch” (as clearly addressed in the Software Development Procedure).

    As for the contributions which have already been submitted, when will they be integrated by the PMC?

  • Ramiro Vergara

    Ramiro Vergara - 2011-02-09


    We have started discussion on finding good examples of  developments to test the process to include them into the ADempiere stable releases.

    This is an excellent prospect, considering the high added value to test the process. I will personally include it in the discussion in the PMC



  • Enrique Ruibal

    Enrique Ruibal - 2011-02-09


    This is very good news. Please let me know if/how I can be of further help towards accomplishing this goal.


    Enrique Ruibal

  • karsten-thiemann

    Hi Enrique,

    I already added this to the agenda of todays PMC meeting.

    Best regards,
    Karsten Thiemann

  • Enrique Ruibal

    Enrique Ruibal - 2011-02-10

    Hello Karsten,

    Excellent news, as Ramiro said and I believe it too, this is a very good prospect to be included in the next ADempiere stable release.


    Enrique Ruibal

  • Christians, Stefan Mr.

    Of course I am very happy about all the attention my migration contribution is suddenly getting, and would be really pleased if it is included in the next stable release.
    But that was actually not the purpose of this thread.

    From above discussion, I consider my questions being answered as follows:

    Evidently, the PMC members are looking at and evaluating the various contributions.
    Thank you very much.

    The PMC is currently developing/testing a new process or method to include contributions into Adempiere.
    As stated in the original post, I hope that will result in the Wiki being cleaned up and clear guidelines about how to contribute being published.

    Once that process is in place, contributions can be included in Adempiere more rapidly.

    Is this understanding correct?



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