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Invoices lite
Untar the package whereever you like to. There will be one directory named src unpacked.
There is one directory named .accounting-lite under src. This need to be moved to your home directory.
It includes the executable named invoces, which you can put were you like to.
Invoices is depending on cgui 2.1.0 which is in turn depending on allegro 4.4.2. The lib-file of cgui
is located in src/dependencies (with name libcgui.so) so you need to move it to some suitable location, ususally
/usr/local/lib/. The lib file of allegro (src/dependencies/liballeg.so.4.4.2) can also be moved to the same location, 
in which case you also need to plant a soft link from liballeg.so to liballeg.so.4.4.2. Alternatively you can install
allegro using the software manager.
NOTE! These libraries and the executable are liked using glibc 2.19. If you have another version of glibc they might 
not work properly. In that case you need to build it all from sources. Do like this:
- Download allegro development package (from the web or from the software manager).
- Build and install allegro ("make" and "sudo make install").
- Download cgui from the web (sourceforge).
- Build and install cgui following the instructions in the package.
- Install Code::Blocks ide if you dont already have it.
- Start the Code::Blocks ide and open the project file located in src/invoice/invoice/invoice.cbp
- Build invoices-lite using the Build menu.
- The executable can be found in the directory src/invoice/invoice/bin/branch/release/

Invoices-lite is also depending on the convert program which is included in the package imagemagic which 
is available in your software manager.
Finally you need to have a pdf-reader installed to get viewable invoices. By default evince is assumed, 
but you can choose some other from the invoices settings menu.

The application language is by default Swedish. You can change this to English by changeing "se" to "en" 
in the file .accounting-lite/accounting/allegro.cfg.
Invoices-lite makes it possible for you to fulfill the requirements of invoices in Swedish laws.
I don't know if there are additional requirements of the contents of invoices in other countries.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2019-01-11